fake prince

Chapter 740 Wen Xunpeng Seeks Seeing

Chapter 740 Wen Xunpeng Seeks Seeing


In the middle of the night, at a corner door of Prince Qi's mansion, the gatekeeper was awakened by the sound of the door opening gently, there was no response, and when he listened carefully, there was no movement, only the sound of drizzle, thinking it was a mistake, he fell back to sleep.

Wen Xunpeng flashed out, a gust of wind swept in, and he shivered. He touched the note, let out a breath, and looked up at the sky. This place is very remote, and only occasionally pedestrians pass by. The hustle and bustle of the city is completely different.

However, there were government soldiers guarding not far away, but I don't know if it was a coincidence that when he came out, it happened to be during the shift change.

I didn't hold an umbrella, and the rain was falling. It was not cold at this time, so Wen Xunpeng ignored it and let the rain drench. When I walked to the street, I saw a handlebar pulling work, so I walked over.

"Go to the Duke's Mansion."

"Guest officer, please sit down!" The handlebar hurriedly invited in.

When Wen Xunpeng sat firmly, he raised his whip on the handlebars, and the old cow pulled the car forward slowly.

This kind of ox cart was a little crude, and Wen Xunpeng didn't care. He wobbled for a long time, and only then did he move his body a little and get out of the cart when he heard the handlebar shout "arrived".

Throwing a handful of copper coins to the handlebar, Wen Xunpeng looked up and found that although it was night and it was still drizzling, the mansion in front of him was very lively.

But there were more than 20 bullock carts parked in the open space, the front door was open with red lacquer and copper nails, two big lions stood around four guards, the housekeeper was receiving visitors and talking with several people.

"These should all be the hundreds of households of Habayashi Guard?" Wen Xunpeng's eyes were poisonous, and he could roughly determine the identity of the guest with a glance, especially the Habayashi Guard is also the focus of the Qi Palace. From this point of view, How many hundred households have come?

Hey, look to the side, and get off the bus is Habayashi Mamoru Chito.

"The commander of the Habayashi Guard, Bi Xin, has already taken refuge in Dai Guogong, and there are only four thousand households left. These people are not Wanqiao and Lou Yuanbai, but there are three people in total, and they have fully controlled them."

"Before I heard that Dai Guogong was trapped in the Habayashi Guard, but now it seems that he doesn't have control of this army. He may have heard the news and came to attach himself."

Wen Xunpeng thought so, and stepped forward.

He didn't go straight to the main entrance, but quietly grabbed a servant of the Duke of Dai who was maintaining order outside, and said in a low voice: "Here, I want to see the king, and please report for me."

The servant took a look and saw that he was wearing a half-worn blue silk gown, with a fair complexion and a look in his deep eyes. My master is crowned king, and many guests have come. If you want to see my great king, you also need to wait at the door and be received by the butler. How can the young one decide to let you in now?"

However, Wen Xunpeng smiled: "You just need to report, and say, the staff of Prince Qi's mansion, come to see the prince."

A staff member of Prince Qi's Mansion?

As soon as these words came out, the servant was obviously taken aback, and looked at the not-so-young scribe in front of him again, a little inconceivable.

After all, even a servant like him knows that King Qi does not get along with his acting king, and even the whole capital knows about it. Those guests who came to celebrate the crowning of the king deserved more attention.

"I don't know what your name is?" the servant asked.

Wen Xunpeng said his name, and the servant said: "You wait for a while, the little one will go in and report."

With that said, he walked in quickly.

Not far away, a young man was getting out of the bullock cart with his eyebrows frowned, his face was slightly gloomy, his lips were pursed and he looked at the lively scene in front of him, and his heart was in a panic.

"If you come, you will be safe. He is the king of the generation, and he is the commander of the Habayashi guards. It is not shameful for me to bow my head."

It was Xu Wei who was giving himself psychological counseling.

The second son of Duke Xing's family, one of the two commanders of the Habayashi guards, has often secretly made trouble for Duke Dai in the past, but now he is reluctant to come to congratulate him.

There is no way, although I am very dissatisfied with this airborne commander, but even the commander who has always been reluctant to participate in the power struggle of Habayashi Guard has come. The rest of the thousand and one hundred households, no matter what they think in their hearts, they put on a friendly posture. If he doesn't come today, it will be too conspicuous.

"Who is that?" Because of the awkwardness in his heart, even though he came, Xu Wei hesitated, looking around for a while, and suddenly saw a familiar figure not far away, who seemed to be talking to the servant of Daiwangfu

However, when I looked again, the person had disappeared, and some guests who were waiting in front had entered again at this time. Xu Wei couldn't go to check at this time, so he could only bite the bullet and walk up the steps.

Not long, Wen Xunpeng waited until the servant came out.

"Mr. Wen, please come with me." The servant walked around the crowd with a serious expression, and bowed in front of him, signaling Wen Xunpeng to follow him.

Wen Xunpeng nodded and followed, and saw the servant led all the way to a remote corner door and knocked on the door three times before someone opened the door and let them in.

As soon as you enter through this small door, you first pass through a courtyard, then a long corridor, and turn two corners along the corridor, the servant who leads the way stops: "Someone in the front courtyard will lead you in, and the younger one will see you off." It's here."

After finishing speaking, a mansion soldier came over to hand over, without saying a word, he continued with Wen Xunpeng.

"Some are similar, but some are different."

Wen Xunpeng noticed the difference between Dai Guogong's mansion and Qi Wang's mansion in the corridor. Although both are large in size and have many courtyards, they are also carved with pillars and majestic.

But Qi Wangfu obviously either makes people tremble, or indulges in pleasure.

Everywhere in this mansion is in perfect order. Although everyone has vigilance in their eyes, there is no fear. This is the sense of security that the master brings to the servants.

At least it can prove that the owner of this family is not violent, but he is not soft either, which is just right.


While thinking about it, he had already walked into the courtyard, this place should be next to the main courtyard, he could hear the commotion not far away, the government soldiers brought him to the front of the hall and signaled him to enter by himself.

Wen Xunpeng walked into the hall a few steps, and saw a person standing with his back to him, holding a Chinese robe spread on the table in his hand, the robe was shining brightly from the light in the room, no need to look carefully, serve Wen Xunpeng, who had been with King Qi for a long time, recognized it as a crown dress, which was only available to the king.

This almost dazzled Wen Xunpeng's eyes, lowered his eyes, and stood at the door to salute: "Wen Xunpeng has seen the king."

Although Dai Guogong has not yet formally made the king, but the decree has been made, and there is only one procedure to receive the decree, so Wen Xunpeng naturally changed his mind.

Su Ziji was actually curious when he heard that it was Wen Xunpeng, a staff member of the Qi Palace, who came to see him. He wondered why this staff member of the Qi Palace came to see him. Could it be that he came to seek refuge like Cen Rubai Own?

But when Cen Rubai took refuge in him, Lin Yu was finished early in the morning, and now King Qi is still strong, so why should he surrender immediately?

But if it is a bait to lure oneself into a pit, it may not be.

(End of this chapter)

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