fake prince

Chapter 762

Chapter 762

night sky

At night when the heavy rain stops, the ground is wet or muddy when walking, but flying is very enjoyable.

It was not the first time for Su Ziji to fly, but it was the first time for Su Ziji to sit on a giant eagle with two foxes in his arms on the way back.

The previous few times, I either used the dragon body in the water mansion, or chased the enemy. Has there ever been such a peaceful and leisurely time?

Su Ziji couldn't help but think of his previous life. At that time, he often took planes to and from the city, and even crossing the ocean to go abroad was not difficult.

Although there are no monsters, gods, or spells in that world, ordinary people can "fly into the sky and escape from the earth", and even enter the seabed to explore secrets.

"Strange, why do you remember the past again?"

"Could it be because of what Zhou Yao said that made me shake?"

"No, there is no need to be shaken. The person she said must not be me. My past and present lives are clear. She must have admitted the wrong person."

Su Ziji straightened his thoughts and stopped thinking about it.

The flying speed of the eagle is not too slow. It didn't take long to fly back to the capital from Xinpingguan.

At this time, the gate of the city has not yet opened, and there are already some people outside who are waiting to open the gate to enter the city, and some ox carts are also parked. Looking down from the sky, these scenes can be seen at a glance.

"The advantage of the sky demon is really great. It can fly in the sky, and it is very convenient for attacking, investigating, and retreating."

"During the Great Wei Dynasty, how did the imperial court control the demon clan?"

Su Ziji was surprised that strength is strength, and there is absolutely no reason for those with strength to be inferior.

The reason why the army can be controlled is that it appears as a whole, but inside every household is divided, and no one can resist.

If someone can single-handedly control an army with several armies, it will immediately be a situation of corruption for the country.

The Great Wei established a court, fought with the monster clan, and was able to gain the upper hand when the monster clan was free of monsters, which must be strange.

And looking at the records of the previous dynasty, although Wei Taizu was considered a prosperous age of demon clans, it was also a prosperous age of cultivators. Could it be that the demon clan and cultivators balanced each other?

It seems reasonable, until the Zheng Dynasty, there were still some institutions that could deal with the monster race, and it was said that they were inherited from the previous dynasty.

But cultivators are also human beings, and it is impossible for a human being to be loyal after having strength, unless the strength is insufficient.

How was the Wei Dynasty controlled?

"Chirp!" Suddenly, the little fox in his arms moved.

Su Ziji was awakened by it, looked down, and found that he had flown over Daiwangfu.

Looking down from the sky, I can see people coming and going in the mansion, it is very lively, it is not long before dawn, and I have to entertain an unknown number of guests during the day, there are too many things to be busy, many people don't sleep at all, and work all night .

Of course, although the rest time has been reduced, everyone is happy and proud.

When the master is crowned king, the servants will rise naturally, but they have been busy for a few days, so I wish this kind of good thing can happen more times, but I will not dislike it!

Besides, the mistress has spoken, and everyone will be paid two more months of monthly money!

Originally, the monthly money was generous, and the extra two months were paid, but it was not a small fortune!

After earning the money, the status will rise together. Except for a few who may not be in the state, everyone has long been eager to finish the errands without touching the ground.

"Hey, quick, quick, check the menu and check the ingredients."

"Fortunately, the scattered tables outside are running water seats, and you can change as you eat, and there are only eight dishes on the table." A trainee steward said fortunately: "It's much more convenient to check."

"It's thanks to the emperor's blessing. The emperor rectifies the administration of officials and forbids excessive extravagance. The officials are unwilling to touch this bad luck in vain. It is also much more convenient for us to do things."

"But the banquet in the inner hall is very troublesome."

A not-so-young steward patted and smiled: "Your Majesty has ordered it to be supervised by the people from the Imperial City Department, and it is their responsibility if something happens."

"So that's the case." One sentence made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

The steward sighed: "You guys, back then in the Prince's Mansion, the rules were not chaotic at all, let alone a hundred banquets, even a thousand banquets were meticulous, you have to learn more."

A few people listened silently, and dug them out of the mud on behalf of Wang Renxiao. Although their ancestors were from the Eastern Palace, after 20 years, most of their children and nephews have not passed on many rules and skills. Well-organized, when there is a major event, it is in a hurry.

But this can't last long, no matter how many ancestral graces there are, they will be gone if they are all spent.

Dai Wangfu must set up its own shelf.

"People are coming, welcome them quickly, don't let them wander around." At the lantern, quite a few people who could not be from the house at first glance, came in and out through the corner door, some were from their own hotel, and some were from other restaurants, preparing for a banquet , the people in the mansion greeted him.

Brightly lit, bright as day.

Fortunately, it was the darkest time before dawn, Su Ziji motioned for the eagle to descend, and before it landed, Su Ziji jumped down.

He was already dressed in black, and it was easy for him to blend into the night. After completing the task of sending people off, the eagle also spread its wings and flew into the sky again.

Fog rose again from Su Ziji's side, quickly wrapped the man and the fox, and headed towards the main courtyard.

It is said to be falling, but it is almost the same as gliding.

"Dragon Lord orders the cloud energy, I can also use some."

Su Ziji occasionally leans on a branch, and with a light step, he can sweep ten meters away.

The so-called qinggong is absolutely impossible to have this ability. It was Su Ziji who tried to surround his body with clouds, forming a kind of buoyancy.

Although it is impossible to bear the weight of the human body, but combined with lightness skills, it is like a fairy.

It has to be said that the invisibility covered by clouds and fog, and the use of wind to float are very practical and convenient, and they are simply necessary skills for killing people and living at home!

Su Zi flinched, sneaked in at the window, and went in to see the two foxes. They stopped crying for a long time and had already fallen asleep.

Su Ziji changed his clothes, sat on the couch, and said in a low voice, "Come here!"

"Your Majesty." Several servant girls filed in, and Yingying bowed down to greet him.

Su Ziji looked at the two foxes with a calm expression, "Take them to the fox house."

The fox room is a small room built in the main courtyard, not far from the bedroom of Su Ziji and Ye Buhui. Although it is not very big, and it is not built according to the furniture used by human beings, it has everything that should be there.

There is a bed in the fox room, with two warm nests on it, both of which are big soft round cushions, and two small tables on the ground, where the two foxes eat.

There is also a fox climbing frame next to it, and another shelf with some fruits and dried fruits, which are snacks for the two foxes, and the maids are not allowed to steal them, otherwise they will be punished if they are caught.

Although these two foxes don't need to receive monthly money, the life they live in this generation's palace is absolutely nourishing.

"Yes, Your Majesty." After hearing the order, the first two servant girls stepped forward with envy and jealousy, and carefully hugged the two foxes, big and small.

It was a little uncomfortable to change places suddenly, the big fox was better, the little fox couldn't help struggling, but when it half-opened its eyes and saw the familiar maid hugging itself, it calmed down.

Seeing that the king had nothing to say, the servant girl backed away. As for saying that the king looked sober, as if he had just woken up, she didn't even dare to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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