fake prince

Chapter 712

Chapter 712

"The person passing by is the same disaster star that Zhou Yao mentioned, what a coincidence?"

"If that person is the disaster star, does this mean that the disaster star is a demon?"

"A big demon came to the capital, what is the plan? Will it affect the court?"

"The King of Qi has always colluded with the demon clan. Could it be that this mysterious monster is also part of the King Qi's party?"

Along with the small statue, there was also a piece of information sent to Su Ziji's collection. The content was not much, just a few strokes. It stated the time when it arrived in the capital and where it went now.

"Qingyuan Temple?" Seeing the familiar name, Su Ziji felt even more uneasy.

Qingyuan Temple is not an ordinary temple, it is the place where Bianxuan stayed. Given Bianxuan's status in Fanmen, Qingyuan Temple's status can be seen.

This big monster actually has something to do with Qingyuan Temple, could it be that Qingyuan Temple also wants to step in to help King Qi?

Su Ziji thought about this, stood up suddenly, and ordered involuntarily: "In this case, let's go to Qingyuan Temple immediately!"

"Chirp!" At this moment, the little fox suddenly rushed to Su Ziji's feet, raised his head and yelled twice.

"Want to go out?" Su Ziji was much more familiar with it now, looking down at it and asked.


"Then let's go out together, but I'm going to Qingyuan Temple, you can only stay outside, you know?" Su Ziji whispered as he motioned for the little fox to jump into his arms and carried it to the car Admonish: "Don't let the monk inside find out."


The little fox understood that it was going to go out to relax. There have been a lot of Taoist priests in the capital recently, and Su Ziji no longer allowed him to go out with the big fox casually, and he had to stop for a while.

The big fox is a house, as long as he has food and drink, he can stay still for a few days, but the little fox can't stay idle, no, after only a few days in the mansion, he is almost bored and crazy.

Following Su Ziji into the bullock cart, the little fox chirped twice at Su Ziji. Although Su Ziji was familiar with it, he didn't really speak fox language. He lowered the fox's head and said, "Let me ask you, if you guess right, you nod your head? If you don't guess right, you shake your head?"

"Chirp!" The little fox nodded.

"Did you come out because you were bored?"

The little fox nodded, but then shook his head again.

"You are going out today, did you find anything?"

The little fox nodded again.

Su Ziji pondered for a while: "That's right. Although the little fox is restless, he was able to stay in the mansion honestly a few days ago. There is no reason why I just met the crow today, and the little fox just met the crow." Want to get out."

He continued to ask: "Because a big demon entered the capital?"

"Chirp!" This time the little fox not only nodded, but also very excitedly gestured to Su Ziji with his paw.

"It didn't come well?" Su Ziji tried to understand the little fox's movement language.

"Chirp!" The little fox nodded again.

As the current owner of Qingqiu, although the little fox has not become a big demon, it now has Qingqiu's treasure in its body, and it will sense it as soon as the big monster enters the capital.

But because it was not proficient in the application of the treasure, it still didn't understand what it meant at that time, until it smelled a faint evil spirit on Su Ziji.

The demonic aura was so light that even a Taoist priest might not be able to detect it, so it probably wasn't direct contact, but when he thought that the big demon who came to Beijing was very close to Su Ziji, the little fox became worried about it.

It and the big fox are all too aware of the difference in Su Ziji, this is a person who can continuously produce golden olives!

Although I am not a big monster, as long as I continue to eat, I will become a big monster sooner or later.

Such a person, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure, if it is discovered by other big monsters, with her and Qingqiu's current strength, how can it be possible to protect Su Ziji?

Su Ziji was being targeted by the other party, which would be troublesome.

"Hmph, no matter if it is malicious or not, I will consider it evil anyway, kill it, find a way to kill it!" With this kind of mentality, the little fox wants to follow, in order to play the role of guard , and find an opportunity to encourage Su Ziji to kill it.

The distance is not too far, after some communication, we will soon arrive at Qingyuan Temple, Su Ziji saw it, stopped the ox cart, and said to the little fox, "You wait for me outside."

Although both big and small foxes are very useful, Qingyuan Temple is not suitable for small foxes.

"Chirp!" The little fox nodded obediently and jumped down.

Because there were no passers-by at the parking spot, the little fox that landed on the ground disappeared from sight after a few vertical jumps.

"Let's go." Su Ziji said to the driver.

When they arrived at Qingyuan Temple, the gate of the temple was closed, Su Ziji stepped forward and knocked on the knocker.

Following a squeak, a young monk poked his head out and saw a stranger knocking on the door, so he quickly stood up, clapped his hands together and saluted Su Ziji, apologetically saying, "This benefactor, I'm really sorry, Qingyuan." The temple does not accept pilgrims these days."

"I'm not here to offer incense, I'm Ji Zizong, and I'm here to see you Master Bianxuan." Su Ziji said with a smile: "You report it, and he will know."

Ji Zizong?

The little monk is really unfamiliar with this name. Although the whole capital is gossiping about Dai Guogong and the second king, the pilgrims who came to burn incense in the temple a few days ago had some discussions, but they are all called Dai Guogong, which is bestowed by the emperor. The name, but not many ordinary people can remember it.

The little monk sized him up curiously, then lowered his head, and said in a childish voice, "Please wait a moment, I'm going to find Uncle Bianxuan!"

With that said, go back and report.

Su Ziji came to Qingyuan Temple to find out the truth, instead of wandering around under the noses of others, it would be better to come to visit Bianxuan openly and ask about things by the way.

After all, with his current status, it is unnecessary and impossible to conceal his identity in this kind of place.

After a while, following a burst of footsteps from far to near, the mountain gate of Qingyuan Temple was opened from left to right, with the spring breeze blowing on his face making people feel comfortable, Bianxuan came out with a smile on his face, and bowed to Su Ziji: "Poor!" The monk has seen Duke Dai!"

Su Ziji gave him a hand, and smiled: "You and I are friends, why bother to be polite?"

But Bianxuan insisted on completing the ceremony, straightened up, and also smiled: "This moment, that moment."

After finishing speaking, the two people's eyes met, and their smiles became stronger by two points.

"Please." Bianxuan made a gesture and invited Su Ziji into the temple.

The mountain gate closed again behind him, Su Ziji couldn't help asking: "Aren't you receiving pilgrims for these two days?"

Qingyuan Temple is a well-known Buddhist temple in the capital. It usually has a lot of incense, and it is not ordinary people who come and go. If it is behind closed doors, things are not small.

Could it be related to the big demon?

Bian Xuan replied: "Yes."

But he didn't explain why he didn't receive pilgrims.

Su Ziji didn't ask any more questions, but when he asked, the answer he got was that the monks in the monastery had to do their homework together and didn't care about receiving pilgrims.

(End of this chapter)

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