fake prince

Chapter 734

Chapter 734

Qingyuan Temple is actually very large in size, and has a lot of connections in all aspects. At least, there are several princes and concubines. But at this time, if you want to catch it, you can catch it. Su Ziji is a little bit complicated. Seeing Jian Qu looking at him He also said: "Also, it seems that Luo Pei is about to be released."

"Oh?" Su Ziji stopped, glanced at the garden, and smiled thoughtfully after a long time: "It's a bit unexpected, but after thinking about it, it's indeed time to let him out."

"Third-rank officer, you have to give an explanation, and you can't keep it closed in a daze."

In fact, Luo Pei is an unlucky guy. He is not guilty, but he just sacrificed to the dragon girl, and then he has a special astrology. If this kind of thing is really killed, he is unlucky. If he didn't kill him, he has to give an explanation.

If it is released, I am afraid that the official will be reinstated.

"It's just that I'm afraid I won't be in the cabinet."

According to the logic of ordinary people, if you do something wrong and let it out, you should be compensated. Politically, they don’t think that way. Normal review is fine. unreliable molecule".

Su Ziji remembers a case involving Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty. He himself was dressed in a yellow robe and was very sensitive to generals. A favorite general of the imperial army was reported for treason, so the emperor was furious and ordered Yousi to torture him. Later, he found out that he had been wronged and reported it to the emperor. I know, the emperor was silent for a long time, and said: "Give death!"

It is a person who has been wronged. It is impossible to have no grievances. Since ancient times, people who have been investigated and found out without death can be reused (unless they are replaced). went.

Luo Pei is a civil servant, so he will not die, but because of this, he has no chance to be prime minister.

Official career logic, so fuck it.

"You're ready, I'll visit right now." Su Ziji said in a low voice: "We have done a lot of things, and now we can harvest."

During the period when Luo Pei was imprisoned, in order to avoid suspicion, the King of Shu never came once, not even one of the stewards of the palace.

This is a bit too cautious. If Luo Peizhen died in the prison, for the King of Shu, this cautiousness to avoid suspicion would indeed avoid being implicated, so as not to be caught.

But the current situation is that not only will Luo Pei not die in the prison, but he may still have a chance to recover. Under such circumstances, the previous actions of the King of Shu will not only make Luo Pei renounced, but also make everyone cold heart of.


What a stupid decision!

Su Ziji shook his head slightly, and he didn't even look at Zeng's right-hand man's loyal minister being imprisoned. After this incident, the King of Shu's party may also encounter a crisis.

But this situation is very favorable for him.

Su Ziji has only been in the capital for a short period of time, and his foundation is not stable. It is impossible for the party members to complete it in a short period of time, but if it is to pry other people's corners, it will be much easier.

"As long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner that cannot be pried."

"Besides, the king of Shu has lost his heart if he doesn't ask or probe. Even if Luo Pei praises his loyalty all the time, will the king of Shu believe that Luo Pei has nothing against him?"

"Luo Pei, I can't go back even if I want to."

"Yes! Then I will let someone arrange it." Su Ziji thought to himself, Jian Qu immediately ordered someone to prepare a car, and by the way let his own people go to the prison one step ahead of time to arrange the link.

For the people of the Luo Mansion abandoned by the King of Shu Party, it is not easy to enter the prison, but for the kings and Duke Dai, it is not difficult as long as they are arranged in advance.


The bullock cart stopped at the door, and already knew that Dai Guogong was going to have a prison officer, so he quickly ran down and saluted Su Ziji who was in the bullock cart.

"The humble official has met Dai Guogong!"

"Okay, don't need to say anything else, just lead the way." Stopping what the prison officer wanted to say, Su Ziji said lightly.

The prison officer should be busy, leading the way.

This time, Su Ziji, who has an excellent memory, immediately realized that the route he took this time was completely different from the last time. It was different from the last time the smelly prison was there. room.

"Lord Luo changed the cell?" Before Su Ziji could ask, Jian Qu, who was also aware of this, asked.

The prison officer walked, bowed his waist and replied respectfully: "Returning to your lord, Lord Luo has indeed changed a cell now."

When Jian Qu continued to question, the prison officer said that he didn't know why the higher-ups ordered him like this. He was just a low-level official, and he only knew how to obey orders.

"Believe in you is a ghost." The government's business is that there is room for up and down, you can't say disobedience, you can play sidelines, it's strange if you don't know what to say, so you want to continue asking, Su Ziji slightly shook his head, Jian Qu said I stopped asking.

"Master Luo, this is the cell where Lord Luo is staying. You two should chat with Lord Luo first? You should go out and have a look first." On the iron gate, the big lock was opened, and the chain was torn off. The prison officer flattered him. In a word, back down first.

Su Ziji looked around, and the environment was gradually improving as he walked along. It can be seen that this area is full of prisoners who are treated preferentially, and the environment of this cell is also more than a little bit better than before.

Although it is also a closed cell, with an iron fence in front and a big lock, but the area of ​​the fence is much smaller. Looking from the outside to the inside, you can’t see the whole picture, which gives the prisoners a little bit of privacy. .

Jian Qu pushed open the door of the cell, and Su Ziji then walked in.

A faint smell of coarse incense came from inside, not to mention a former high-ranking official like Luo Pei, even a seventh-rank official would not like it, but it was different from the prison cell that was filled with the smell before. In a comparison, the taste alone wins here.

In the clean hut, there are even tables, chairs and a wooden bed, and there is a set of clean bedding on the bed.

This treatment is no longer a simple improvement, but a flying improvement.

Not only the environment, Luo Pei's clothes were clean, his face looked very calm, and his blood was a little more.

"Could it be that the prison authorities also know the news that they will be pardoned?"

Su Ziji thought about what the prison officer said just now, and his thoughts moved, but it was just the same as in the past, and he shook hands with Luo Peijian, smiling: "Lord Luo."

"Duke Dai, I haven't seen you for a long time." Luo Pei was sitting on the couch in a daze, when he saw that it was Duke Dai coming in, he got up quickly and calmly bowed his hands to Su Ziji.

It is said that it has been a long time, but in fact it has not been long since the last time the two met, but for the prisoners in the big prison, the word "living like a year" is not a word, but a real feeling.

Thinking of the notification he had received, and looking at the person in front of him who had extended a helping hand since he was in trouble, Luo Pei felt even more indescribable emotions.

No wonder many people said that Dai Guogong was a good man.

Not only to avenge his father, take care of Qian Zhidong's family, but also use the old man who has fallen into the dust in the Prince's Mansion.

It is difficult for people who have not experienced such ups and downs to have a deep feeling for the warmth and coldness of the world, and it is difficult for people who have not experienced this to appreciate the value of people like Dai Guogong.

Luo Pei sighed softly: "Everything that Dai Guogong did to Luo, Luo will remember in his heart, and your kindness, Luo will never forget."

Jian Qu suddenly beamed with joy. It is impossible for a third-rank official to just accept his bow and bow. This is already a clear approach.

(End of this chapter)

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