fake prince

Chapter 735

Chapter 735

"Master Luo is being polite, but it's just a matter of raising your hands, what about Ende?" Su Ziji smiled slightly and shook his head slightly.

Luo Pei also smiled: "You are the only one who can help the officials."

"This time in prison, Luo was deeply touched. Fortunately, Luo has been notified, and in two or three days, he may be able to leave the door."

Su Ziji understood that he had received the notice, and according to the court's procedure, it would only take two or three days for the procedure to be approved.

Luo Pei's change in attitude, although not earth-shattering, but being able to say this already represents alienation from the king of Shu and the party of the king of Shu.

This is surrender.

That's right, the indifference of the King of Shu is enough to make Luo Pei sad.

When Luo Pei said this, he was not without sentimentality. He was not a person who would turn to him out of fear of death or greed for wealth, but he was also a human being, and as a human being, he had emotions and desires, and needed warmth.

A lord who hides from himself at critical times, doesn't even show his face, and doesn't even send a servant to come, what is the need for allegiance?

"During the time I was in prison, I never said anything against the King of Shu. Just as the King of Shu thought, I have separated from him, and my friendship has been fulfilled. After I am released from prison, I have nothing to do with him anymore. " Luo Pei thought slightly sadly, looking at the young Duke in front of him, he felt a little warmth in his heart.

Minors only talk about intentions, adults only talk about reality, as for bad intentions?Seven year old?

Although the King of Shu never came here once, the Duke Dai has come many times. This at least shows that the Duke Dai is thirsty for talents, and he is not so bad that he is abandoned by others.

Abandoned by the king of Shu, it was just the wrong person.

Hearing Luo Pei's words, Su Ziji's worry finally dissipated. Wasn't the reason for planning for so long just to bring Luo Pei into his camp?

The king of Shu didn't know how to cherish Luo Pei, but Su Ziji didn't have such a "luxury". He was very happy that Luo Pei was willing to surrender himself.

Jian Qu went out for a while on the way, and when she came back, she saw her lord conversing with Luo Pei in a low voice, stepped forward and whispered in the lord's ear: "My lord, I just received the news that Young Master Fang was punished when he chased and killed the big demon. He was seriously injured and was sent back to Huaifenghou Mansion, and the big monster ran away."

"What?" Su Ziji changed color slightly.

I thought that the Imperial City Secretary would dispatch all the elite, at least to save Zhou Xuan's life, but I didn't expect that the Imperial City Secretary paid so much attention to the Emperor's Great Return Pill, and he could let Zhou Xuan escape from the capital.

This is a big matter, more urgent than staying here to contact Luo Pei, Su Ziji could only say: "Master Luo, I still have something urgent to deal with, let's take a step first, wait for you to be released from prison, and then invite you!"

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Jian Qu cupped his hands towards Luo Pei and followed.

The sound of their footsteps disappeared, and the prison officer came back, slowly re-locking the cell.

Luo Pei slowly walked back to the chair and sat down, frowning slightly: "Could it be that something serious happened again?"

His brows were a little more gloomy. As a high-ranking official, he knew too well that although many things were fixed, once there was a big change, the world would be turned upside down immediately, and nothing would count.

Outside the prison, as soon as Su Ziji came out, he walked quickly to the bullock cart.

"Go to the Marquis of Huaifeng."

As soon as he and Jian Qu went up, the ox cart started to move.

The current Marquis of Huaifeng is Fang Zhen's father. Although most people who know Fang Zhen respectfully call him Young Master Fang Zhen, in truth, Fang Zhen is just the next Marquis of Huaifeng in the eyes of the world. The old Marquis of Huaifeng is not dead. This marquis could not fall on Fang Zhen's head.

The Marquis of Huaifeng passed down to the generation of Fang Zhen's father, the second generation. The first generation of Marquis Huaifeng passed away within a few years after founding the country. On the one hand, he did avoid the vortex of founding the country, but because of this, he did not have much capital for future generations .

The current Marquis of Huaifeng is not considered incompetent, he can only be regarded as well-behaved and not very outstanding, but just because he is not outstanding and lost to all the nobles, it is enough to make his family gradually decline.

After all, Dazheng has been established for more than [-] years now. There are many honors and nobles, and there are many relatives of the emperor. Coupled with the selection of scholars in the imperial examination, there will be no shortage of people in the court. They can only fall into the second and third ranks.

That is to say, when Fang Zhen grew up, he made some connections, especially the way of eunuch, so that the Marquis of Huaifeng finally got some improvement. In time, when Fang Zhen took over the Marquis, he might be able to protect the Marquis for a while. Ten years of scenery.

"But Fangzhen was seriously injured. If there is an emergency, it may not be..."

Su Ziji narrowed his eyes, he wouldn't regret it if it was someone else, this kind of thing happened a lot, but Fang Zhen was different.

The scene when I met Fang Zhen for the first time came to my mind. At that time, I was just a child, and I was forced by the local hooligans in Linhua County. No matter what the purpose was, at least I lent Su Zi a helping hand at that time. A sum of money.

In the future, there will be many good fortunes.

No matter what aspect was considered, he had to visit and help, Su Ziji let out a foul breath, and suddenly murderous intentions arose in his heart for Zhou Xuan who had escaped from the capital.

It is harmful to oneself, and has the ability to escape from the capital under the pursuit of the Imperial City Secretary. If this demon is allowed to go unchecked, it must be a serious problem, and it must be eradicated as soon as possible!

"Master, the Marquis of Huaifeng has arrived." Soon, the ox cart stopped slowly, and the driver reminded him.

Jian Qu jumped out of the car first, and then helped Su Ziji down.

Looking up at the four gold characters of "Huaifeng Hou's Mansion", Su Ziji sighed softly and stepped up the steps.

When he arrived, an ox cart had already parked outside the Marquis of Huaifeng's mansion, and a housekeeper was sending people out. When he saw Su Ziji coming in person, the housekeeper who had recognized Su Ziji's identity was taken aback for a moment, and hurried on salute.

"The little one has seen Duke Dai!"

"Young Master, have you returned to the mansion?" Su Ziji asked him to stand up.

The housekeeper hurriedly said: "The eldest son has been sent back, and he is inside. Are you here to see the eldest son? Please come here!"

Then he led Su Ziji to go.

Jian Qu followed and arrived at the main courtyard, but did not see Fang Zhen immediately. Su Ziji first met Marquis Huaifeng who came out after hearing the news.

Marquis Huaifeng is about forty years old, with a white face and short beard. He looks elegant, but he still looks rough.

"I met Duke Dai." The difference in title between the two was not too big, and after meeting each other, Su Ziji asked about Fang Zhen's situation.

"On behalf of the Duke's concern, I am really grateful." Marquis Huaifeng seemed to be moved, his voice was a little choked up: "It's just the dog's situation, it's really not good."

Su Ziji frowned, and learned more details from Marquis Huaifeng.

It turned out that Fang Zhen and Superintendent Zhao let Zhou Xuan escape from the capital. This responsibility was not small, even if it was difficult for both of them, they immediately sent troops to chase him out.

As a result, Zhou Xuan was calm and composed. When he was wounded, his followers were dead, and he was near the capital, instead of fleeing hastily, he attacked and killed him at night.

(End of this chapter)

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