fake prince

Chapter 794

Chapter 794

Early morning Daiwangfu

It was still dark, and there was no light, a room in the front yard was spacious, brightly lit, with a writing table, a study room with all four treasures, stacks of documents, Ye Daoren, Jian Qu, and Cen Rubai seemed to be working. Several government soldiers waited at the entrance of the courtyard.

The wind blowing through the window made the trees whirling, shadows were blurred, and there was no one in the silence. The three of them sat or paced, looking into the room separated by the curtain from time to time.

The wild Taoist stared at the ceiling and seemed to be in deep thought. Suddenly, someone came out to lift the curtain. The three immediately looked over and saw a thin old man wearing a blue satin robe.

"How's the situation?" Jian Qu asked.

The doctor's voice was not high, and it was slightly hoarse: "The prince is fine, it's just that he is tired, or caused by poor diet. As a villain, he will wake up normally this morning."

The wild Taoist knew this doctor, this man was called Du Haihan, he was originally a scholar, but he didn't pass the imperial examination, so he studied medicine, his level was very high, he smiled and said: "I don't worry if you say that, but you also know the rules You, the prince's physical condition, don't tell outsiders, otherwise no one will be able to protect you."

"Yes, yes!" Du Haihan suddenly broke into a cold sweat: "Although the villain is a loser, he still knows the rules, and he never dares to speak out, commit crimes on his own, and cause trouble for himself and his family."

"That's good, it's almost dawn at night, you don't have to go home now, just take a rest next door, wait for the prince to wake up, and then feel the pulse, how about it?"

"Of course, of course." Du Haihan hurriedly responded, and was led to rest next door by the servant.

Cen Rubai frowned, watched him go away, and then asked: "That's it?"

"What else can I do, I can't kill people to silence the truth. Fortunately, the doctor said nothing happened. I hope that the king will wake up normally after dawn!" Jian Qu heard this, and everyone couldn't help being silent for a while.

Su Ziji suddenly fell into a coma. It was almost evening at that time. When he returned to the mansion, he only entered the courtyard for business affairs. He invited a special doctor in his mansion to see him. Never let go.

But when it comes to medical skills, none of them can compare to this doctor named Du Haihan. This is the doctor that the lord specially spent a lot of money and a lot of thought to hire after the princess became pregnant.

Not only has the reputation of rescuing dying patients, but he has also done research on gynecology. Although when the princess gives birth, there must be a few women selected from the servants as midwives, but this kind of doctor must be prepared. And it can make the lord feel at ease with the doctor, which shows that the level of all aspects is quite high.

Such people are not sure why the lord is in a coma, how can they not be anxious?

That is to say, if the wild Taoist is the mastermind of the acting king, if he can calm down the situation at this time, others will be convinced by him, and if it is another person, there may be disputes.

"I used to think that Mount Tai would collapse without changing my face, but now I feel that without the king, I will lose my backbone." After a long silence, Ye Taoist smiled wryly, sat on the first chair at the bottom of the hall, and asked: " Ladies and gentlemen, let's wait for the king's matter first, and deal with what should be dealt with!"

"In case the king wakes up and asks, we don't know anything."

"You are all people who assist the lord together, what do you think? Let's talk about it!"

After hearing this, Cen Rubai and Jian Qu managed to calm down, and Jian Qu pondered: "The match yesterday afternoon was decided by 32 players. No. 1 is a young man named Bo Yan, and No. 2 is Zheng Huai. No.3 is Pang Si...the first three are somewhat different, so it is not good to treat them the same as the 29 people."

"But how to give rewards and how to deal with it, the lord is still awake, we're afraid it's not easy for us to decide."

Cen Rubai also pondered: "Although the king has ordered to collect all of them, the origin of these 32 people is unknown. Before recruiting, I think we should check whether they are innocent."

"Although it is inevitable for quacks to kill people, but I really accidentally recruited notorious people. If it is exposed in the future, it will also affect the reputation of the lord."

"Besides, my lord is a new king, there must be kings and dignitaries who want to install people into the mansion. Even if they are really used, at least they must know if there is anyone behind them, and if so, who is behind them .”

What he said made sense, and the Ye Daoist actually thought the same way, so he nodded directly: "Mr. Cen is right, the investigation is indeed necessary, but there is no need to worry too much, the lord has his own plans."

"What I'm worried about now is that the lord's sudden coma will definitely attract some people's attention at that time. Although I have evaded it, but seeing that it is almost dawn, if you don't wake up, you can't hide it. I can't think of a way before dawn. , I am afraid that the city will soon be full of storms..."

"Not to mention anything else, we are still hiding the matter of the king's unconsciousness from the princess. If it is dawn, if the princess asks about it, how should we respond? At that time, the trouble will be serious."

When Ye Taoist said this, his face showed worry, and the few people present were silent. This matter is indeed the most difficult problem.

The three blocked the news just now and did not tell the pregnant princess.

Cen Rubai gave a wry smile helplessly, and went back to the table to take a sip of tea. The tea was strong, bitter and astringent, and he swallowed it after holding it for a long time, but suddenly he cut it off.

"Even if it's dawn, we have to cover up the news as much as possible. Otherwise, if something happens to the concubine by surprise and hurts her baby's gas, we won't be able to pay for it even if we take our heads off."

"My lord now has only this descendant."

The savage Taoist listened, but didn't speak, looked at the faint lights, and after an unknown amount of time, he said: "I can't get to this point, my lord is not only extremely expensive, but also looks like a long-lived and disease-free man. How could something happen?" ?”

Just speaking, there was a sudden sound, the three of them were taken aback, looked around and there was no movement, just ignoring it, there was a voice coming from inside, and they quickly listened.

After a while, the beaded curtain was lifted, and a maid came out. The maid had dark circles under her eyes, apparently she hadn't slept all night, but she had a happy expression on her face, and blessed them: "Gentlemen, Your Majesty has woken up."

The lord is awake? !

This is really in line with the words that the long drought meets the rain!The thing that the three people were most worried about was finally resolved, all three got up immediately and walked to the inner room.

All the people came in one after another, and saw that another maid had carefully helped the king to sit up.

"My lord!" Ye Daoist's face was full of surprise, mixed with worry, and asked, "Do you feel better now? I'm going to call the doctor over here!"

When Su Ziji woke up, he felt that his head was much clearer, he was not drowsy, and the uncomfortable energy had passed. He should be in a good mood, but it seemed that he was gloomy, and his face was brought out.

"I'm fine, don't call anyone." Su Ziji said, but after saying this, he stopped talking, seemed to be in a daze, waved his hands, and said: "I have something to think about, please wait for me for a while .”

After the lord said, the three of them immediately calmed down, just staring at Su Ziji intently.

Under the candlelight, Su Ziji's face was a little pale, but his expression was still fine. It didn't look like he had any problems with his body, but when he thought about it carefully, he seemed to have a big doubt in his chest.

The three of them have been following for a long time, and they all know that Su Ziji is very thoughtful and decisive in situations, and now he is uncharacteristically deep in thought, his brows are deeply frowned, it can be seen that there must be big and difficult things!

(End of this chapter)

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