fake prince

Chapter 776

Chapter 776

Seeing that Wen Xunpeng was still conscious and talking to him, Su Ziji felt a little relieved, he was really hurt, and he was afraid that it would not be so easy, and Wen Xunpeng is a life-saving person, so he would not deliberately conceal the injury.

"Don't speak in a hurry, wait until the doctor has read it." Seeing that Wen Xunpeng opened his mouth and wanted to speak, Su Ziji waved his hand to stop it.

When Wen Xunpeng moved a little, his eyebrows could be seen with the naked eye, obviously the wound would be pulled, anyway, the assassin had already run away, so even if he wanted to hunt him down, there was no need to rush.

Seeing what Dai Wang said, Wen Xunpeng no longer insisted.

After a while, following the hurried footsteps, a doctor from a nearby medical center was invited by the government soldiers to follow the young man, helping to carry the medicine box.

"Doctor, please take a look at Mr. Wen's injury." Su Ziji got up and said.

The doctor was a little flattered by such an attitude, and hurriedly said: "My lord, don't worry, the villain will definitely help this gentleman!"

Started to take off his clothes for injury inspection, Su Ziji took a few glances and then looked outside.

The small courtyard where Wen Xunpeng lived was already brightly lit. Because of the assassination incident, the entire palace was woken up. There were lit lanterns everywhere, and the soldiers and servants were all on alert.

"I'm careless."

Since he was looking for old soldiers to serve as errands, the actual combat effectiveness was very weak. Although in the past few months, he had been handed over to his son one after another, there were actually more than [-] people who could fight.

"Originally, I wanted to draw it slowly, but now I realize that the defense in the mansion is really too weak."

"After this incident, I can expand the government soldiers as a matter of course."

"Even the original plan can be implemented."

Su Ziji looked outside for a while, then turned to look at Wen Xunpeng. The old doctor had asked the young man to take out some ointment and put it on Wen Xunpeng.

Su Ziji walked over a few steps until the ointment was applied to Wen Xunpeng by the doctor and bandaged, then he asked, "How is Mr. Wen's injury?"

The doctor signaled his apprentice to continue bandaging, and replied: "My lord, don't worry, although Mr. Wen's injury is a vital part, fortunately it is not deep. It should be that the murder weapon was blocked at the moment of the injury."

However, thinking about the location of the injury, the old doctor reminded again: "Although the injury is not deep, there is a bloody mouth, and a lot of blood has been bled, so I must rest."

Su Ziji forced a smile, and said to Wen Xunpeng: "It seems that Mr. Auspicious people have their own nature. During this period of time, you should rest in the courtyard. Leave your busy work to others first, and wait until you recover from your injuries."

Wen Xunpeng responded.

"Come here, take ten taels of silver and give it to the doctor." Su Ziji said, stopping the doctor from rushing to thank him: "In addition to external application, there is also a decoction that can be taken internally? You can stay here for a day and go back tomorrow. Mister has recovered well, and there is a reward."

Facing Su Ziji's order, the doctor hastily complied.

Su Ziji said a few more words of comfort and was about to leave.

Wen Xunpeng took advantage of the time when the doctor was going to write the prescription for the apprentice to grab the medicine, and said softly to Su Ziji: "My lord, the person who assassinated me was wearing the clothes of a servant in the mansion, and there is no difference in the style of the fabric, or there are other helpers in the mansion, you have to do it." Be careful."

"This king knows, this matter, this king will not let it go, and will definitely find the murderer." Su Ziji's eyes were dark, and he fell to the ground with a sound.

When he got out of Wen Xunpeng's yard, he didn't go far, and he saw a wild Taoist standing there.

Under the bright light of the lantern, Ye Daoist showed no expression on his face. He looked at him even with a layer of evil spirit. He didn't restrain his dangerous expression until he raised his eyes and saw the Lord coming: "Master, it's not just Mr. Wen who was assassinated. We were attacked again and again."

"Three restaurants and one pawn shop were all attacked."

"The dead and injured have been counted, and the nearest one even found a corpse, which has just arrived."

Su Ziji's heart sank when he saw the wild Taoist's expression, and when he came to an empty courtyard and saw the corpse covered with a white cloth in the courtyard, his heart sank.

He walked over and lifted a white cloth that was close to him, and what he saw was a familiar face under the white cloth.

"It's Liao Ping."

This is the young mansion soldier who would respectfully salute every time he saw him. His eyes, which once looked in awe, were wide open at this moment.

Another one was torn open, it was Liao Guanshi, the knife was cut from the shoulder, half of the body was cut open, and both eyes were tightly opened.

Su Ziji was silent for a long time, wiped it with his hand, and said: "Gu will avenge you, don't worry, there are people in the underworld to accompany you."

Liao Guanshi closed his eyelids, Su Ziji got up and looked at the corpses quietly.

"There are a total of seven people here, and other restaurants are not as ruthless, but four people died, a total of eleven lives."

"Zhuang Xiang, Zhou Ming, Awei..." Ye Daoist reported the identities of the deceased one by one, including the soldiers of the government, the shopkeeper, and the assistant.

"...Not only did people die, but a restaurant we opened in the north of the capital was also burned down. Fortunately, the fire was put out in time so that no catastrophe could be caused."

After a pause, he repeated the name he had just mentioned: "My lord, Zhou Ming is not only a mansion soldier, but also the youngest son of Zhou Guanshi."

Su Ziji immediately looked at Guanshi Zhou who was standing there. No wonder Guanshi Zhou came in. Apart from saluting, he was silent. The tears he tried to hold back, his clenched fists, and his face with bulging veins were all suppressed by a man who had lost his youngest son. With great pain.

If you don't avenge this revenge, how can you appease people's hearts?

Moreover, daring to massacre the servants of the Dai Palace in the capital and burn the property of the Dai Palace is no longer a provocation, but a direct declaration of war.

"My lord?" Seeing that the lord fell silent, Ye Taoist's eyelids twitched.

He called out, but Su Ziji failed to respond. Just as he was worried, footsteps came again. Jian Qu and Cen Rubai appeared at the door. They had gone to deal with other matters, and their expressions were gloomy at this time.

"My lord..." Jian Qu was grinding her teeth along the way, and she was about to say something when she arrived.

As a result, the next moment, Su Ziji looked at him, not only at him, but also at other people, and when he glanced around, Su Ziji smiled angrily: "You all saw it, you know, this is too deceiving! "

"On the first day of being honored as a king, someone dared to kill the orphan and burn the orphan's property. Where is the face of the orphan, and why did he go to see his subordinates and servants?"

"Come here..."

People who seldom get angry, when they explode, it's really scary.

Even the savage Daoist, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, was taken aback by Su Ziji's body full of evil spirits, and subconsciously held his breath.

Just seeing Su Ziji, he ordered: "Pass on my order, let Bi Xin lead the guards of the Habayashi..."

"My lord, don't do it!" Wen Xunpeng, who was struggling from the courtyard not far away, shouted: "The ancients said that the king should not be angry and raise the teacher, let alone cause a catastrophe on the spur of the moment."

"Although we all know that people from Prince Qi's Mansion did it, but there is no evidence."

"Once the king uses Bi Xin and Habayashi Wei's armored soldiers, the nature will be completely different!"

"Public armor for private use, what does the emperor think, what do the government and the public think?"

"Whether King Qi is behind the scenes or not, maybe what you want is for the King to be enraged and thus make a big mistake."

(End of this chapter)

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