fake prince

Chapter 720 It turns out like this

Chapter 720 It turns out like this

Zixi Tea is located in Changxing Mountain, facing the Great Lakes in the east and mountains in the northwest.

But there are actually only three pieces of Zixi tea, which are obtained by receiving the purple energy of morning sun every day. Each tea yields only two catties of tea, and the total amount of tribute tea only weighs five catties. She certainly has reason to be proud of being able to bestow such favor on Princess Xinping.

Zhou Yao's expression was in a trance, she was a very intelligent and careful person, but now she didn't care to understand Princess Xinping's expression and intention.

She could feel that the mysterious voice that had always been connected to her seemed to have changed. This change was so obvious that she could feel its trembling and connection.

What is the origin of the Dao Book that can make such a big change?

Could it be that Dai Guogong asked her to visit the princess just to let her learn the mental method from this book?

"Zixi tea is not as famous as a taste. It is indeed unforgettable for a long time." Zhou Yao smiled gently, not looking at Princess Xinping's victory expression, but trying to ask in her heart: "Are you there, are you there?"

After an unknown amount of time, the mysterious voice let out a long sigh.

"So it is, so it is."

"Duke Dai called you here, it must be for this reason, you should practice."

Zhou Yao shouted again, but the mysterious voice stopped.

view of red leaves

Someone is visiting the owner of the Taoist temple, but compared with Xinping Temple at least on the surface, the owner of this Taoist temple is very depressed.

Huo Wuyong was originally a Taoist priest with a lack of expression, but at this moment he had to look at the unexpected visitor with a painful expression on his face.

"Duke Dai, you can already make alchemy by yourself. Looking at the entire Taoist temple in the capital, there are not many people with your level. Why do you have to study this one? You are a Duke, and you still like this alchemy. This... ..."

This is too boring!

You said that you are a prince of the state and a grandson of the emperor, what can you do with this time?Isn't it good to eat, drink and have fun?If you insist on learning alchemy, is this not taking your own reputation seriously?

But you don't take it seriously, I still want to be a low-key person, and I don't want to be stared at by those old ministers with the eyes of "treacherous villains"!

It's a pity that the above complaints can only be made in my heart. To be a Taoist priest, even a Taoist priest trusted by the emperor, has only secret favors. In terms of status, it is far from the level of the Duke of the Kingdom. , the highest is no more than the fifth rank, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the difference between clouds and mud, so when facing Dai Guogong's advice, no matter how painful it is, he can only endure it.

As a last resort, Huo Wuyong could only say a few words casually, without much content. He thought that the Dai Guogui would continue to grind, but he didn't expect that the explanation of these few sentences really satisfied the Dai Guogong.

"Quick, close the door quickly!" Watching Dai Guogong go down the mountain and get into the bullock cart to go away, Huo Wuyong quickly stepped into the Taoist temple, and at the same time ordered: "You two, go and call your senior brothers over, immediately, Immediately, pack up your things and move with me!"

This anxious appearance made the two Taoist boys look confused.

Isn't this their "home"?This is Huo Wuyong's private Taoist temple, and there are all his apprentices in the temple, why did he suddenly want to move?Where to move?

Hearing Dao Tong's puzzled question, Huo Wuyong walked to his room, deciding to take away all the daily things, so as not to be blocked by the Duke of Dai when he came back one day, and replied: "Go to Wanchun Garden!"

Go to the Royal Garden to directly refine the Da Huan Pill. If the Da Huan Pill cannot be refined, it will not come out, so as not to make any mistakes in the middle!

No matter how great the face of Dai Guogong is, he can't find Wanchun Garden!

Su Ziji didn't know that the Taoist temple was making a fuss about moving, so he sat on the bullock cart, slowly shaking with the bullock cart, and checked his own experience.

"[Point of Outer Star Alchemy] +800, Level 5 (2300/5000)]"

"Experience has increased by 800 points. It seems that Huo Wuyong is like a sponge and can squeeze out water. Unfortunately, after today, it will be difficult to see Huo Wuyong." Su Ziji sighed secretly.

Although he didn't have much contact with this imperial alchemist, Su Ziji knew a little bit about this person's character.

Huo Wuyong seems indifferent and stable, but in fact, among the Taoists he knows, he is a rare "simple" person. If it is not because he wants to practice and win the support of the emperor, he may become a person who lives in a Taoist temple and does not contact anyone. maybe.

For such a person, as long as the person who asks for it has a thick skin and a high status, Huo Wuyong will be at a loss immediately. He is probably preparing to move now, right?

Thinking of this, Su Ziji couldn't help but want to laugh.

I checked the fragments of the Dan Dan formula that I had newly obtained, and said, "The increase of 800 points of experience is actually only secondary. I went to ask Huo Wuyong for advice this time. The biggest gain was the last sporadic formula of Dan Dan Dan. There are two more medicines."

"Now there are six kinds of medicine." Su Ziji pondered: "With these, plus the two things I got from the Dragon Palace of Shuifu, the plan should be able to be carried out."

"However, we still have to wait for the results of what Xiaobai did."

Taiping Lane

At the door of the bookstore facing the street, a young man of at most 20 years old was standing in the sun talking to someone. After the other party left, the man walked back and walked up the steps. He was suddenly stung by the dazzling light.


The guy looked towards the source of the light and saw a shiny thing.

"Silver?" The clerk's eyes lit up, he looked around, no one was paying attention, he stepped on it with his foot first, then bent down to touch it, and when he touched it in his hand, it was really silver, a piece of silver of about five taels!

As a member of the Imperial City Division, with good eyesight, this silver is a decent official silver, with a [-]% color and a frosty look. The clerk kicked it into his pocket and smiled: "It seems that today I should be stoned." Mingda gets rich!"

People in the Imperial City Division have a high income. Shi Mingda's nephew, who is the head of this small stronghold, usually has occasional opportunities to make a fortune, but after all, it is not as good as other places.

The stronghold of the Imperial City Department outside the capital is Shangao Emperoryuan, and there are often opportunities to earn a lot of extra money. In the capital, unless there are officials or wealthy businessmen in their own jurisdiction who commit crimes and have their homes ransacked, otherwise, there are very few opportunities for the bottom to get rich .

Five taels of silver is enough to eat and drink several delicious meals in a restaurant, save a little money, and have a month's money for wine and meat.

Just think about it!

After picking up the silver, Shi Mingda no longer had the intention to stay in the stronghold. He was taking over from others, so he left in a hurry and went to a restaurant across the street.

On the first floor of this restaurant, there are storytellers here to tell stories every day. It is similar to a teahouse, and Shi Mingda likes it very much.

Although he is a member of the Imperial City Division, he has a lot of information on a daily basis, because he often sees information from the palace, and has a little understanding of the masters raised by the palace, but he still loves hearing about the world from scholars. s story.

Different from the usual stinginess, as soon as he arrived at the restaurant and found an empty table in the corner, Shi Mingda waved his hand: "Give me some special dishes, and the wine should be better!"

I got five taels of silver for nothing, so why not have a good meal?

(End of this chapter)

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