fake prince

Chapter 799

Chapter 799

But now, with a letter from the king on behalf of the king, there is news that the concubine on behalf of the princess is pregnant. Could it be that this person is God's own son, so everything is going well.

Finally, there was a disadvantage, and it was immediately made up for.

Regardless of whether the child is male or female, as long as it is pregnant and delivered, it is still healthy, which means that the Dai Wang and Dai Wangfei can continue to have children, and this will not be a shortcoming!

And it would be even more serious if Dai Wangfei got a man in one fell swoop, the eldest son of Dai Wang, the eldest grandson of the former prince, what is the weight of this?

Now that the king has been crowned king and has an heir, from the Confucian point of view, he is invulnerable. Those who always feel that orthodoxy is the most important thing are afraid that their butts will be crooked again!

As for the neutral faction that is not yet sure to pay attention, I am afraid that it will also increase the possibility of taking refuge in Dai Wang, and the current camp of Dai Wang will greatly increase its confidence.

This is really bad news!

Although King Qi kept shouting, these people were a bunch of mobs, nothing special, they didn't even dare to speak out publicly, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

But in fact, King Qi knew that his status was inconceivable.

This kind of status does not show its power when the wind is headed, but when the wind is down, it will be like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, reducing most of the resistance out of thin air.

Besides, even if you don't think about this, and you can save a little trouble, King Qi certainly doesn't want another group of buzzing flies to bother him all the time!

King Qi's heart was constantly angry, but he still remembered the example of Wen Xunpeng, and he also knew that it was hurtful to vent his anger casually on his subordinates.

"This person lives in a poor family, and within two years after his return, he was named acting king and is on an equal footing with me. This is not an easy person."

"I can't make trouble for myself."

"If there are a few more Wen Xunpeng, not to mention my bad reputation, even the kings will laugh their ass off."

Moreover, this was just unconfirmed news. With a gloomy face, King Qi ordered the man: "Trash, such a big matter, you just heard about it? Why don't you hurry up and check it out for me! Next time you can't find out like this, report it." To this king, this king will not spare you!"

"Yes! I'm going to investigate now, little one!" The man was kicked by King Qi, and hurriedly got up to respond, but he was relieved in his heart.


The wheels rolled on the road, making a small sound. Although it is the capital city, the roads are cleaner than many places, but there are inevitably some garbage, and the roads are not smooth, with potholes from time to time.

Su Ziji sat in the bullock cart, leaning on the modified armchair, not affected much, and was meditating.

What he was thinking was still a dream after he fell into a coma.

"Why did you not regret being discovered? If you don't find out the root cause of this matter, no amount of protection will help."

The more I thought about it, the more bored I felt, so I simply opened the curtain of the car to let the wind blow in and take a look at the scenery.

His gaze first glanced at the few new government soldiers who were walking side by side, then turned to Bo Yan, Zheng Huai, and Pang Si, and secretly sneered: "The first three are all spies."

"But I have learned a lot of martial arts, and I have gained a lot of benefits, and since these people are spies, they naturally want to gain my trust."

"To gain my trust, it is natural to do things properly and work hard."

"In the future, I can give them some difficult things to do. If they can't do it, they will be punished naturally."

"It's done. It's mediocre to be stingy with rewards. It not only rewards them with money, but also improves their status."

"It's like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey. If you don't have a donkey, you won't run away. If you have too many donkeys, you will get too close, and something will happen."

"But it doesn't matter. When the promotion is near, I will be sent to perform the mission that must die. If you die, you will be a good retainer. I will not be stingy with pensions and honors."

"If spies come in every year, it will mean that there will be a group of cheap tools who dare to fight."

"Of course, if you want to be a spy but refuse to do anything, you have to close the net in advance."

Su Ziji thought about it, and his eyes passed over them. He saw that this street was a bit remote, and the houses on the side of the road were a bit small, so the buildings farther away stood out, and Su could see it at a glance.

Where is this?Su Ziji was a little curious, so he asked Zheng Huai who was closest to the cart: "Where is the cart now?"

Zheng Huai replied: "Your Majesty, you have arrived at Xiao'an Street."

Su Ziji groaned, and he understood in his heart that the ox cart just passed the Shu Palace a long way away.

As a prince, he is naturally qualified to build pavilions. This street is probably the boundary of the back door of the Shu Palace.

Putting down the car curtain, Su Ziji didn't think much at first, but suddenly, a flash of light appeared in his mind, and he suddenly realized: "This truth is very simple, but because of the influence of my previous life, I , I haven’t realized it all the time—this is the obstacle of knowledge and vision.”

"It's different from the previous life. I don't regret being pregnant. At this time, it is a bonus item. A prince without children has no competitiveness at all. Now I may have a son, and it will be the first child. The kings must pay attention."

"Could it be that when the kings spied on Buhui's situation, they exposed the fact that Buhui had entered the Tao?"

"This is a very simple truth, but I thought about it too much before, and as expected, many things are not that complicated at all?"

Originally, he would occasionally joke that other people are clever and be misled by cleverness, and it is easy to get into the wrong place if he thinks too much, but he doesn't know that he also has this problem.

"I didn't think about this before. Although I was quite strict in protecting Bugui, I didn't pay special attention to Bugui's pregnancy. Among other things, the doctor and the birth control pills I bought exposed the truth. "

"I'm afraid now, everyone who should know knows."

"If my prediction is not bad, I will definitely have morning sickness or other incidents under the pretext of not regretting the pregnancy, so I used the name of inspection to sneak in and observe."

"This person must be a doctor."

Su Ziji moved, and deliberately ordered people to immediately look at the doctor related to Ye Buhui's pregnancy, and the people in contact with the doctor, but he thought that Ye Daoren and Jian Qu were not around, and following him was the new soldier brought out on purpose , I suppressed this matter, and ordered to do it when I was about to return home.

Different from the others, Ye Daoist is more useful in this kind of thing, and Su Ziji trusts him the most.

After guessing the source of what happened in the dream, Su Ziji calmed down a bit, let out a heavy breath, and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Maybe he was tired, maybe he was unconscious, but the whole process was a dream and he didn't take a good rest. Maybe it was because of the pressure, but as soon as I closed my eyes, I fell asleep unconsciously.

After more than a dozen miles out of the city, when they arrived at their destination, Bo Yan took a look inside. Even though there was a curtain behind him, he could see that Dai Wang seemed to be asleep. Thoughts were turning in his mind, and he suddenly thought: "I suddenly Can you kill Dai Wang with one knife?"

Just thinking about it, he couldn't help but smile wryly, if this is the case, no one will forgive him.

There is a precedent in my line of work, I tried every means to kill nobles, and when I went back to the celebration banquet, it was a beheading banquet, not only poisoned wine, but also an axe to serve, and I called softly: "Your Majesty, we have arrived."

Taoism arrived?

Su Ziji was startled, woke up, stepped down on the ground, and looked up at Taoist.

The door of the Taoist temple was open, and a Taoist priest was waiting in front of the door. Seeing a group of people arriving, he rushed in, probably to report.

(End of this chapter)

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