fake prince

Chapter 777

Chapter 777

"Let the people of the nine admirals come to autopsy, and let the attack on Dai Wang's mansion ferment. In this way, we can force the power of the nine admirals and other public forces to intervene, and there is also a reason to attack at any time."

"My lord, when you do something, you must first grasp righteousness!"

Wen Xunpeng personally persuaded Jian Qu, Cen Rubai, and Ye Taoist to breathe a sigh of relief.

Jian Qu originally wanted to be tough, otherwise, Dai Wangfu would lose face, but when he found out that the lord was still reckless, he immediately became anxious.

Reckless can't do it, he fell into the trick of King Qi.

But the person who was assassinated was Wen Xunpeng, and the person who was slaughtered was lying on the ground, not Jian Qu. Some words, when the lord is very angry, even if you persuade him, the effect will be greatly reduced.

But Wen Xunpeng personally persuaded, the meaning is different.

Wen Xunpeng is one of the sufferers, and there is a higher probability that the Lord will hear his words at this time.

As Jian Qu expected, Wen Xunpeng's words calmed down Su Ziji who was furious.

"Hmm." Su Ziji clenched his fine white teeth, hesitated, walked silently for a long time, took a deep breath, and said, "Mr. Wen said that first the admirals from the Nine Gates should come for the autopsy!"

"This matter is not over."

He still wanted to say something, but when he reached this point, he stopped, touched his sleeve, did not continue to give orders, but instead looked at Luo Jiang who was not far away.

"Also, I received a letter saying that Young Master Fang has something to do, so you can go and visit with me."

This letter was received at the end of the banquet. Fang is really a smart person. He never wanted to bother him. This time, he must ask for something. He should go there once.

Moreover, I have to plan and ask him to cooperate.

Luo Jiang was more silent than usual at this time, and after listening to Su Ziji's words, he answered honestly, looking a little wilted.

On the other hand, Wen Xunpeng, after he persuaded him, found that although Dai Wang was still very angry, he still maintained restraint, and he couldn't help sighing inwardly: "If you can endure this kind of humiliation for a while and maintain proper restraint, even if it explodes temporarily, you can still do it." Listen to advice, worthy of acting king."

Many people would find this nothing to praise.

Anyone with experience knows that the more grassroots you are, the easier it is to listen to advice, or in other words, habitually obey other people's opinions and orders.

But the higher the position, the less willing to listen and accept.

It is not just arrogance, but it is difficult to subdue a powerful superior from the perspective of force. The way to influence is to advise.

Being good at listening and accepting is equal to being easy to influence and control, which is a big taboo for those in positions of power.

Su Ziji didn't think so much, and looked down.

"[The Way of Politics] Level 15 (1790/15000)"

It's not that he doesn't understand, but he is more aware that in a normal society, there is no difference between people and people are governed by power and tactics. Even the emperor has to create a mysterious veil.

Not only is it easy to be influenced by others, but it is also easy to reveal your true intentions, which is very bad.

Therefore, it is not a good thing that the emperor has the reputation of being good at accepting advice.

However, Su Ziji's eyes sank. These days, he clearly felt that the power of both martial arts and Taoism was slowly improving.

"My great power belongs to myself, but I don't need to pay too much attention to it. Those who are good will accept it, and those who are not good will reject it."

"Now, it has not yet reached the critical point, so although a large number of martial arts and Taoism are valued, they are not taken too seriously. As the world changes, they have become strategic materials. I am afraid that even the prince will find it more and more difficult to obtain. "

"You must take advantage of this gap to get it."

"And cooperate with the plan, combine offense with defense, and achieve multiple goals at one stroke."

Thinking of this, Su Ziji comforted him: "Mr. Wen, please cultivate, Gu will give you an explanation——Luo Jiang, follow up, let's go see Young Master Fang."

Ye Taoist originally wanted to go out with Su Ziji, but it can be seen that the lord only planned to take Luo Jiang on the trip, so he didn't argue about it.

After all, I know very well that my lord is not an ordinary nobleman, not weak, not worse than a first-class master in the world, and even more unpredictable. When I go out, I follow a master like Luo Jiang, and there are even armored soldiers and crossbowmen to follow, so I am safe. There will be no problem.

If there are still problems with such a configuration, there will be no security whether staying in the house or traveling.

As for Luo Jiang... The wild Taoist narrowed his eyes and glanced at her, what he was thinking, outsiders did not know, anyway, Cen Rubai, who was standing, couldn't help but also glanced at Luo Jiang, also thoughtfully.

The ox cart was ready, Su Ziji asked Luo Jiang to ride with him, the two people in the car were quite far apart, benefiting from the luxury of the prince's car, not to mention two people, even if there are a few more people, I am afraid they can still sit open.

As the car drove, Luo Jiang sat there with his head down, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, Dai Wang who was sitting across from him asked, "You know something about that man, right?"

that person?who?Luo Jiang raised his head and met Dai Wang's eyes. The eyes that seemed to know everything made Luo Jiang feel that there was nowhere to hide the secrets in his heart.

Obviously, if Dai Wang didn't deliberately deceive her, then he really discovered something.

After being silent for a while, Luo Jiang still bowed his head, but finally said: "This man is very skilled in martial arts."

After hesitating for a while, he continued: "If you want to find out his identity, you can check it among the famous swordsmen in the capital."

This was the limit of what Luo Jiang could say.

She did know Bo Yan, the swordsman, and even knew who Bo Yan worked for, but telling this part of the information would not only reveal her secret, but also dissatisfy the Secretary of the Imperial City.

Her mother is still in the hands of the high-level officials of the Imperial City Department. Once she is considered a betrayal, her mother will die tragically immediately. This is something Luo Jiang will never allow to happen.

I thought that if she said it so simply, Dai Wang would definitely ask, but who would have thought that Dai Wang just glanced at her indifferently, and stopped asking, just thoughtful.

"Luo Jiang's fire is not ready yet, but her mother's matter can be planned for a rainy day."

Silent all the way, Luo Jiang thought he would breathe a sigh of relief, but actually felt more uncomfortable than when he was asked.

When she arrived at Fang Mansion, seeing Dai Wang lightly jumped out of the car and walked towards the gate, she got down in a state of confusion and followed.

Huaifenghou Mansion

Su Ziji looked up and looked at the four gold characters "Huaifeng Hou's Mansion". He went up the steps as he did last time, and said to the servant who greeted him, "This king is here to visit Young Master Fang."

The servant's eyes trembled in fright, and he stared blankly, only to recognize that it was the newly appointed acting king, he hurriedly turned over and knelt down, and kowtowed repeatedly: "The villain has no eyes, and I didn't see you, the prince... I'll go in and report... ..."

The Ewha Garden is separated by a fence and flower wall. In the West Flower Hall, Marquis Huaifeng is talking to his concubine. Standing beside him is his second son. He usually treats his second son in a normal manner. Now that the older son is abolished, Marquis Huaifeng is the one who treats the second son the most. I was a little concerned, I just asked about my homework, although it was a little mediocre, but I could say it, so I also had a smile on my concubine.

The beautiful woman's beautiful eyes flowed, and she spoke softly, much better than Mrs. Hou who was haggard and crying during this time. Huaifeng Hou, who was already upset, loved to come to Lihuayuan even more.

(End of this chapter)

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