fake prince

Chapter 767 There is something wrong with Xie Zhenqing

Chapter 767 There is something wrong with Xie Zhenqing

At this time, in the open space outside the second gate, it was almost noon, there were a lot of guests, and the banquet had already started. No matter whether he admired these people or not, Su Ziji looked like a corporal and approachable.

Everyone is pretending, but the result is not bad. Those who may have various worries are relieved and satisfied.

In the officialdom, everyone is a film king, and a wave of guests have already exchanged cups and cups. Even if there is no banquet, they are all eating tea, smoking cigarettes, kowtow melon seeds and fruit, talking and laughing, don't care if there is any grudge in private, at this time everyone They all look happy.

"Really, is it activated?"

The eight people stood in positions, and the savings had been completed. Han Jun was not among the eight people asking for immortals, but was free. At this time, seeing most of the people in the venue, they either left or entered the shed. The voices were buzzing, smoking, drinking tea, Talking and joking, surrounded by smoke and fog, although a little disgusted, there are not many idlers outside the arena, and it will be conspicuous if you don't use it, so you asked in a low voice.

Liu Zhan only nodded when he heard this, stepped on the wooden shoes, just pondered, and asked in a blink of an eye, "Just now, did you feel any changes? It seems that someone has practiced the spiritual method passed down from the door, and entered the room."

Seeing Han Jun's bewildered face, he also felt that he was superstitious. The slight fluctuation just now was indeed the feeling of his family's direct inheritance of mentality, but first, this kind of mentality was not passed on to the outside world, and second, no one was making a lot of noise here. Third, look carefully, except for Huo Wuyong and Yu Qianzhi, they are all famous people, and no one is practicing Taoism, let alone the spiritual teaching of the sect.

"Thinking about it again, it's a bit specious. Could it be that I'm suspicious." Liu Zhan stared at Su Ziji, but didn't see anything. Suddenly, he saw a seemingly ordinary middle-aged man.

"Qianhu Gao Jianlang of the Imperial City Division? Why is he here?" Liu Zhan was originally a very intelligent person, but in the blink of an eye, he had figured it out, and gave Yu Qian a hard look.

"It must be the wind that this person revealed that alarmed the emperor."

"Hmph, without knowing it, he used me as a swordsman. It's really hateful."

But at this time, even if you want to stop it, since the emperor knows it, what is your intention to stop it suddenly?

Liu Zhan felt disgusted in his heart, so he had to issue an order, and the eight Taoists immediately made a secret secret.

If Su Ziji felt something, he glanced at the venue and the reed shed, then looked away, and asked, "How many people on the list have entered, and have they all been recorded?"

The butler knew that the guests in the reed shed were not high-ranking officials, and many of them were Juren and below the sixth rank, so they just came to the venue.

However, officials of the third rank and above, looking at their closeness and estrangement, sent housekeepers to give gifts and congratulate them, and it was over. These people were either from Shu Qi, or they didn't want to involve the kings in the competition.

Sending nephews here is all about being close and able to win over.

Not many came in person, but they all showed goodwill, and they might be the backbone of the future camp.

As for those who don't come, they don't even show face. Under such a big event, they are either full of hatred or ignorant officials.

A celebration basically separates closeness and estrangement. This is politics.

At that moment the steward said: "My lord, it's all recorded. This is a major event in the family. I sent three people to record it and cross-check it. event."

"It's done well." Su Ziji nodded, and before he spoke, there seemed to be a "buzz" sweeping over.


Su Ziji frowned slightly, but quickly restrained himself, showing nothing unusual, but swept over Huo Wuyong, Yu Qianzhi, and Liu Zhan again.

Liu Zhan was drinking tea, and seemed to be chatting and laughing with others. Seeing Su Ziji's eyes, he smiled, and stood up, stepped forward, and nodded slightly.

"Pindao has already had tea and wine, and he has other things to do to stay for a long time. Come to congratulate the Dai Wang, and he is leaving."

so fast?

Su Ziji was a little surprised and a little skeptical, but wherever he looked, he felt the other party get up, everything was normal, he was stunned, and then smiled and said: "In this case, I will send the real person out."

Liu Zhan didn't refuse, and let Su Ziji send him to the gate, but his back was sweating.

"Dai Wang has no demon luck on him, he is very clean, far better than Qi Shu, and even cleaner than King Lu!"

If it's just like this, Liu Zhan may be suspicious.

"Not only that, there is a demon on Dai Wang's body, which is the resentment left by beheading the big demon."

Liu Zhan was a little puzzled, but he thought of the changes in Shun'an Mansion and thought about it.

"The locusts were resolved that day, a little fast, could it be that the locust demon was killed?"

"No matter what, there is nothing unusual about Dai Wang. It's dangerous. I almost had a grudge with Dai Wang. Fortunately, I didn't act rashly, but tried it out first."

Thinking of Yu Qianzhi's reaction when he persuaded him, Liu Zhan felt a little scared.

Although the Yin Guan faction is powerful, occupying various places in Dazheng and forming a large scale, it is still as weak as a baby in the face of the state machine, and has no power to resist.

Once this generational king who is also likely to contend for the heir apparent becomes enmity with him, there will be many enemies for no reason, which will naturally be unfavorable to Yin Guan faction.

Liu Zhan thought even more: "Could it be that Yu Qianzhi deliberately made me hostile to King Dai?"

This is not impossible, Yu Qianzhi supports the King of Lu, and he and the faction behind him do not support the King of Lu, and even want to stand aloof from the outside, Yu Qianzhi may not want to drag the Yin Guan faction into trouble.

As his mind turned, Liu Zhan's attitude became obviously more enthusiastic.

After all, if you can be sure that the Daiwang has no demon luck, it is worth wooing.

"The king."

Liu Zhan went down the steps, stopped, and said to Su Ziji, "I heard that you like alchemy. There are many classics in my sect related to alchemy, which can be learned by the king. If you want, you can go to Guanzhong to borrow them." .”

"This concept will open its doors to welcome."

Liu Zhan suddenly became very enthusiastic, which made Su Ziji feel a little baffled.

"What's wrong with Liu Zhan? When he first came here, he was still reserved. He looked polite, but in fact he was cold. Why is he suddenly so enthusiastic now?"

"Did something happen at this moment that I don't know?"

Su Ziji didn't want Liu Zhan to see his vigilance, so he suppressed the thought of looking at him, and smiled: "Then, I'll thank the real person first."

Seeing Liu Zhan getting into the bullock cart and turning back to the mansion, at this time almost everyone had arrived, he smiled and patted him three times.

The curtain of the inner banquet hall was opened wide, and all the young girls were dressed in court attire, jingling and dancing, and the leader was Luo Jiang, who sang softly as soon as he danced.

The people present were all people with aesthetics. I saw the soft tap of the ivory clapper, and she sang softly and softly. At first, she was as thin as a hair, and seemed to be nothing. Instantly quiet down.

"Good song, good singing skills."

Only then did Su Ziji whisper to Wen Xunpeng who was standing beside him: "Mr. Wen, what happened?"

Before I arrived at the banquet hall just now, I saw Wen Xunpeng standing on the side of the road, who seemed to be waiting for me. At that time, I felt pale and seemed to be frightened. It was just that I was not free at the time, and now I found an opportunity ask.

Only then did Wen Xunpeng wake up, seeing the lord asking, there were only government soldiers not far away, no one else, and said softly with a little eagerness: "My lord, there is something wrong with Xie Zhenqing."

(End of this chapter)

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