fake prince

Chapter 766

Chapter 766


An eighth-rank official at the reed shed looked at Yu Qianzhi in surprise, but he didn't recognize him, and seeing that he was not wearing an official uniform, he thought to himself: "Who is this person, who lost his composure? I'm afraid he is an old Juren who came here to eat and drink."

Someone muttered and fell into confusion: "Xie Zhenqing?"

The eighth-rank official straightened his beard and said, "It's not surprising if you don't know. The son of Xie's family in Zhen'an is called Xie Zhenqing. I heard that he has always been weak and doesn't see many people. He rarely comes out these few years."

"However, Xie's mansion kept the etiquette, but they never changed their heirs. They came out for a walk as soon as they were in good health."

"So that's how it is!" Everyone nodded when they heard this, and some people sighed: "Even in the residence of the Lord Duke, if there is a problem with the son, a lot of people will be ashamed and step on their shoulders to climb up!"

"I didn't expect Zhen'an Bo to be able to observe etiquette even though he came from a martial arts background. It's rare."

There have been such princes and lords. There were many young masters who were weak and died young, and some who survived were raised as daughters, fearing that they would not be able to support them.

The reason why this son of Zhennan uncle still has some reputation in the small circle is that no matter how weak this man is, he has always firmly held the title of son of Zhennan uncle, which is envied by many people.

Second, it is said that although the eldest son of Zhennan Bo is weak, he has an outstanding appearance, even if he is sick, he does not conceal his demeanor, which makes some people curious.

These people came to Dai Wang's mansion this time to celebrate Dai Guogong being crowned king. They didn't expect to have the opportunity to meet the legendary son of Zhennan Bo, so they were a little curious.

It was under the watchful eyes of the crowd that a young man brought a boy over.

Su Ziji greeted the other party, his gaze met, and he sighed in his heart: "Outstanding style, there is really no shortage of young masters in the capital."

The person in front of him may not be first-class in appearance, but the combination of eyebrows, eyes and facial features is just right, making people feel friendly when looking at him.

His skin was a little pale, and it was true that he had just recovered from an illness and lacked vigor, but his temperament was outstanding, and at the same time, he was able to cover up his shortcomings, and at the same time, it also gave the heir of Zhennan Bo some added bonuses.

Xie Zhenqing smiled, cupped his hands to congratulate, and asked the boy holding the wooden box to come forward. The boy even opened the box, revealing the book.

"Knowing that Dai Wang likes lonely ancient books, I'll bring one as a small gift, and please accept it."

"Young Master Xie, you are polite." After Xie Zhenqing's words fell, Su Ziji seemed to feel something. His heart moved, and someone accepted the gift, but he didn't let him send it away. Started, flipping through a few pages.

"Discover the "Smoke Cave Sutra", do you want to learn it?"

Smoke hole truth?

Su Ziji hesitated for a while, and replied: "Yes."

In an instant, there is a coolness pouring down, and half a piece of red sandalwood tin disappears as soon as it appears, and at the same time, it jumps out of the experience of growth.

"[Crimson Palace True Seal Pill Method] +20500, Level 10 (75/10000)"

"That's right, it still allows me to gain experience and upgrade, which shows that this scripture is extraordinary."

At the second gate, Su Ziji was satisfied and smiled more sincerely. He remembered something, motioned to the housekeeper to pick him up and sent him to the courtyard, and smiled again: "Master Xie, although you and I met for the first time, our friendship has already left. I have received books from the young master many times, and Gu is really grateful, and please keep in touch with me in the future."

"Don't dare, but the king has invitations, I will interrupt from time to time."

The sun gradually rises, and the sun shines. After 20 years of backlash, I have a problem of photophobia. Although it is better now, I still have a mental block unconsciously. I don’t want to stay in the sun for a long time. After Xie Zhenqing gave the gift, I didn’t plan to continue After a banquet, we exchanged a few pleasantries, then turned around and left.

His eyes swept across the reed shed inadvertently, and met Yu Qianzhi's eyes, without any expression, just following his own thoughts: "I saw you today, but I have a very pure royal air."

"It seems that my original guess may not be correct. This person is really of royal blood." Xie Zhenqing smiled dumbly, whispered weakly, glanced at the eight Taoists again, smiled, and left.

The young man followed beside him without squinting.

This kind of master and servant would not have the name of Zhennan Bo's Mansion, and would not attract the attention of others at all. Seeing this reaction, Yu Qianzhi finally regained his composure.

"No, it's not him, the age is wrong."

"But it's so similar, could it be a nephew?" In Yu Qianzhi's mind, he couldn't help thinking—this must be checked.

Although I was able to rise up because of the favor of the people behind the scenes back then, but now that I am in my position, I am naturally unwilling to be controlled by others, and now I suddenly see someone similar, and I feel relieved.

At this time, in the corridor not far away, a middle-aged scholar came slowly. When he raised his eyes, he saw two people passing by in a hurry, especially when he saw Xie Zhenqing's face clearly, he couldn't help being startled.

"Mr. Wen." A servant passed by and saluted.

The man nodded lightly, but his eyes were still on the two figures who had gone away.

"Who is this? It looks familiar."

The person called "Mr. Wen" is exactly Wen Xunpeng. He was treated with courtesy by the king, the atmosphere in the mansion was not harsh, and he was in a good mood. He walked through the corridor and was about to go to the front. thinking.

Based on his memory, he is either an ordinary person who has no need to remember, and he does not know him when he sees him, or he has a deep memory, and he can recall it when he sees it. Now, he has seen this person in recent years, and he looks familiar, but he can't remember it. Can't remember, it doesn't happen that often.

"Do you know who this person is?" Wen Xunpeng immediately asked the servant who was saluting to him.

The servant looked in the direction Wen Xunpeng was looking at, and replied, "Are you talking about the son who just passed by? That is the son of Zhennan Bo."

"Xie Zhenqing, the eldest son of Zhennanbo?" Wen Xunpeng was a little surprised. It turns out that because of his poor health, he has been recuperating for a weak and weak son who rarely sees outsiders. Is this the man?

Although it looked a bit extravagant and there was nothing suspicious about it, Wen Xunpeng still felt something was wrong.

Waving the servant away, he stood there in thought.

"Xie Zhenqing looks familiar to me. Could it be someone I knew in the past? But he seems to be only in his twenties, and he is not of the same generation as me. If he really met many years ago, he was still a teenager at that time? How could he have met me?"

"Could it be the descendant of someone I know well, so it looks familiar?"

"But Zhennan Bo, I've seen him before. He doesn't look like this. Could it be that he followed his mother?"

This may not be impossible. Wen Xunpeng stood where he was, thinking for a long time, trying to find out what it was the last time he saw this face. Suddenly, he thought of something, his face changed drastically, and he raised his head suddenly, his eyes revealed cold light.

"Could it be this person?"

"No, it's impossible, the age is not right!"

"Is there a blood relationship with the person behind the scenes?" Wen Xunpeng was shocked, clenched his fists, and unconsciously, his nails cut into his flesh: "Should I report this matter to the king?"

"But I don't have much time in the mansion. If it's not right, it will be difficult to raise my face again."

(End of this chapter)

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