fake prince

Chapter 719 Purple Ximing

Chapter 719 Purple Ximing

Outside the city·Xinpingguan

The Taoist temple that was given to Princess Xinping looked magnificent from a distance, and when you entered, Zhou Yao couldn't help but sigh with emotion because of the environment that was different from ordinary Taoist temples and more like a princess' courtyard.

After all, it is a princess, even if she enters the Taoist sect and becomes a female crown, there is no lack of enjoyment.

"Miss Zhou, please come this way." The maid leading the way is also a female crown, but she speaks softly, walks lightly, and is very strict in her words and deeds. Apart from her attire, she is actually no different from the maids in the princess mansion.

Zhou Yao followed quietly, walked through the main hall, walked through the corridor for a while, and came to a courtyard, and finally met the person she wanted to meet this time.

Princess Xinping's raven hair was tied high and fixed on the top of her head with a white jade headdress. A few strands of hair hung down her cheeks. Her fair neck became more slender because of the tied hair. Looking at the curve of a dozen steps away, it's like looking at a bird with a beautiful neck.

But when the princess who was pruning the flower branches stood up and looked at her, the bright eyes of the sun dilute the wandering of the people outside, and immediately restore the feeling of being a rich crabapple.

"Zhou Yao has met the princess." Zhou Yao went over and bowed down.

Princess Xinping said casually, "Get up."

"Hey, it's really hard for you to come to see me, and there is no one else here except you."

Princess Xinping, standing among the flowers, really answered that sentence, she is more beautiful than flowers.

Zhou Yao withdrew her gaze and smiled: "Princess was joking, it's not because other people don't come to see you, so I dare not bother you."

"Oh? So, you dare now?"

Princess Xinping finally became a little interested. She focused all her attention on Zhou Yao and raised her eyebrows: "I heard that you are here to give me a gift. What kind of gift is it? Present it to Ben Gong to see."

Zhou Yao has long been used to the attitude towards Princess Xinping, she smiled and looked behind her, and came in with her. The maid was holding a long box in her hand, which looked like calligraphy and painting.

Taking the box from the maidservant who stepped forward, Zhou Yao swung at the princess.

The maid who led her over just now took it and passed it to Princess Xinping.

Princess Xinping asked the maid to hold the box, she opened it, and took out a volume of framed paintings from inside, which she unfolded casually. Not necessarily.

But when he saw this, his eyes immediately lit up.

The painting was a picture of a begonia, and two lines of poems were written in familiar handwriting, which made Princess Xinping's nose sour and almost shed tears.

"The miasma and vegetation in the mountains, only the famous flowers are bitter and lonely."

"Smiling sweetly, among the bamboo fences, peaches and plums are everywhere, always vulgar."

"I also know that creation has a deep meaning, so I sent the beautiful woman in the empty valley."

"Natural wealth and honor give birth to beauty, don't wait for a golden plate to recommend a luxurious house."

But in front of Zhou Yao, in front of her maid, in front of her own maid, Princess Xinping didn't want to lose her composure, and tried to suppress the mixed feelings, but her eyes were almost unblinkingly staring at the calligraphy and painting, that kind of Emotions cannot be concealed at all.

Zhou Yao's expression was slightly complicated, she sighed secretly, and lowered her eyes and said: "This is my new calligraphy and painting, I know the princess likes it, so this time I come here, I will bring it here and give it to the princess."

"The ancients said that the crabapple blossoms are like brocades, and the flowers are chic. They are famous for their gorgeous demeanor, fairy-like temperament and wealth. I don't want to paint crabapples on behalf of the state. They are better than real flowers." Xinpingjing looked obsessively at this pair of calligraphy and painting. Sigh.

But when the feeling of joy gradually became less uncontrollable, and he was as smart as Xinping, he immediately realized that Zhou Yao's coming this time might have other meanings.

Especially since she came with Su Ziji's calligraphy and painting, could it be that she wanted something?

"This is not a place to talk, you can talk while walking with me." Princess Xinping reluctantly put the calligraphy and painting back into the box, and ordered the maid to send the calligraphy and painting to the collection room for storage.

The maid who followed Zhou Yao followed from a distance, only Zhou Yao and Princess Xinping were nearby, and Princess Xinping asked directly: "You are here this time, because you are the Duke of Dai?"

Zhou Yao didn't expect Princess Xinping to be so perceptive, but since she asked this question, she couldn't hide it, so she nodded, "Yes."

"He asked you to come to me? Asked you to send me calligraphy and painting?" Princess Xinping stared at her closely and asked, her voice trembling a little.

Zhou Yao didn't seem to notice her trembling voice at all, and shook her head slightly: "Duke Dai just mentioned you, Princess, and said that he could ask me a few scriptures..."

"Tao Sutra?" Princess Xinping was stunned, and slowly slowed down her pace. She was originally a smart person, so she hesitated: "You follow me."

Since Su Ziji asked Zhou Yao to come to him, he wouldn't just let her see if he was doing well. That cruel person always has a purpose in doing things, maybe for that Taoist book?

But why not give it directly to Zhou Yao, but let Zhou Yao get it by herself?Princess Xinping couldn't figure it out, and didn't bother to think deeply.

The royal family has everything that one expects to find. What she pays attention to in this booklet is Su Ziji's pen, and she really doesn't pay much attention to the content.

Seeing Princess Xinping signaling for herself to follow, Zhou Yao thought of Su Ziji's hint, so she followed.

Going straight into Princess Xinping's bedroom, she took out a booklet from under the pillow and handed it over, casually saying, "This is it."

Zhou Yao had no choice but to take the booklet, and politely opened a page to look at it. She didn't see anything, and the mysterious voice in her body suddenly screamed.

"Quickly read!" she hurriedly urged.

Zhou Yao was startled by this attitude, her long crow-feathered eyelashes were pressed down, casting a light shadow in front of her eyes, she watched and muttered in her heart.

As Zhou Yao recited every sentence, she felt that at this moment, she seemed to sink to a certain level, and her whole body was wrapped in a mass of gentle water vapor, which was rising and falling with the water vapor, constantly absorbing, and there was also a certain amount of water in her body. A force is moving.

At the beginning, Zhou Yao could still think about the above thoughts, but as the joy it brought her was beyond her tolerance, that feeling seemed to be happier than any day and moment in the past ten years, from every hair of her hair. , seeped out of every pore.

Not only was her heart churning with indescribable excitement, but she could even feel the trembling of the mysterious existence.

This trembling feeling caused Zhou Yao's consciousness to move slightly, and in an instant, she touched its entity. This was the first time she felt its existence in her heart.

"Boom" With this touch, Zhou Yao fell into a short coma for a moment.

It seems like a long time, it seems like a moment, but seeing Princess Xinping receiving a cup of tea, the fragrance is fragrant, and she nods in satisfaction, she knows that it is indeed a moment.

Zhou Yao's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she put down the booklet. In fact, the booklet was only [-] words, and she had already finished reading it. She took the teacup, gently blew off the tea foam, and took a sip.

"Is it delicious? This is Zixi tea, the first in history, called Xiancha!" Princess Xinping seemed very proud: "Even Yuexian tea, Tianzhu tea, Yashan tea, and Fuliang tea are all under it."

(End of this chapter)

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