fake prince

Chapter 774 Assassin

Chapter 774 Assassin


The servant's eyes were fixed, and he pulled out the knife from the food box. It was just a knife, but it seemed irresistible.

Because this knife is not only very tricky in angle and extremely fast, but also pure and pure. It seems to be the legendary sword drawing technique, simple and simple, but even the top masters in the world may not be able to do it under this sudden blow. avoid.


Although Wen Xunpeng was a literati, many literati at this time were able to practice some swordsmanship for self-defense. The martial arts practiced by Wen Xunpeng was even extremely exquisite. It was selected from the arsenal of the Prince of Qi's "A Thousand Mountains Overlapping Drizzle at Dusk". Fang Zhiya ruled the world for ten years with this method, and was killed because of his disciple's betrayal. He didn't want this method to be found in King Qi's arsenal.

It's just that Wen Xunpeng is only a scribe in the end, he practiced carelessly, he can barely be regarded as a master of the rivers and lakes, not a master of martial arts, but even so, facing this knife, there is no way to hide or avoid it.

Seeing that the tip of the knife had cut through his chest and was about to pierce his body, Wen Xunpeng only felt a pain in his chest. He could see it clearly and clearly, but his body couldn't keep up with the pain, so he could only cry out "I'm dead!" Stop!"

"Dang!" With the sound of metals colliding, the murderous aura was blocked, and the crisp echo sounded like the sound of shock in the drowsy, waking Wen Xunpeng suddenly from the state of death.

In a daze, Wen Xunpeng instinctively took three steps back.

Looking up, she saw Luo Jiang standing in front of her, her sword had already been cut, and she was confronting the "servant".

"Mr. Wen, let's go!" Without looking back, Luo Jiang seemed to have "saw" Wen Xunpeng's hesitation, and immediately said, with just these few words, he saw the sword's aura suddenly rise, and the figure suddenly appeared, "clank clang clank "Longsheng, the onlookers can only see the sword flashing, and there have been five tremors in a short moment.

Wen Xunpeng knew that staying by himself would only hurt Luo Jiang, and he sighed inwardly: "Sure enough, it's the palace, I don't want a sword dance foreman to be a master.

Clutching his chest, he retreated again until he retreated to a safe area and temporarily saved his life, only to realize that although he was blocked, he still slashed sideways at the heart, blood flowed out, and the front was soaked in blood. The pain was real. It just came up.

Wen Xunpeng didn't care about these things, and immediately shouted outside: "Come here, there are assassins!"

At this time, the steward and the servants came to their senses and fled in a hurry, also shouting.

After all, Daiwang's Mansion is a royal mansion. Although the soldiers of the mansion have only been taken in for a few months, they are trained strictly according to the Dazheng guards' tutorial. With this shout, there is a sound of running outside the courtyard. A murderer who stabbed himself.

It was also at this time that by the light of several lanterns in the courtyard, it was finally possible to see the true face of the "servant".

This person was wearing the clothes of a servant of the Prince Dai's Mansion, but his face was very strange, not only had he never seen him in the Prince Dai's Mansion, he had never seen him in the capital either.

This may mean that this person does not have a name in the capital, or it may mean that this person's current appearance is not his true face. After all, this person looks stiff now, and at night, it is hard to tell whether he is wearing a human skin mask or is carrying out a mask. Disguised.

"Who's going to kill me? Is it someone from King Qi?"

"Or a killer from the mafia?"

Both are possible, and Wen Xunpeng couldn't immediately determine who was the real mastermind behind the scenes, so he could only hope to find clues from the assassin.

"Mr. Wen! Are you okay?" The nearest government soldier ran in and was not startled when he saw the two fighting in the field. It's blood, this, how many injuries did this have?

"I'm fine, it's important to catch the assassin! Hurry up and inform people, don't let this assassin escape!" Wen Xunpeng ordered.

Hearing Wen Xunpeng's shout that retreated to the side, Luo Jiang stopped the assassin who was about to rush over to kill Wen Xunpeng several times, and finally angered the assassin, and all the murderous intent came towards Luo Jiang.

In the sound of "clank clang clank", the two turned into streamers and rushed forward, and there was a faint wind and sky, unstoppable, Luo Jiang and the assassin had passed a few moves in an instant, the swords collided, and sparks flew everywhere.

"Hey, this knife technique is wrong!"

Luo Jiang suddenly felt that something was wrong, he was startled, and changed his sword technique, using the sword technique taught by Dai Wang.

"Pfft..." This sword was very delicate, the change was sudden, the assassin seemed to have never thought that Luo Jiang would have such a unique move, and in a hurry, he barely blocked the sword.

When the swords collided, sparks erupted, and Luo Jiang's heart was already turbulent, and he looked at the assassin with suspicious eyes.

"Brother Yan?"

"There are assassins, come quickly!" The shouts from outside finally called out more soldiers nearby.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the assassin immediately launched an attack, "clank" two violent shocks, his figure was thwarted, and he shot sideways about a foot away, then turned again, climbed over the wall and drilled, and disappeared in twos and threes.

Inner courtyard · main room

Su Ziji was wearing casual clothes, and sat next to Ye Buhui at the dining table. There were light dishes on the table. In front of Su Ziji, there were cold bean sprouts and fried shrimp balls with fungus. He felt a little bland after eating, but he knew it was hers. Mind, I'm afraid I'm getting tired of it.

Su Ziji drank half a bowl of soup and was no longer hungry, so he asked the servant girl, "Where are Xiaobai and the others?"

"My lord, the two foxes are still sleeping in the fox room, and they are sleeping very soundly, and they are snoring one after another!" Su Ziji nodded at the servant girl's answer.

At this moment, a figure flickered outside the bead curtain, and the housekeeper whispered, "My lord."

"Come in." Su Ziji said.

The maid standing at the door raised the beaded curtain, and the butler came in and bowed to Su Ziji: "My lord, all the tables in the restaurant have been removed, and the reed shed has been dismantled. Here is the list of gifts."

Su Ziji listened to the butler's summary and report on today's follow-up events, and felt quite satisfied. The opening of King Feng's mansion continued with a day of banquets and receptions, and there was no trouble. Although there were provocations from King Lu and King Qi, this As expected, not a surprise.

"You have worked hard today, and you will all be rewarded," Su Ziji said.

After finishing this sentence, I will stop talking. After all, the reception of guests in the inner courtyard is really the responsibility of the head of the house, and the rewards and punishments below are all Ye Buhui's business.

Since Su Ziji wanted to be a good husband and wife with Ye Buhui, if he became the queen himself, people outside would definitely look down on Ye Buhui, who was born as a commoner, and I am afraid that some people inside would have other thoughts, and he needed to give Ye Buhui has enough rights, gives Ye Buhui enough respect, and helps Ye Buhui stand up.

Of course, it doesn't matter if she can't stand up, but fortunately, Ye Buhui is no longer the little girl who was in charge of the bookstore back then. After two years of study, she can handle the daily affairs of the palace with ease.

At this moment, she also had a smile on her face, and said gently to the butler: "The prince said that there is a reward, which means that the people in the mansion are indeed very efficient and should be rewarded."

"You housekeeper, I'll give you 30 taels, the steward 20 taels, and the first-class maid will give you [-] taels..."

Just as she was speaking, her face suddenly changed, she covered her mouth, and retched to the side.

This time, the housekeeper who was listening to the order was startled, and the servant girls were also a little shocked, and stayed where they were, unable to react for a while.

"No regrets?" Su Ziji's heart moved, thinking of something, he looked at Ye Buhui with a little caution, especially when he looked at Ye Buhui's belly.

The dreams he had before, everything else has come true one by one, and now it's finally his turn not to regret being pregnant?

(End of this chapter)

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