fake prince

Chapter 721 Brahma Sect Is Alchemy

Chapter 721 Brahma Sect Is Alchemy

"Guest officer, please wait a moment, the food and drink will be served to you immediately!" The waiter enthusiastically served the tea first, and then ran to the back kitchen.

Slowly drinking tea, Shi Mingda was listening to the storyteller, and he was talking about the heroes in troubled times in the background of the last years of the previous dynasty. They were basically fabricated. People will take refuge in the Taizu's family, help the Taizu to pacify the world, and then go back to hermit.

"Tsk tsk, change the soup but not the medicine. The most popular books are all stories about the chaotic world of the past. Why doesn't anyone dare to talk about the current world?" Shi Mingda shook his head and sighed.

However, as a member of the Imperial City Division, he felt so emotional, but he also knew why no one dared to say it.

After all, the world is peaceful now, troops are stationed everywhere, the emperor and high-ranking officials have made it clear that they don't want to see the Jianghu flourish. If someone fabricates the current Jianghu story, no matter what they say, they may offend others.

It's better to fabricate the story of the last years of the former dynasty, so that even if the government of the former Wei is said to be shit, it will not arouse the resentment of the Dazheng government.

After all, in the last years of the previous dynasty, the officials forced the people to rebel. This is a fact, not because of this background, and it is not the turn of the surname Ji.

Just thinking about it, I suddenly heard a few people at the next table arguing.

Perhaps these people have a little understanding of the current arena, and they are all Lianjiazi. After hearing the storyteller mention the number one in the world in the previous dynasty, they couldn't help arguing about the number one in the world now.

"If you want to say who is the best in martial arts, I think it should be the eagle ghost hand of the Flying Eagle School. His lightness kung fu can be regarded as the best in the world, right? In addition to the palm technique, with one palm down, I am afraid that even the hardest The stone will be smashed into pieces, how can ordinary people receive his palm?"

"What is this number one in the world? If you ask me, the number one in the world should belong to the Chiyan hero from Chiyan Island..."

"Who are these people you are talking about? At most, they are first-class masters in the Jianghu. When Yijian Chunhan Zeng Nianzhen became famous, they were all second- and third-rate. If you want to say that the world is number one, Zeng Nian should be number one!"

When Zeng Nianzhen's name came out, these people were a little convinced, but the first person who spoke was silent for a moment, and then said: "Well, Yijian Chunhan is indeed a master, and his swordsmanship is indeed outstanding, but he is number one in the world. Still hard to say."

"Also, in the past year, it seems that no one has heard of his activities."

"I heard that they were besieged and killed by unknown forces a year ago, and many brothers were killed. I also disappeared." Someone seemed to be well-informed, and whispered: "I heard that the besieged people were still wearing armor."

The few people were shocked immediately, and they didn't dare to say more. Who is the person who can penetrate armor in this peaceful era?

It must be a soldier of the government.

After a long time, someone sighed and changed the subject: "In Jianghu, it's not only about fighting alone, but also about sects. I think the seventeen martial arts of the Fanmen are very powerful..."

One person said contemptuously: "Fanmen Seventeen's unique martial arts? Do you think it is powerful? Yes, it is naturally powerful. Isn't it amazing to steal the seventeen's martial arts?"

"The unique skill Tianyang Capture Hand of the previous head of Lie Yang was changed to Tianyang Hand in the Seventeen Ways unique skill. Why, it's my own martial arts after a change of appearance?"

As soon as this topic came up, the debate at the adjacent tables became more fierce, and the voices even overshadowed the voices of the storytellers in the distance, causing the surrounding tables to stare at each other frequently.

But seeing that the people who were arguing were all burly men, and it seemed that Lian Jiazi was not easy to mess with, the guests at several tables could only look away wearily, and endured it.

Shi Mingda, on the other hand, likes to listen to the stories of the Jianghu and the gossip on the Jianghu, no matter if he is telling a story or not, he doesn't mind, so he listens with gusto right now.

"Hey, they still know a little less. They only know the seventeen-way unique skills of the Fanmen, but they don't know that it will be the eighteen-way unique skills in a short time."

He knows a little bit of inside information, he knows a special skill of Flying Star Sect, which has just been learned by Brahma Sect.

Just as Shi Mingda was thinking about it, he heard the neighbors arguing anxiously, one of them blushed and his neck was thick, and suddenly said: "You still refuse to admit it? Let me tell you, they not only learn martial arts, but also learn alchemy." ! I saw a monk the day before yesterday asking Steward Wu of the Qi Palace to buy some medicine!"

Because the people at the same table didn't believe it, he became even more impatient, and casually uttered some medicines. Shi Mingda's heart was moved when he heard this.

"There is blood osmanthus in these medicines?" He didn't take it seriously at all, and only bickered in front of the ordinary, but when he heard that there was a flavor of "blood osmanthus" in the medicines, thinking of what his second uncle had secretly told him, Shi Mingda Immediately, he remembered all the medicines just now in his heart.

"When I go back, I can ask my second uncle."

When the substitute came out to drink, it was already dark, and when the buddy served the food and wine, he returned to the stronghold after eating and drinking. It was already dead of night, and there were no pedestrians on the street.

After entering the book shop, someone shouted: "Shi Mingda, you can do arithmetic, let's see if the account is correct."

Although the book store is a cover, even if half of the income from normal operations is handed over, the other half will be distributed to everyone, so you have to be careful.

The most advanced books include imperial examination books, four books and five classics, and more novels.

Shi Mingda rubbed his eyes that were a little dizzy due to drinking, nodded, and browsed page by page, some of them passed by, some of them were read in detail, and he was still muttering something, and after a while, he yawned , wandered around the room a few times and said: "It's all right, I corrected a small mistake, you ask someone to transcribe a copy and submit it to the higher level as a public account."

"By the way, is Second Uncle here?"

"You're late, your lord has fallen asleep." The colleague accepted the bill and said with a smile.

Hearing that the second uncle had already fallen asleep, Shi Mingda hesitated a bit: "This matter is related to King Qi, should we call the second uncle to report now? Or do we report tomorrow?"

Daikoku Mansion

In the bedroom, Su Ziji glanced at Ye Buhui who was already asleep, turned around and went out to a room, where he changed into black clothes.

There is a big bronze mirror in this room, although the light is not clear, but you can roughly see some figures, Su Ziji looked at himself, this man in black should not be able to see his true face, after all, even his face is covered Strictly.

Picking up the sword on the side again, stroking it lightly, sighing softly: "I haven't needed you for a long time."

Since returning to Beijing, the sword has basically never been used. Even the saber is a decorative sword used by the rich and powerful, not this kind of murderous weapon.

It was getting dark outside, Su Ziji left this room, flew directly onto the roof, jumped to the path after a few vertical jumps, passed there, and turned into a deserted house.

Usually few people come here, it is only used to pile up sundries, and there are not many people patrolling and cleaning. Su Ziji entered this small courtyard, and went straight to a house where some sundries that were temporarily unused were piled up, and opened a door. On the bed, tap a few times according to the direction on the seemingly normal ground.

Following a slight rattling sound came from the ground, a big hole appeared in front of Su Ziji in a moment.

A gust of wind blows up from the ground, which proves that this place is connected to the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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