fake prince

Chapter 773 Be Careful

Chapter 773 Be Careful

"Be careful!" With this thought, Liao Guanshi immediately shouted.

It's just that before he finished speaking, he saw the glint of a knife under the moonlight.

Although he had been a soldier in the government, his 20 years of earning a living had already weakened his health and made Guanshi Liao feel powerless. It came to an abrupt end.

"Second Uncle!" Liao Ping was coming out of the shop. Seeing this scene, his eyes turned red instantly: "Kill, kill the thief quickly."

The government soldiers drew their knives one after another, and the guys were originally gangsters, so they all went to copy the guy, even if the reaction was not slow, but those who were prepared, their right arms were shocked.

Originally, there was something wrapped in a cloth cover in his hand, but now with a wave of his arm, the long knife shone coldly.

The man was even more expressionless, and led the people forward at an extremely fast speed.

"Kill!" There were several sounds of cloth being torn, accompanied by a cold light, and every time there was a flash, there was a spring of blood spurting out.

"Ah!" There was no formation at all, and there were occasional clangs and clangs in the direction of the knife light. Under the dim light of the stars and the moon, a broken arm fell out, and Liao Ping screamed.

There was only a scream, and there was a "poof", the long knife pierced his waist obliquely, and retreated abruptly, bringing up a fountain of blood. Liao Ping's eyes were wide open, his screams were blocked by blood, and he turned over and fell. go down.

In just 1 minute, all seven or eight people present fell to the ground, and the strong smell of blood permeated instantly, making people want to vomit.

The nearby shops that have not been closed, it’s not that no one heard the movement, but it’s as if everyone fell asleep at once, even the candles were quickly extinguished, only the lanterns fluttered slightly with the wind in the silent night, like Clusters of will-o'-the-wisps.

Only the shopkeeper persisted for a little longer, because he immediately realized that something was wrong, so he ran back, twisted and rolled, and shouted: "Forgive me, it's none of my business."

The leader man moved his left hand, and the light suddenly appeared. At the same moment, the shopkeeper let out a muffled groan, and the fleeing body jumped forward.

A hidden weapon pierced through it, with barbs on it, and it was sure to die.

"Brother, everything has been cleaned up. You can go in those shops if you need them..." Someone checked the dead body and found that there were indeed no survivors, so they went to the leading man to report.

The young man with the knife looked into the distance. At the end of this street was the back door of Daiwang Mansion.

"No need." The young man said coldly, "I have given the account of killing the people who belonged to the Prince's House. Others are meaningless to us."

"Now Daiwang's Mansion hasn't reacted yet, I, Bo Yan, pay attention to quick decisions when doing things."

"Now we are doing errands for the palace. It's different from before. There's no need to kill people to silence them. It's even worse if there's a big mess. Besides, it's a waste of time."

"I know what you're thinking. There should be a lot of gold and silver in this store. You search for it and move all the corpses inside."

"Even if someone helps us deal with the aftermath, we can't leave the corpse in the wild and make things difficult."

After finishing speaking, the young man brushed the knife back and walked towards the back door of Daiwang Mansion.

There were a few lights in the distance, no dogs barking, and soon they arrived at the side door of the Prince Dai's Mansion. There was no need to knock the door, the door was opened from the inside silently, and a servant with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes gestured towards him without saying a word. When you come in, lead the way.

The side door leads to several courtyards, including corridors and paths. They took a remote path, and because someone led the way, they successfully avoided a wave of patrolling soldiers.

There was a row of rooms in front, and Bo Yan was led to a door by this man.

Pushing it silently, the wooden door opened and Bo Yan walked in.

The room was pitch-black, but for a swordsman like Bo Yan, it didn't affect him at all. He didn't need to turn on the lamp, and after getting used to it for a while, he saw a suit of clothes on the table. mask.

Of course, it is impossible to have a lifelike human skin mask in this world. Although it may also be human skin, it only covers up the human face. Let alone the daytime, even if you look carefully under the lamp, you will find something wrong—pale, lifeless, not alive Face.

He changed his clothes in the dark, because he had already prepared them and they fit him perfectly. As long as he walked with his head down, he could easily hide his identity at night, and a surprise attack would not be a problem.

"Wen Xunpeng?" The swordsman muttered to himself, then got up and went out.

In this era, in the palace, all the rooms were lit, and lanterns were hung in the yard and corridors. The servants walked around carrying things, and the banquets continued all day long, creating a lot of garbage, which needed to be cleaned up.

After a while, the corridors and alleys lost more than half of the servants.

"Hey, back pain, how about you?" Two servants said as they walked, one of them rubbed his neck.

One person replied: "My back is sore, but I'm finally done with my work. I can go back to sleep. When I wake up tomorrow, I'll have good food all day long. Let's not get up late."

"It's natural. I heard that we will pay an extra month's monthly money later, because we did a good job today. From this point of view, the reward alone is enough for you to marry a wife, right?"

"Hey, if it weren't for my lack of energy, I would actually like to cook a little longer. A lot of ingredients have to be distributed, and we eat them after we finish cooking. Others haven't eaten yet, especially Mr. Cen and Mr. Lu, who have to send good food over. , being able to get closer to them is of great benefit."

While speaking, the two servants walked away.

A person turned out from behind the tree next to him, glanced at him, and then went on.

After walking around for a while, you can see a few couplets of nurturing houses, shaded by thousands of bamboo poles, winding corridors at the entrance, and stones under the steps forming a narrow path. These are several small courtyards, all of which are two or three small houses. with plantains.

"This servant is your book boy, and she will take care of your daily affairs." At this moment, the steward said, smiled, and pointed to a servant and servant: "The courtyard is simple, please forgive me."

He also introduced Luo Jiang who was following behind: "This is Miss Luo, the sword dance professor of this mansion, and also the guest minister of the mansion."

Only now did Wen Xunpeng wake up from the daze just now, and quickly changed his smile: "Where is this talking? No matter how good the yard is, there is no place to live."

This is the truth, the yard is no worse than that of Prince Qi's Mansion. As for maids, although their treatment is not as good as when they were the king's counsellor, they are much better than when they fell out of favor later. Besides, the retainers of the Prince's Mansion all live in a small courtyard alone. The treatment in this respect is similar, and Wen Xunpeng is already very satisfied with it.

Not to mention, at the banquet, the newly voted acting king was able to tear him apart from the king of Qi. This kind of protection made a warm current flow through his heart.

"Miss Luo." As for Luo Jiang, it must not be an easy task to serve as a guest in the palace, and Wen Xunpeng did not dare to neglect, so he bowed.

While talking, a servant suddenly came in with a food box. It looked like he was coming to deliver food to him, so Wen Xunpeng didn't care.

"Be careful!" Luo Jiang glanced at it, immediately realized something was wrong, and hurriedly drank.

(End of this chapter)

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