fake prince

Chapter 778

Chapter 778

"Rui'er's homework still can't be slackened. I remember that the teacher who taught her is just a child? Rui'er is getting old, it's time to hire a famous teacher."

After Huaifenghou finished speaking unhurriedly, his concubine's eyes lit up.

"Master, you have to keep your word! You have lied to me, but I will not rely on you!" the beautiful woman said tenderly, her chest softly leaning against Marquis Huaifeng's arm.

Marquis Huaifeng obviously liked this kind of thing. He was always perfunctory in the past. He was very satisfied with his eldest son. With an outstanding eldest son in front of him, Marquis Huaifeng didn't care about whether a concubine was outstanding. Talent will not be suppressed, it will be cultivated to be the right-hand man of the eldest son.

But now, a healthy bastard who is not too young is very important to him.

Why!Marquis Huaifeng sighed secretly again, what is wrong with Zhen'er's injury, why did he hurt his leg and leave sequelae?

In the previous dynasty, there was a prince who had the opportunity to become the prince and emperor, but because of hunting, he was caught in the face by a monkey and left scars. As a result, he lost the crown prince and wasted his life.

If Zhen'er is really lame, how can he inherit Huaifenghou?

In market novels, there are often nobles who take the lead, but the fact is that, let alone the front line, hunting is now protected by government soldiers, so as not to be caught and broken, or to be limped.

As for the so-called vicious mistress who wants to destroy a competitor, she only needs to be disfigured or crippled. Does that require killing or other complicated things?

It's far away, Zhen'er was injured, and the errands haven't been done yet, the emperor didn't even send the imperial doctor over during this period, the eldest son has lost his sacred heart!

Originally thought that the Marquis of Huaifeng could be carried forward by relying on Da'er, but judging from the current situation, if the Hou's Mansion is really handed over to Zhen'er, not only will he be ridiculed, but it is hard to say whether it will arouse the dissatisfaction of the emperor.

In terms of feelings, of course the other party really has deep feelings, but this problem is also a big problem.

"Master!" Just as Marquis Huaifeng sighed, not knowing what to do, he saw a servant hurried in from outside.

"What's the matter?" Marquis Huaifeng asked unhappily when his thinking was interrupted.

"The acting king is here and has arrived at the door!" The servant said hurriedly.

Marquis Huaifeng immediately stood up: "Dai Wang is here?"

Say, go outside.

Although the Dai Wang had been here before, the king of that era was still the Duke of Dai. Although there was only one level difference, the prince and the Duke directly crossed the insurmountable gap between the ruler and the minister.

When meeting a prince, there are heavy etiquettes to be followed. Giving something to the Marquis of Huaifeng when acting as the Duke of the country can be regarded as a gift, and a prince giving something to the Marquis of Huaifeng can be called a reward.

This is a qualitative change, no wonder Huai Fenghou became nervous.

There is another reason, the battle between Dai Wang and Qi Wang made Huai Fenghou very nervous.

Marquis Huaifeng himself, perhaps because of his strict father, has a meek personality and mediocre behavior. He doesn't want to be involved in the dispute between the two kings, and he doesn't dare to offend either of the two kings, but this is obviously impossible.

Usually there is Fang Zhen instead, but at this time he had to go up by himself, so he bravely walked out to greet him, and immediately saluted when he met: "I didn't expect the prince to come to the minister's mansion at night, and I was far away to greet him, please forgive me. "

It was not good for Kui Ye to come to the minister's mansion. Su Ziji helped the kneeling Marquis of Huaifeng, and said with a smile: "I have known Fang for a long time, and I should have come to visit again. I didn't want to be blessed by the grace, so I made him the king." , had no choice but to hold a banquet in the mansion, but it was too late."

"The banquet was over just now, so I wanted to come and have a look."

"My wicked son, to bother you to visit Daiwang twice, this is really..." Huaifenghou said hurriedly.

Su Ziji raised his hand slightly: "Master Hou needn't be like this, this king and Brother Fang Xian are old acquaintances, and coming to visit is just a personal friendship, so I dare not disturb Lord Hou."

Then he rejected Marquis Huaifeng's proposal to accompany him to the past: "There is no need to mobilize the crowd, the king will go there by himself."

The butler thought of something at the side, and quickly answered: "My lord, I will guide you."

When Marquis Huaifeng heard this, he suddenly remembered that the eldest son seemed to have moved the yard, and there was no one to lead the way, so it would be bad for Dai Wang to go to the wrong place.

He ordered the steward to take good care of the prince, watched Dai Wang and Dai Wang lead a few people away under the guidance of the steward, Huai Fenghou stood where he was, and suddenly regretted his previous practice of allowing the eldest son to move to the hospital.

Dai Wang attaches so much importance to his eldest son, if Dai Wang will take the position in the future, wouldn't it be...

"Young Master lives here?" Walking through a corridor, walking [-] steps to the north, there is a single courtyard in the small gate to the east, looking at the courtyard in front of him, Su Ziji's heart sank secretly, and he seemed to ask the housekeeper casually .

Although to ordinary people, this courtyard is very nice, well-repaired, small and practical, but the location is wrong, the big trees are as thick as an embrace, and it looks extraordinarily dark and deep. This is the place where reclusive people live, not the place where heirs live.

The housekeeper immediately understood, and hurriedly replied: "Yes, the environment here is quiet, there are not so many idle people waiting, it is suitable for recuperating from injuries, the master and madam feel sorry for the eldest son, so they cleaned up this courtyard for the eldest son to live in temporarily."

At first glance, these words are quite reasonable. It is not Su Ziji's unspoken rules of Dazheng Xijue who were "popularized" by his subordinates before, so he might believe it.

Now, with a hehe, he went in without saying anything.

Luo Jiang, who followed, had always been treated as a transparent person, and now he stood at the door, guarding outside with the soldiers.

Seeing this, the butler didn't know whether to follow in or not, so he could only pat his nose and guard outside.

There is a faint smell of medicine in the courtyard, even if there is wind today, the smell of medicine will linger for a long time.

Su Ziji who came in didn't see too many servants, but when he was about to enter the main door, a young man in a servant's uniform came out and bowed to Su Ziji.

Su Ziji saw that this person was good at martial arts, he was not an ordinary servant, so he knew that Fang Zhen still held a certain power in his hands, but after entering, he walked from the outside to the inside of the room where Fang Zhen was lying. Su Ziji frowned slightly.

Although it looks good, compared with where Fang Zhen used to live, it seems perfunctory.

This is obviously because the people who clean up are not careful enough, and you can see more from a small place. Fang Zhen's situation in Huaifenghou Mansion is predictable.

"Don't get up, lie down!"

Withdrawing his thoughts, he found that Fang Zhen was lying on the bed struggling to get up and salute to himself. Su Ziji hurriedly went to hold Fang Zhen down, and then stretched out his hand to cushion Fang Zhen, so that he could talk to himself in a more comfortable position.

"My lord, I'm really sorry that I couldn't go to your house to congratulate you." Fang Zhen could still laugh at this moment.

Su Ziji was silent for a while, and asked: "I came here as soon as I received your letter. Is there something wrong? If you want help, just ask."

"If living in the mansion is uncomfortable, I still have a courtyard in Beijing, so I can go there." Su Ziji said again.

Fang Zhen found that Dai Wang spoke sincerely, and that he came so quickly, he obviously really intended to help, and sighed: "It's not my own business, it's my own idea to move to a remote courtyard, for the sake of cleanliness. It's not that it's inconvenient to move now, I even plan to hide in another hospital, which is more suitable for recuperating, so it’s better to come and go, and someone will always come to me, which makes me very annoying."

(End of this chapter)

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