fake prince

Chapter 761

Chapter 761

This is Xinpingguan. Although it is not far from the capital, it is not easy to go back before dawn on two legs, and it is easy to be noticed.

The sun exploded in the night sky just now, and the big monster died, and the armor soldiers all over the place died. If he was found out, what would happen?

Even with apprehension, Su Ziji had no choice but to look back, and said, "Miss Zhou's giant sculpture is really good. I wonder if Miss Zhou can lend it to me? Just send me back home."

Zhou Yao looked at Su Ziji with complicated eyes, and nodded after a long time: "Yes."

She opened the door and beckoned to the sky in the corridor.

There should be a way of communication between the two. With just one wave, the eagle landed and stood obediently in the corridor.

"Thank you!" Su Ziji hurriedly jumped up, and immediately left with the two foxes, without even looking back, as if she was a ferocious tiger.

Zhou Yao watched the two foxes being carried by Su Ziji to the giant eagle, and then the giant eagle spread its wings and went away. She looked thoughtfully, until the black spot was no longer in the distance, then she looked away.

Back in the room, the warm orange candlelight danced twice, illuminating half of the wall.

Zhou Yao returned to the couch in a daze, and subconsciously unfolded the Daoist scriptures, but she couldn't bear to read it. She stretched out her hand for a long time, and looking at her familiar slender hand, Zhou Yao's face once again showed confusion.

"who am I?"

Why did you say what you just said?

Is it out of herself, or is someone else manipulating her to do such things and say such things?

The deep nostalgia in his heart, but still unable to grasp his despair, came like a tide and refused to subside for a long time. Who did this come from?

Taoist temple

With a muffled snort, he opened his arms to thank the real person, staggered slightly, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The dragon shadow slowly dissipated behind him, and there were some dragon patterns on the young face of Master Xie, coiled on the cheeks, and extending all the way to the neck, the color was dark green, and looked very strange.

And after Master Xie vomited blood, these dragon marks didn't stay for too long, and slowly dissipated.

"One-third of the demon luck?" Daoist Xie wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and slowly looked around. He saw more than a dozen corpses and billowing blood, which were blown by the wind and turned into ashes.

It seems that after thousands of years, even the epiphyses have turned to ashes, and even the blood in the air has disappeared.

"Beautiful Dragon Lake, I actually knew it earlier, but I can't get close to it. It was forbidden by the Dragon King back then."

"I thought that when I became independent, I could seize the power of the Dragon Lord."

"I don't want to, the revival of the Dragon Palace interrupted my plan."

"Dragon Palace is originally the orthodoxy of the monster clan. One-third of the foundation is solid, and no one can take it away. This makes sense, but why, there is still one-third, and you don't vote for me?"

"You know, what you shouted just now is actually an order from Lord Long."

"Could it be that time has brought not only the foundation of the emperor, but also the authority of the Dragon Lord?"

"However, even so, it is enough."

"After today, I can appear in the capital with integrity."

Master Xie looked around at this time, the lantern was still there, the original moonlight was shrouded in clouds, and the drizzle was drifting down in the breeze, washing away the last traces, and not far away, Hongdao was already standing with his back.

"Master, it's almost dawn, what instructions do you have?" Hongdao asked after a long time.

"I'm remembering!" Xie Zhen said slowly, as if chewing something, "I've lived here for many years, and I know every plant and every tree."

"Master wants to live, so he can come back in the future." Hong Dao said with a smile, "I will definitely send someone to take care of it, and I can move in at any time."

"One moment and another moment." Daoist Xie said flatly, "I am no longer a Taoist, but Xie Zhenqing, the eldest son of Bo Zhennan!"

"The prince has always been weak, so he doesn't see people very much. He has recovered recently, so he will leave the house." Hong Dao quickly bowed and said yes, and the two talked while walking, and they didn't realize that they had reached the door of the Tao.

Looking back, the green vines are still there, and the beauty is still there.

Panlong Lake·Dragon Palace

The young dragon gritted his teeth and carried it hard. There were spider web-like cracks in the jade under its body, which was caused by the huge pressure. There was also a little bit of blood oozing from between the scales, and the little dragon's horns also trembled.

The cold voice asked again and again, which brought wave after wave of oppression.

Because it is only for the young dragon, this side hall is not even the side hall where it often rests, and the aquatic monsters have not noticed that the young dragon is going through torture here.

Just at the moment when the young dragon felt that this kind of oppression would never end, suddenly the huge force pressing on it like a mountain of Judas disappeared!

The young dragon let out a "huh", looked up curiously, twisted its plump body, and looked around, but the cold and coercive voice did not appear again.

The young dragon scratched the ground with its small paws, then rose into the air a little dissatisfied, and flew around the side hall.

Also nothing different!

Although this did make the young dragon feel relaxed, but at the same time, there was anger that could not be suppressed.

Just run away like this?Who is pretending to be the queen mother?Excessive, let it go without catching it!

He didn't think he was at a disadvantage at all, and the little guy planned to fight another [-] rounds!

However, this kind of emotion came and went quickly, the young dragon was still young, and had just spent a lot of physical and spiritual energy, suddenly relaxed, and couldn't help yawning.

"Oh!" It patted itself on the head with the tip of its tail a little annoyed: "Why do I want to sleep again?"

But once the sleepiness came, it was really hard to resist, and the eyelids couldn't be opened when I saw it.

Now it desperately wants to lie down in its nest to be comfortable and sleep well, but it wants to sleep but is worried.

If you fall asleep and do what happened just now in a daze, who can bear it?

If it is in a daze and its ability to resist is not as strong as before, wouldn't it be embarrassing to kneel down?

No, these are actually secondary. The young dragon looked at the two golden seals in the air.

This is what it should pay attention to the most!

Why!Almost forgot about them!

"How important is the golden seal? Now that I have two, I must hide them as soon as possible!"

Thinking about it this way, it didn't feel at ease, so it tried its best to lift the eyelids that were about to stick together, and the soft dragon body crawled up again.

Although the golden seal is hovering in the air, ordinary people can't reach it, but when the dragon flies, the sky can go, let alone the high places in the palace?

It's just that the white shadow flashed and circled around, and the two golden seals were taken down by the young dragon, coiled with the tip of its tail, and brought back to the side hall where it was sleeping.

Putting it on its comfortable nest, Jin Yin was also directly coiled by it, so I can rest assured to sleep.

"Hey, when I get enough sleep, I will definitely surprise Master!"

Thinking that the next time Master came, I would take out two gold seals at once and tell about my heroic and fearless deeds. I would definitely get Master's amazed gaze, and the young dragon fell into a sweet dream soon.

It would be great if there was a queen mother in the dream.

No, it would be even better if there is still Father.

No, it will be consummated if there is brother master again.

(End of this chapter)

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