fake prince

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

Just as he was about to change the subject and say something else, Su Ziji's eyes suddenly stopped and he landed on a small spiritual pagoda not far away.

This pagoda is only about three stories high. It is made of stone, and its height is actually half a person's height. It is not considered magnificent in the group of pagodas. What really attracted Su Ziji's attention was the name of this pagoda.

There is a famous name on the pagoda, which is not very conspicuous. You can only see it if you look carefully. There are only four words: Yuqing Spirit Pagoda.

"This is?" After carefully looking at the name, Su Ziji couldn't help but think about the dead Mr. Lin Guo, and couldn't help looking at Bianxuan with a slightly surprised expression.

Bianxuan looked at the pagoda, and after a long time said calmly, "It's just what Duke Dai guessed."

"Although he has a lot of bad things, he can be regarded as licentiousness, but he was my friend. I have no other skills. All I can do is to collect the bones and pray for my old friend in private."

Lin Yuqing's head was taken back by Su Ziji, and the body was also thrown on the river bank. Later, Lin Guo didn't even ask, and none of his friends collected the bones for him. Only Bianxuan collected the bones for Lin Yuqing, and in private Built a small spiritual pagoda and often prayed for blessings?

This did surprise Su Ziji, but when he thought about it carefully, even though Bianxuan was acting for the sect, when making friends, he might have indeed used some sincerity.

The highest level of deception is that you have even deceived yourself. You used to be able to make a lot of friends, and you can talk about chess and poetry with people like Mr. Lin Guo. How can you not see it?

Looking at the Little Spirit Pagoda, Su Ziji also remembered what happened that day.

Lin Yuqing, the son of Lin Guo, although he is the son of a country, was sent to Dazheng to do meticulous work, and even had to use his body as a bargaining chip to obtain information and expand contacts. To do this, he is no longer a chess player , but just a sad pawn.

That day, he was the one who cut off Lin Yuqing's head, but it was Lin Guo who really forced Lin Yuqing to death.

Thinking of these, Su Ziji also sighed with emotion: "It is indeed this moment and that moment."

This was said by Bianxuan, and now Su Ziji said it again, the two people are not the same thing, but they are both smart people, and they both know what they mean.

Once upon a time, Mr. Lin Guo worked hard, and finally caught his father's attention, allowed him to return to the country, and gave him a chance to win the heir. , can be regarded as "small".

Not to mention the great king, he is the heir apparent of Lin Guo, who is actually above the prince.

Mr. Lin Guo must have been in high spirits for a while, but at that time, Su Ziji was still a concubine, and he was just a juror.

But now, Mr. Lin Guo is dead, but he is alive, and he has become the Duke of Dai.

It really is this moment and that moment.

"I am here this time, one is to visit your friend, and the other is to visit the Layman's Garden." Su Ziji said as he walked.

Now that his identity is clear and his request is made clear, Liangqingyuan Temple dare not refuse.

Bianxuan looked at Su Ziji, and smiled: "Then let me accompany you, and accompany Dai Guogong to visit the old place again, okay?"

"Of course it's great!"

While speaking, he walked to the small courtyard where he lived naturally. Su Ziji looked up for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Is this place still rented?"

Bianxuan clasped his palms together: "A Layman Zhou lives here."

"That's a pity." Su Ziji sighed, and touched the door lightly as if nostalgic. As soon as he put his hand on the door, he fell into a trance.

What I saw in front of me was Ye Buhui's face, she was smiling but sad, her lips seemed to be moving, she was talking about something, then her face was broken, Su Ziji was startled, his own person was still standing outside the gate of the small courtyard, But the consciousness seems to have come to a very far away space.

In the clear sky, a golden crow with radiant brilliance all over its body rushed towards a dragon with lightning speed.

A bird and a dragon fight each other for a long time.

Amidst the sharp cry, the Jinwu suddenly opened its mouth, pecked and bit down fiercely, and then tore it... Hiss!

In reality, Su Ziji gasped and woke up suddenly.

Fortunately, his reaction was fairly quick, and he quickly covered up his gaffe.

I heard Bian Xuan still say: "There are still courtyards nearby that are vacant. If you need them, Dai Guogong can clean up a courtyard for you."

It turned out that only a moment passed in reality?

Su Ziji's heart was still beating, and he collected himself: "I don't need it for now, but I will tell you if I need it later."

In fact, with Su Ziji's current status, how could he need to rent a house in Qingyuan Temple Layman's Garden?

Both of them knew it was impossible, and Bianxuan might have guessed that Su Ziji had sensed something when he arrived suddenly this time, but neither of them pierced through this layer of paper.

I didn't stay here for long, and went for a walk elsewhere.

Su Ziji turned around and walked away as if he really stopped by to see a friend.

After sending Su Ziji out of the mountain gate, Bianxuan was still standing there, watching Su Ziji get on the bullock cart and go away, Fang looked away and turned back.

In the bullock cart, Su Ziji sat cross-legged, recalling the scene just now, and slowly clenched his hands.

"Calamity Star, Golden Crow Fighting Dragon, King Qi!"

"And Ye Buhui's expression." Su Ziji's uneasiness suddenly increased several times: "Could it be that this demon came to Beijing to help the King of Qi, and it may cause harm to Buhui?"

"Chirp!" At this moment, a fox yelled from the side of the road, and the curtain of the car was lifted, and the fox rushed up, and chirped at Su Ziji as soon as it came up.

Su Ziji couldn't help but look at it a few more times because of that panicked look. After thinking about it, he took out a dictionary from a hidden drawer of the bullock cart and handed it to the little fox.

The little fox was panicked and his fur was blown up, but when he saw Su Ziji pull out a dictionary from the hidden compartment, his nose almost crooked in anger.

It quickly pulled out a few words with its claws, and pointed at the words: "Why didn't you take it out just now!"

Su Ziji touched his nose: "Forgot."

"Chirp!" The little fox jumped up angrily.

But fortunately, it still remembered what was the most important thing, and continued to flip through the dictionary angrily, pointing again.

Su Ziji snorted, and said, "The big monster almost noticed? So, the big monster was nearby?"

As I was talking, I felt a bullock cart passing by, and saw the little fox's hair blown up again. Needless to say, sitting in the bullock cart in the past should have been picked up by the little fox. The big monster who arrived.

Su Ziji's expression turned cold, and he licked his lips thoughtfully, with a fishy sweetness between his teeth.

"It seems that Jushi Zhou, who lives in the small courtyard where I used to live, is undoubtedly the big monster I have seen, and it is likely to be bad for me and Bugui."

"Could it be that my raising soldiers was exposed by it?" Su Ziji became suspicious at once: "This is very possible."

"Even if it wasn't for this, if it was not regretting being seen by it and revealing my identity as a Taoist, I would absolutely not be able to bear it."

"Maybe it's because of my suspicion that a dark ghost is born, and the suspect stole the axe, but other than that, there is no other reason that can bring me a big crisis."

"Xiaobai, you have to protect her from now on. I will let her stay at home. Don't let the big monster get close."


"How much time? Not much time, I will solve it." For a moment, Su Ziji narrowed his eyes, and there was murderous intent in his eyes. He patted the fox's head: "You may not understand, but people in this world always There are things that I would rather be guilty of, but also do."

Rather kill the wrong, don't let go.

(End of this chapter)

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