fake prince

Chapter 737

Chapter 737

Imperial Palace·Changding Hall

In the huge hall, only one person's roar could be heard at this time.

Wu Yaya, a group of people kneeling in the hall, lowered their heads, held their breath, and listened to the emperor's roar.

"... Still need to investigate? What are you investigating? What have you been doing for the past few days? I gave you your salary to let you stay in the mansion like pigs, eating and drinking every day? Incompetent! Trash!"

"The monsters can enter the capital, so the next step is that some monsters will break into my palace and stand in front of me? Huh?"

"There are so many officials, I usually support you, and I don't expect you to have much ability, but it's useless to be like this, which shocks me! If I were you, how could I have the face to kneel here and beg for forgiveness?"

The roaring emperor was quite lethal. Just opening his mouth and spitting out a "sharp knife" made the officials lower their heads to the ground, so ashamed that they wished they could hit the pillar to death on the spot.

But if he really did this, he would die, and he would die, fearing that his family would be angered and convicted.

Therefore, the emperor was roaring above, and the group of people kneeling below all lowered their heads, and no one said a word.

At a glance, among these people, there were a few Taoists mixed in, among them were Liu Zhan and Huo Wuyong, who were the first to bear the brunt and were also sprayed.

Huo Wuyong no longer expects to be rewarded by the emperor through alchemy, so that his sect can flourish. He only hopes that he will lose twice in a row and not let the emperor get angry.

Liu Zhan also bowed his head and knelt. A real person who could kill big monsters outside had to bow his head in front of the imperial power, losing all face.

Apart from them, there were several other generals who also participated in the pursuit of Zhou Xuan this time, and they were also reprimanded.

After venting, the depression in his chest subsided a little, and the emperor was panting from scolding, and turned around with a cold face: "They are still kneeling like wooden chickens, why don't you hurry up and find out this matter for me! One after another, Let me check everything out! If this incident happens again, don't even think about losing your official position and returning to your hometown, when the time comes, move your heads together!"

With a sound of "Get out", these people all backed out in disgrace.

Liu Zhan and Huo Wuyong walked in the crowd and looked at each other with frustrated and depressed expressions on their faces.

Liu Zhan was better off. Huo Wuyong was the first to be held accountable for the destruction of the medicine store. However, it cannot be said that he was really safe and sound.

Even if it's really safe and sound, what's the use?

He bears the burden of humiliation and does this for the emperor, not for offsetting merits and demerits, for selfishness, but for the development of the Yin Guan faction, for public relations, to attack the demon clan.

He knew clearly that the Yin Guan Sect had been different from other moderate sects in recent years. They had killed the monster races and cultivated alchemy to raise their caves. This was of course a meritorious service for the human race, but it was a heinous crime for the monster race.

If the monster race rises, others will still be alive, and Yin Guanpai, whose hands are stained with the blood of the monster race, will definitely have no physiology.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhan's eyes flashed. What kind of magic weapon or secret does this big monster have that can enter Beijing, use demon methods in Beijing, and escape?

If it is a sign of the rise of the monster race, it will be very bad.

Even if it wasn't for the emperor, the Yin Guan faction would go all out to hunt him down, vowing to peel and cramp to uncover the secret.

And Huo Wuyong's mood is worse than Liu Zhan's. The current plan is to let the division send elites to hunt down the big monster who came out of Beijing. If he can bring back the head of this monster before others, it may work If the faults are offset, they will not be severely punished by the emperor.

Everyone had their own concerns, and when they walked out, they passed by in a hurry and rarely communicated.

In the main hall, with his back to the hall door, the emperor remained motionless until all the officials and Taoists in the hall retreated, then he turned around and asked gloomyly, "Is King Qi related to this matter?"

The person who asked this question was Eunuch Zhao who was standing on the side.

Because he was burned from the palm to the arm, and the joints were broken, Eunuch Zhao is also very embarrassed at the moment, with his hands hanging in front of his chest with a cloth belt, and there are a few bruises on his face.

Hearing the emperor's question, he whispered: "Back to the emperor, the Imperial City Secretary did not find out how much connection King Qi had with this matter, but..."

"Just what? Say!"

"It's just that King Qi did meet this monster once."

"Have you met?" The emperor twitched his lips.

"Yes, on the day of the incident, they had met in a restaurant. The big demon noticed something, and fled in a bullock cart after leaving the restaurant, while King Qi left through a secret passage."

He didn't hear the emperor's voice, so Eunuch Zhao lowered his head, trying to figure out what the emperor's expression was like.

Speaking of it, not only the emperor suspected that the big monster was related to the king of Qi, but even he suspected that the big monster was sent by the king of Qi to destroy the medicine store and delay the alchemy.

If not, how could things be so coincidental?

Even if the Yaozu hated the Ji family deeply, they would not know about refining the alchemy. Besides, even if they knew, they would not use this method. After all, although life and death are important today, they have nothing to do with the Yaozu.

Only the emperor's life and death and lifespan are more important for the prince who is related to the seizure of the heir.

Eunuch Zhao thought so, and for a while he didn't see the emperor making a sound, so he quietly raised his eyes to take a look, and the next moment he hurriedly lowered his eyes again, not daring to look again.

At this time, the emperor's expression had calmed down, and he could not see the slightest trace of anger. At most, his eyes could be seen to be cold and expressionless.

He didn't even laugh back from anger. His appearance at this time made Eunuch Zhao shiver involuntarily. He seemed to have returned to the time when the bloody smell was the strongest in the capital more than ten years ago.

How similar was the emperor then to now?

Eunuch Zhao couldn't help feeling chills in his heart. He who had been serving this master all these years could only understand that this was the emperor's truly furious look.

In the main hall, there was only the sound of reserved shallow breathing, and after a while, the emperor asked again: "Is Qingyuan Temple related to this matter?"

The emperor was a little surprised that Qingyuan Temple was involved, but he has been in power for many years, and he deeply knows that even if it is a policy that benefits the country and the people, there are many people who obstruct it in every possible way.

To put it bluntly, it's nothing more than uneasiness about duty. Does Qingyuan Temple also want to go further?

Eunuch Zhao hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, nothing else has been found out, but one thing has been found out, that is, Qingyuan Temple did take in that big monster and let it live in the Layman's Garden."

After a pause, he continued, "Could it be that this demon's ability to enter the capital has something to do with Qingyuan Temple and even the Buddhist Dharma?"

Although the Sanskrit Dharma is not holy, those who are ambitious and knowledgeable, who have studied the Sanskrit Theory, know that it is ingenious, and it can be regarded as profound, not inferior to Taoism.

Perhaps, this is the beginning of Brahma's intervention in this world?

No wonder Eunuch Zhao thinks this way, he doesn't believe that Qingyuan Temple didn't see the details of the big monster, and when he knew the identity of the monster, he still tolerated it to live in the Layman's Garden.

Hearing this, the emperor's face showed a tinge of greenness. He didn't speak, but walked to the front of the hall step by step, stood at the gate of the hall, and looked into the distance.

Seeing the emperor standing here with his hands behind his back, Eunuch Zhao held his breath and lowered his head immediately, the sound of his heartbeat could be heard clearly.

I don't know how long it has passed, when Eunuch Zhao heard the emperor turn around, his expression was calm, apparently he had made up his mind: "Decide my order, torture the monks of Qingyuan Temple, and pry their mouths open!"

"The number of people supervising King Qi has doubled, and..."

The emperor hesitated a bit, but still issued the last order: "Draft an order for me, and make Ji Zizong the acting king!"

(End of this chapter)

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