fake prince

Chapter 793 Sudden coma

Chapter 793 Sudden coma

"The real person is free of courtesy." Without waiting for the ceremony to finish, Su Ziji stretched out his hand to help him with a gentle attitude, and asked him to sit down: "Come on, why don't you show your seat to the real person?"

Liu Zhan was not too polite, Su Ziji offered to sit down, and sat down after the servant moved a round stool.

"Your Majesty, Pindao came here this time. First, he was curious about this martial arts arena and wanted to see it. Second, he heard that His Majesty wanted to learn alchemy. In fact, the Yin Guan School also has a lot of research on this. If Your Majesty wants to see it, you can browse it in my own view. This view must be opened and waited for.”

While speaking, Liu Zhan took advantage of the short distance between the two of them to observe Dai Wang more carefully.

The reason why he came to visit this time was to feel the changes of the next generation king up close, but when he went up to the stands, he glanced inadvertently, and it seemed that a lavender aura was covering the generation king.

But on closer inspection, I found that it wasn't there.

As a real person, Liu Zhan was puzzled.

"In ancient times, Wang Qi said that the Son of Heaven is nothing but Purple Qi, and the Crown Prince is nothing but Green Qi, so it is called the Eastern Palace."

"Even if the acting king is crowned king, there must be no purple aura. Could it be that the dragon aura is so strong on him? No, it's impossible."

At the beginning when the king was granted the title and opened the mansion, he could see that he had been the king of Dai, but the king of that era did not have such a feeling. It is really puzzling that such a change occurred during this period.

And this change made Liu Zhan feel hot.

Even if such a person cannot be a friend, he cannot be an enemy.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhan continued: "The temple where Pindao lives now has a lot of books, and there are many books related to alchemy. Pindao is willing to share the collection with the king."

"Today is really going to kill me."

Su Ziji was speechless. Originally, this was a very good thing. Someone sent it eagerly. Of course, it was because Liu Zhan didn't know that he could absorb knowledge. No matter how clever he was, how many books could he read?

I can't help but sigh in my heart, the royal family is so expensive, whether it is Taoism or secret books, they are all overwhelming.

"But what use is this to the prince?"

"I could take advantage of it, but this old man came to invite me at this time. If I don't send it away quickly, I'm afraid it will reveal my secret."

Su Ziji's head swelled so much now, because he had instilled too much experience, and absorbed some secrets of these more than 100 people by the way, he felt nauseated.

Su Ziji could only laugh and said: "Since the real person said so, how can I not go? I also invite the real person to go back and prepare. The king will visit in a few days."

Liu Zhan was satisfied when he got the letter of approval. Seeing Su Ziji's eyes falling on the ring from time to time, he knew that he didn't want to continue chatting now, so he got up and said goodbye.

After all, although this high platform has a good view, it is also the focus of many people. Liu Zhan does not want to be the focus of everyone's attention.

"My lord, 32 people have been selected this time." With the end of another round, Ye Taoist went down to receive the final results, turned back to the high platform, and reported to Su Ziji with his eyes closed.

Su Ziji then opened his eyes again: "32 people?"

"Yes, my lord, can we continue today?" Ye Taoist looked at his face and asked worriedly.

"Continue." Su Ziji said: "The winner of this round will be rewarded according to the rules, and you will reward on my behalf."

The wild Taoist wanted to persuade, but when he met the Lord's eyes, he immediately swallowed the rest of the words, hey, the Lord is determined to finish it today?

Ye Taoist could only continue to follow the rules and reward the 32 people who won this round with five taels of silver.

"Take a break for half an hour and continue the competition." Ye Taoist said to the winners.

Half an hour passed quickly, and when the 32 people came to the stage again, they had experience and bowed their heads.




Su Ziji buzzed his head. Although he gained less experience this time, only 5000, it was almost as if the last straw was pressed on him. His face was pale and his heart was pounding.

Reluctantly shifting his thinking, he thought to himself: "Bo Yan still has 700 points. This person has great potential in martial arts. Compared to others with up to 200 points, Bo Yan is a bit like Luo Jiang's squeezeable sponge."

"Unfortunately, two-thirds of them are spies and the like. Ordinary quacks can't make it to the end."

"[Ziqi Donglai] Level 16 (12655/16000)"

Su Ziji tried his best to hold on, but he felt his head buzzing. Countless martial arts mysteries were poured into him, and sparks were constantly colliding, deleting useless ones and sublimating useful ones.

"What's going on?" Liu Zhan, not far from the high platform, was startled and looked back.

He still can't feel anything, but he can feel that the people on the high platform have indeed changed, and this is a change that happened under his nose!

How amazing!How unpredictable it is!

Looking at the high platform, Liu Zhan couldn't help feeling: "Qianlong, it really is hard to guess."

At this moment, Su Ziji didn't care about the experience points that he hadn't gained. His head was buzzing. Suddenly, something flowed down his nose, and he quickly reached out to wipe it. When he put it down, it was bright red. Is this a nosebleed?

I can't stay any longer, if I stay any longer, I'm afraid something will happen.

With this thought, Su Ziji really ordered: "I want to leave, hurry up, help me to the ox cart!"

Ye Daoist was always paying attention, and when he heard this sentence, he felt a sudden shock in his heart. He couldn't keep up with this sudden situation, and he had to deal with the follow-up, so he immediately ordered Luo Jiang: "Quick, you and a few personal guards, help the lord Go back to the bullock cart through a special passage."

"Also, send for a doctor immediately and wait in the mansion."

Luo Jiang knew something was wrong, and immediately surrounded Su Ziji and went down to the stage.

The wild Taoist was very anxious, although he kept calm and maintained the scene, he hurriedly chased after him after he had confessed his words.

Ye Daoist managed to keep his expression unchanged, and when he got to a place where no one was around, his face suddenly turned pale, and he walked like the wind. He looked like he was walking, but he was basically trotting, and he soon arrived in the bullock cart.

"My lord!" Without waiting for an order, the wild Taoist got into the bullock cart and saw the lord leaning against Luo Jiang's arms, with cold sweat on his forehead, his face was ugly, he was frightened, and he didn't dare to speak loudly, so he hastily lowered his voice As he spoke, his voice was already choked with sobs.

"What are you afraid of? I'm fine. Don't make a fuss."

Su Ziji tried his best to open his eyes, saw that it was a wild Taoist, and immediately ordered: "Take all these 32 people, and tell the outside world that I feel unwell occasionally, so I will go back first..."

After speaking, he couldn't hold on any longer, and passed out directly.

"My lord!" Ye Daoist screamed, and immediately ordered: "Quick, you guys go back to your residence."

"Also, don't leak the news, anyone who leaks it will be killed without mercy."

On one side of the field, more than one person found out that something happened to Gaotai, and it seemed that Dai Wang hurried away, and they were all a little surprised.

While many good people were discussing in low voices, a scribe who had been by Dai Wang's side walked up to the high platform and said loudly: "Your Majesty feels unwell occasionally, so I'll go back to the mansion first, but leave an order. It is an admission, and the competition will continue as usual!"

"Everyone, please continue to compete, and if you win the top three, there will be a big reward!"

(End of this chapter)

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