fake prince

Chapter 736

Chapter 736

The Imperial City Secretary had already suffered a lot of losses in the city, and when he left the city, he was attacked by Zhou Xuan, and more than a hundred armor soldiers were killed on the spot, causing heavy losses.

Not only Fang Zhen was seriously injured, but even Superintendent Zhao was also slightly injured. Whether or not another armored soldier arrived, it was uncertain whether Fang Zhen would come back alive.

"That's the way it is. My wicked son has caused a lot of trouble."

At this time, Huaifeng Hou's expression was anxious, and there was panic even more. Su Ziji was not surprised. Even if Fang Zhen was seriously injured in pursuit of the enemy, it was a disadvantage in doing things. I am afraid that even if the old emperor saw his serious injury If the crime is not punished, the holy family will also be reduced.

"I wonder if you can let me go and see Mr. Fang?" Su Ziji asked with a sigh in his heart.

This is naturally possible, Huaifeng Hou hurriedly brought Su Ziji into the room.

Before entering the room, Su Ziji smelled a smell of medicine. There were several servant girls standing at the door. When he entered the room, he found a middle-aged beautiful woman, accompanied by a big maid and a nanny, sitting Looking at the person lying on the bed by the side of the bed, weeping and saying nothing.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the woman looked up and saw Su Ziji, knowing that this was a visiting guest, she hurriedly got up and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"This is?"

"This is Duke Dai, come and see Zhen'er." Huaifenghou said.

Su Ziji only looked at Mrs. Huaifenghou, and he knew who Fang Zhen's appearance followed. Obviously, he followed his mother more, so he didn't grow into Huaifenghou's slightly rough appearance.

Mrs. Hou wants to salute Su Ziji. Although Su Ziji is the Duke of the state and taller than Mrs. Hou, she is older. He came here to visit Fang Zhen. I hurriedly avoided it, and only received half a courtesy.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Su Ziji came to Fang Zhen's bed, and saw Master Fang lying on the bed, his lips were pale, his forehead and cheeks were slightly red, and his eyes were closed. The wound was bandaged, but he was still unconscious.

"Doctor tell me when to wake up?" Su Ziji asked.

Marquis Huaifeng looked at his wife, and his wife's voice was slightly choked: "The doctor said that he will not wake up until the fever subsides."

Su Ziji's eyes swept over Fang Zhen's cheeks. This is a fever caused by an injury. Sometimes, no matter how serious the trauma is, it may not be fatal. The cause of death is often inflammation.

"Master, madam, the medicine is ready." While talking, there was a sound of footsteps approaching, and everyone saw that a maid came in with a tray containing a bowl of medicine, followed by a doctor.

"Serve the eldest son to take the medicine." Mrs. Huaifeng Hou wanted to feed Fang Zhen the medicine herself, but she has always been pampered and pampered. After trying it, she found that it was difficult to pour the medicine down to Fang Zhen.

So she asked an experienced personal nurse to ask for medicine, and Su Ziji asked.

Seeing that the doctor's face was a little disturbed, he said: "Just follow the prescription written by the villain, and take it twice. If the fever subsides, you will be able to wake up tomorrow at the latest."

Su Ziji narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him.

Marquis Huaifeng at the side immediately recognized the problem, his expression turned cold, and he asked, "If the fever subsides? But if the fever cannot be subsided..."

The doctor hurriedly replied: "Back to Lord Hou, the young Lord Hou just has a broken leg, and he is fine... If the fever persists for a while, as long as the medicine is used properly, it will not endanger life, it's just..."

Su Ziji believed this. It was just a fever caused by a broken leg bone. He was a noble son of a noble family. He had no shortage of medicinal materials and good doctors. It must be strange to be able to mention the word "life is not hindered" after a fracture.

"Just what? Say it! If there is something to hide, this Marquis will not spare you!" Marquis Huaifeng was also a smart person, his brows twitched, and he immediately asked.

Under Huaifenghou's persecution, the doctor did not dare to hide any more, and replied cautiously: "Master, little master... he is afraid that in the future... in the future..."

Knowing that he couldn't escape today, the doctor gritted his teeth and said the following words: "The right leg will be a little lame in the future!"

As soon as the words fell, Marquis Huaifeng's face turned pale all of a sudden, and he took two steps back subconsciously. It was the butler who quickly supported him, so that the Marquis didn't fall to the ground.

And Mrs. Huaifenghou, who had been wiping away her tears, also staggered and almost collapsed to the ground, her face turned extremely ugly.


Su Ziji didn't know the point for a while, he vaguely sensed that someone was short of breath, glanced towards him, and found that there were two people not far away, a young beautiful woman under 30 years old, and a boy in his early ten years old.

When Su Ziji looked at these two people, there was still joy on their faces, but it disappeared in an instant, and the woman even covered her eyes with a handkerchief, as if she was sad because of the news.

Huaifeng Hou Mansion · the gate

Su Ziji came out from inside, and Jian Qu, who was following him, could see that the lord was confused.

"Is the Lord not understanding what happened just now?" Jian Qu followed up and asked softly.

Su Ziji was really puzzled. Hearing what Jian Qu said, he said, "I'm really puzzled. Although Fang Zhen was injured, his life was not in danger. How could they react like this..."

"My lord, you are a little confused. A broken leg is a trivial matter, but lameness is a major matter." Jian Qu reminded in a low voice: "Since ancient times, the selection of officials has been judged by words and deeds."

"Nowadays, although the imperial examinations are used to obtain scholars, the appearance is also indispensable."

"It's okay for Young Master Fang to hurt his leg, but it's troublesome if he can't get back to his original limp."

Su Ziji immediately came to his senses.

Those who are excellent in literature and science may not be able to handle affairs, and they must judge by their own words and books. From the back, they must understand the law, have beautiful calligraphy, be eloquent, and have a great appearance.

To be an official, you must have an official body. How can you be an official if you have a lame leg and an injured face?

Therefore, in ancient times, if you really want to harm people, you only need to use the hands of local ruffians to cut your face and break your legs, and you will cut off your official career.

"I only heard that there are requirements in this aspect for the selection of scholars in the imperial examination. Is there also a requirement for inheriting the title?" Su Ziji was sure that Zheng Lu did not have this requirement for inheriting the title.

Jian Qu sighed: "Although this is the case, unless it is absolutely necessary, there is only an only son, otherwise there is no reason why the heir of a duke is lame?"

"In the previous few dynasties, the succession of the first son was engraved in the law."

"The Taizu of this dynasty was a concubine, and he suffered greatly from it. Therefore, in Dazheng, although it is still common for the son to inherit, it is the choice of most people to inherit the title, but if there is a healthy concubine, the son is lame and stupid. It's hard to say whether the crippled son will inherit the title or let the bastard inherit the title."

The same serious problem as the concubine's is the importance the world attaches to the body, hair and skin.

"What's more, in the past, when Young Master Fang had a holy family, he might not have been abandoned because of his leg injury, but this time the arrest will be at a disadvantage, and the emperor may no longer make decisions for him."

Even the people in the Marquis of Huaifeng may still be worried that the eldest son will cause trouble for the Marquis's mansion. To sum up, Fang Zhen's future is not good.

"It's because of a leg injury that I can't win the title... Does this count as being a wedding dress for many years?" Su Ziji took a deep breath and looked into the distance.

In the distance, a fierce aura rushed out, approaching faintly like a knife.

The big monster cannot be humiliated, Zhou Xuan suffered this setback, his human skin was stripped off, only his animal nature remained, and he was bound to die forever.

To fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside, perhaps, the time has come, right?

(End of this chapter)

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