fake prince

Chapter 739

Chapter 739

Zhang Xu coaxed again and again.

Wen Xunpeng listened to the teasing, but didn't say a word. When he drank all the wine, he picked up the jug and poured it up again. He took a sip of the side dish and sipped the wine. Everyone thinks that Wen Xunpeng did it voluntarily.

"Come on, let me offer a toast to Brother Wen. I hope Brother Wen will be like this year every year, and every day be like today." Zhang Xu couldn't get used to it again. A woman screamed from outside the yard.

The next moment, several people exclaimed in surprise, followed by a commotion.

What happened?

Several staff members present, including Wen Xunpeng and Zhang Xu, stood up in a daze, the musician stopped, and the dancer and maid looked over anxiously.

"Ah!" The next moment, I saw a maid in a goose yellow dress screaming at the door, the tray in her hand fell to the ground, and the fruit rolled everywhere, her face was pale, she stood there, slightly trembling.

Seeing this scene, the staff couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed outside.

At the gate of this courtyard, they stood still and saw two government soldiers dragging a bloody man passing by on the road not far away.

The person who looked like a dead dog was obviously dead, was dragged, motionless, and left long bloodstains as he passed by. The smell of blood filled the air, making people want to vomit.

"This, isn't this Wang Xuan?" Someone with sharp eyes recognized the identity of the dead body and let out a low voice with a hoarse voice that was inconceivable.

How can this be?

In this Qi Palace, who else can hurt an aide like himself?

Needless to say, I know the answer.

In the past, no matter how violent the king of Qi was, he never made a move on his staff in the face, and most of the people who killed were concubines or servants. What happened today, that the colleague who was drinking and having fun just now died?

Several people's faces were pale, and companions were like companions of tigers. If they didn't understand how Wang Xuan offended the prince, then if it was Wang Xuan today, how could he know that it wouldn't be his turn tomorrow?

Zhang Xu was more courageous, gritted his teeth, and walked over.

"You two, I don't know what's going on? What did Wang Xuan do?"

Not daring to directly stop the person who dragged the dead body, let alone look at Wang Xuan who died in peace, Zhang Xu trembling, followed the soldiers who dragged him, and asked in a low voice at the same time.

The two government soldiers looked at him, Wang Xuan's death was not something that could not be said, one of them explained: "The news he presented to the prince is not good."

not good?How bad is it?

"I don't know... what news is it?"

I thought the Fubing didn't intend to say it, but I didn't expect to actually answer: "It has something to do with the Duke of Dai. The Duke of Dai received the imperial decree and became the king, and he was named the king of Dai."

"On behalf of the king?"

This news, let alone King Qi, was like a thunderbolt, hitting the staff member's head with a bang, causing him to come back in a daze.

Seeing that Zhang Xu came back in a blink of an eye, and several people were waiting at the door, they all gathered around and asked about the situation in a hurry.

"Duke Dai has appointed Dai Wang."

The aide told the news he had received, and everyone was in an uproar.

"Duke Dai made him king? This, what should I do?"

Furthermore, companions are like companions to tigers. The lives and futures of these staff members are all tied to the king of Qi. Originally, the king of Qi was the most likely to seize the heir. Although the Duke of Dai is the son of the crown prince, he is only a prince and not a real competitor. , but now even this shortcoming has been made up for. Wouldn't it be necessary for the prince to have another formidable enemy in the future?

In other words, has surpassed the threat of the old enemy of the King of Shu?

Moreover, at this time, the crowning of Dai Guogong as king, does it also reflect a certain tendency of the emperor?Could it be that the next step is to confer the grandson of Dai Guogong?

The few people here are all smart, and they can understand this kind of twists and turns. After figuring this out, they all have blank faces and panic.

Once the battle for succession fails, based on what the prince has done, he will at least be under house arrest, and he and others are more likely to die without a place to bury them.

How is this good?

"Mr. Wen." A servant walked up to Wen Xunpeng's side while the crowd was confused and whispering in a low voice, and handed a note to Wen Xunpeng very discreetly.

Wen Xunpeng looked at the young man, and immediately remembered him. After the young man left, he went to the side and unfolded the note. Seeing this, his face, which he had barely kept calm just now, turned pale instantly.

"Brother Wen, the prince has been stimulated and is a little moody. What do you think we should do?"

Zhang Xu looked up and saw Wen Xunpeng's face was pale, he didn't think it was strange, after all, which of the staff present didn't have a face as white as paper?

Not only because Dai Guogong was crowned king, but on the other hand, he also felt chilled by Qi Wang's cruelty.

When the rabbit dies, the fox is sad, and things hurt its kind.

In the past, although the king of Qi was violent, he treated others and his staff with courtesy. People like Wen Xunpeng who fell down could have a place in the mansion, at most they were treated coldly.

But now a staff member lost his life because he delivered a message!

Although this news was shocking, what was wrong with Wang Xuan?Why was he so angry that he lost his life?

You know, no matter how important the future is, you have to enjoy your life. It is very important to be crowned king on behalf of the country, and the prince has been hit, but right now your own life is more important.

Wen Xunpeng seemed to be pondering, unable to come up with an idea.

"It's like comparing us to domestic slaves. It's unreasonable..." An aide said dissatisfied.

This complaint frightened others: "Cao Su, are you dying? Shut up!"

In the past, maybe I would not be afraid because of this kind of thing, but now with the lessons learned from Wang Xuan, when I face Qi Wang again, I will definitely be more careful, and I will never be careless in the slightest, not only to avoid falling out of favor, but also not to want to lose favor because of this. die!

Panic spread among them, and Wen Xunpeng mixed in, not conspicuous.

But at this moment, he was pinching the note, and the drooping eyelashes covered his eyes, but there was a kind of cruelty.

"At this time, if you ask me to do this, do you really treat me as a worthless?"

"Hmph, the rabbit is in a hurry and wants to bite!"

"Stop talking, look, the mastermind has come out." Just as he was muttering, someone with sharp eyes saw him, and immediately yelled to stop, and everyone stopped talking. Sure enough, seeing that the current mastermind of the palace, Sun Bolan, had come out, they swarmed up, Looking eagerly.

Sun Bolan's face was also a little pale, but he could not hold back his expression. He glanced at Wen Xunpeng's face and said, "Gentlemen, don't worry."

"The prince was sober just now, and he regretted it a lot. He said that he was drunk and killed Mr. Wang Xuan Wang as a lowly slave. It is really regrettable."

"Specially ordered me to issue an order immediately to bury Mr. Wang with the honor of a guest, and give 1000 taels of silver to take care of his family."

"Mr. Wang has a son who works in Beijing. The prince also said that he will immediately give him the title of a hundred households, and fill in the vacancies."

As soon as this was said, the crowd burst into smiles, and they were all envious. They didn't know that this was just a prevarication reason, but what they wanted was just this prevarication. This proved that King Qi was not crazy yet, and he had to pay attention to treating himself and others with courtesy.

That's enough.

"To raise the body, to raise the qi, Sun Bolan is just a villain, so if he doesn't want to, he will show some dignity." Wen Xunpeng thought to himself.

"Wen Xunpeng was lucky to have escaped." Sun Bolan's expression turned cold, he turned his eyes to the climbing vines on the female wall, and sneered slightly: "However, under my command, the future is bright and there is always a chance. "

 First of all, I would like to apologize to the readers. Alas, my grandma passed away due to illness, and I feel very sad. The crematorium is now heavily guarded, and the police checkpoint checks, and all the temperature checks are carried out. The time is not good, and we can only overcome the difficulties together



(End of this chapter)

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