fake prince

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

"Wen Xunpeng?" Su Ziji turned around, his eyes fell on the visitor, he sized him up carefully, and said in his mouth: "I have heard about you, you are an effective staff member of King Qi, what are you doing here?" , could it be that he wanted to vote for me?"

He spoke with a bit of ridicule, he is King Qi's capable staff, but it's just a passing style.

Wen Xunpeng heaved a sigh of relief. Just looking at Dai Guogong's attitude, he knew that he had no personal prejudice or opinion on himself. A certain is indeed here to vote for you, the king, and I hope the king will accept it!"

"Oh?" Su Ziji was joking. He had already picked up his tea and took a sip, but when he heard such a reply, he almost spit out his tea. He couldn't help looking up and down at Mr. Wen, and then raised his eyebrows: "Mr. Are you joking?"

"My lord, how can you be joking about this matter, there is absolutely no falsehood in Wen Mou's heart for you."

Seeing Wen Xunpeng answering with a solemn face, Su Ziji immediately restrained his smile, and if he laughed again, he would be disrespectful to others, and he frowned and pondered: "Mr. Wen's talent and learning, and your recent situation in the Qi Palace, even this king I've heard that, I should have greeted you backwards, but..."

Su Ziji paused when he spoke, as if he was deliberating, but he said straightforwardly: "Then what about your certificate?"

It is not easy for ordinary people to take refuge in a powerful person. Whether it is talent, learning or loyalty, it needs to be tested, let alone someone from a hostile force. believe you?

Just relying on the touch of the upper lip and the lower lip, anyone can say empty words.

Some people may think that this is a faction of Jianghu people, but it is not the case. In the court, some people "hop" between parties, and they also need to vote for a certificate.

Su Ziji said it so directly, which made Wen Xunpeng feel at ease.

If Su Ziji directly agreed, he would murmur, which means that he is either hypocritical or useless.

Now Dai Guogong is so open and aboveboard asking for a certificate of honor. Is this vulgar, or is it straightforward, or is it because he doesn't want to make a fool of himself at all?

"Wen really has a piece of valuable information, but it can be submitted as a certificate." Wen Xunpeng came when he knew the key point, his body froze, and he regained the demeanor of the mastermind, and said slowly: "Your Majesty, you know that twenty years ago The black hand that caused the death of the prince is now on your radar."

"The black hand 20 years ago?"

Not knowing why this matter was mentioned suddenly, Su Ziji looked around and saw Wen Xunpeng's expression was still calm under his gaze.

"Yes, when the crown prince died, there were many doubts. I just know one thing. There is indeed a mastermind behind the scenes."

"Back then, the mastermind behind the scenes planned for several years before attacking, and then killed with one blow. Now, this organization plans to repeat the old trick and attack you."

The words were very serious, Su Ziji was shocked, and felt that there was something to talk about here, so he asked to sit down, and said: "Please sit down and talk slowly, sir."

Afterwards, people served tea again, and when the servants retreated, Wen Xunpeng, who sat down, flicked the tea foam with a bowl lid: "Your Majesty may have doubts, but this is Wen's personal experience."

"Back then, Wen was still young. Not long after he passed the exam, he was an ordinary candidate with no talent, but he failed the ranking. He only had seven taels of silver left on him. It was a time of panic."

When Wen Xunpeng said this, he smiled wryly, not everyone has the talent and learning to act as a king, and he won the first prize at the age of 17!

"Someone accepted me, gave me food and clothing, introduced me to opportunities, and introduced me to King Qi, who was only 15 years old at the time. It was only after I worked for a while that I realized that the situation was not good. I have a duty of supervision."

"You just obey?" Su Ziji asked suddenly, leaning back.

"Someone refused and fell ill. I collected the corpse myself." Wen Xunpeng said lightly: "Although King Qi is young, he can't tolerate sand in his eyes. Even if I inform you, I will end badly."

"Even if you don't tell the truth, the end may not be good, right?"

"What the prince said is that I am not the only one who did this together, but I am the only one who has persisted in Prince Qi's mansion until now."

"Outsiders underestimate King Qi. In fact, he is smart and sensitive, or suspicious." Wen Xunpeng took a sip of tea, his mouth full of bitterness: "This is also the reason why I don't ask the prince to forgive me."

Even so, the King of Qi might have smelled something and distanced himself from himself and got close to Sun Bolan, can there be a reason for it?

After a pause, Wen Xunpeng's face turned livid.

"But there are many people sent by the prince. Wen is a peripheral, and others don't know, but they can be sure that one of them is an accomplice..."

After speaking, Wen Xunpeng gave a name: "Yu Qianzhi."

"What?" Su Ziji narrowed his eyes, really shocked.

"Your lord was also shocked? That's what you said, Yu Qianzhi, don't look at him. He is quite famous now, and he is still a Daoist Daoist, an official fifth-rank bachelor, but 20 years ago, he was just a down-and-out person."

"The ancestor was an official in the previous dynasty. The whole family produced several Jinshi, hundreds of candidates, and the highest Zeng official worshiped the second grade. However, by the time of this dynasty, he had already declined. If he hadn't been funded by others, he might not even be able to study. I can't even afford the expenses, so naturally there won't be the current Mr. Yu."

When Wen Xunpeng said this, he couldn't help laughing, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at himself for being an old Juren after 20 years, or feeling Yu Qianzhi's "luck".

"However, the matter of Prince Qi's mansion is not Wen Mou's nomination certificate. What Wen Mou wants to talk about is the matter of King Lu."

"Back then, someone was placed beside King Lu, and that person was Gui Junxi."

"Did the king want to fight for the heir apparent, did he only focus on Qi and Shu, but ignore King Lu?"

"Does Your Majesty know that Zhao Yan, the hussar general in the court, and Gao Zhuo, the commander of the Yulin guards, are from King Lu?"

Gao Zhuo, the commander of Habayashi Wei from the fourth grade, usually looks like a person with high qualifications. He usually doesn't know anyone very well, and he doesn't even pay special attention to himself. He is actually a member of King Lu?

The third-rank hussars general Zhao Yan is also a member of King Lu?

Su Ziji really didn't know about this information!

Hearing Wen Xunpeng's words at this time, Su Ziji was thrilled, subconsciously tightened his body, and thought: "This is true, so this information is indeed valuable."

"I did ignore King Lu. Now that Wen Xunpeng reminded me, I realized that King Lu seemed to be indisputable, but he actually possessed such power!"

Su Ziji suddenly realized that he should not underestimate the enemy. Why did he often ignore King Lu intentionally or unintentionally?It really shouldn't be!

"Do you know who the organizer is?" Su Ziji asked with sweat on his forehead.

Wen Xunpeng shook his head and smiled wryly: "Wen hasn't known about such things for 20 years."

It took 20 years of youth for this, and it has been wasted until now, and I can't break away easily, but in the end, I don't even know who is behind the scenes who brought me these things, how sad is I?

He also said: "Qi Wang Congmin is suspicious, violent and unkind, and he already doubted me. No matter how hard he works, if he makes a mistake, he will be left behind, and even let it be practiced, regardless read."

"Your Majesty, you know that the King of Qi became angry and killed the counselor in front of him when he learned that the King was crowned king today. But at this time, the organization gave me another note, asking me to do something."

"If I do what the organization says, at this moment, I'm afraid I won't be able to live for a few days."

"This time, I really have no choice but to survive."

As Wen Xunpeng said, he handed a note to Su Ziji.

(End of this chapter)

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