fake prince

Chapter 800

Chapter 800

The welcome Taoist came in with strides. Inside the gate of the Taoist temple is a hall for gods. Pass through the hall to a courtyard. This is the place to welcome guests. There is a living room.

The Taoist priests welcome the guests without stopping, and quickly enter the courtyard. There are more and more houses behind the courtyard. This is the living area of ​​the Taoist priests. The courtyard near the back is somewhat different. It is relatively closed, and almost no one approaches it. There is a three-story wooden building in the courtyard. , the architectural style is more unique, different from the tranquility and elegance of other buildings, this wooden building has a more majestic and majestic feeling.

At this time, there was an old Taoist standing in front of a half-open window on the third floor, looking at the people at the entrance of the Taoist temple in the distance, counting quickly with the fingers of his right hand.

Not far away was a person standing, it was Liu Zhan.

But at this time, Liu Zhan didn't say anything, he could only stand and look at the old man, waiting quietly.

After a while, I heard the elderly Taoist exhale softly and shook his head.

"Dai Wangshen finished the rent, and there are no patients."

His face and body are old and mediocre, but those eyes are still shining at this moment, as if they have been illuminated by a clay statue of a god, and the movement of the eyes can make people dare not look directly at them.

In fact, this is not an exaggeration.

As Liu Zhan's elder and fellow-uncle of the same school, the most outstanding thing about this veteran Taoist is his eyes, which are endowed with talent and cultivated the day after tomorrow, so that he can see more accurately and clearly with these eyes. The Taoist seemed to be in a daze, and there was nothing to hide under the gaze of his eyes.

Liu Zhan didn't dare to look at each other for a long time. When the old Taoist shook his head and said this, he immediately believed it, and was a little disappointed at the same time.

"Dai Wang has no patients? Are all the previous rumors false?"

But despite being disappointed, he must also admit that he was also relieved.

"That's good too. Yin Guan faction didn't fight against Dai Wang. Even if Dai Wang has no disadvantages, it's not a bad thing for Yin Guan faction."

Although with the friendship between Yin Guan faction and Dai Wang, if they can't take the opportunity to get closer to each other, Yin Guan faction will not benefit from the other party's superiority.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhan made up his mind more and more. This time when Dai Wang visits the door, he must make good contact with the relationship and make Dai Wang have more good feelings for Yin Guanpai.

"Uncle Shi, the younger generation will go to entertain the acting king first." Liu Zhan saluted the old man and said.

The old man squinted his eyes halfway, his old face with slightly sagging skin and flesh showed no expression, and he just murmured: "Go."

Liu Zhan went downstairs alone, sighing secretly.

"Uncle Master can be said to be gifted by God."

Shi Lingxiu was born in troubled times, lost her parents since she was a child, experienced all the hardships in the world, longed to become a fairy since she was a child, joined the Yin Guan School at the age of thirteen, and achieved success in cultivation at fifteen.

Afterwards, he moved to various places, and it took seven years to make illustrious military exploits for the Yin Guan faction, and he practiced quietly for another six years, reaching the peak of both merit and Taoism.

But the head teacher did not choose Shi Lingxiu, so he was not destined for a high position, let alone a title.

What's more unfortunate is that, Shi Lingxiu's life, Lingxi was at a low ebb, even if he practiced hard, it was difficult to break through the rut, and now Lingxi's revival has nothing to do with him.

Liu Zhan asked himself, if he was in Shi Lingxiu's position, he might have resentment.

But time and fate, there is only one headmaster.

The time of day is more than man can decide.

When I got out of the yard, I saw the Taoist who received the guests anxiously waiting, because this is considered a semi-forbidden place, and idlers cannot easily enter, so no matter how anxious I was, the Taoist who received the guests could only wait at the door.

Seeing Liu Zhan coming out, the Taoist greeted the guests and hurriedly said: "My lord, the Dai Wang has arrived!"

Liu Zhan saw it a long time ago, nodded calmly, and ordered: "You ask someone to prepare more fruit, and then ask someone to move some round stools, at least 40 people, and send them to the front yard quickly."

This is for those government soldiers.

"Yes, Daoist." The Taoist agreed, and hurried to get ready.

Such an expression mixed with excitement and nervousness was seen on several faces of Liu Zhan when he walked out. It can be seen that not only him, but the juniors were somewhat excited about the arrival of a prince with the power to contend for the heir apparent.

When the striding meteor came out, Dai Wang and his party had already been invited to the outer courtyard behind the main hall. After all, you can't really let the dignified prince wait at the gate, can you?

The outer courtyard has already prepared a place to welcome guests, and the Daoist guarding here is not in a panic, even if he is a little nervous, he is very appropriate to invite people into the hall.

When Liu Zhan arrived, Dao Tong was serving tea to Su Ziji in the hall. There were more than [-] people standing outside the courtyard, all of them looked tough. Liu Zhan passed by, and he could clearly feel that many people were looking at him.

Why didn't he look at it?

His eyes swept over these soldiers in livery, and Liu Zhan's heart skipped a beat because of the quack spirit on these people.

"Could it be that these people are all Jiang Hu people newly recruited yesterday? The Dai Wang actually accepted them all, and they are all used as soldiers in the government?"

That's all, he actually brought all of them out for the trip today, and he could tell from his eyesight that none of the government soldiers present was an old man, and they were all newcomers!

Dai Wang actually trusts these quacks so much, is he so relieved?

This kind of thing is really strange when you think about it, Liu Zhan feels that he really can't figure out what he thinks about Dai Wang.

While thinking this way, he had already walked into the hall, and saw a man with his back turned to him, looking at the paintings on the wall, and he turned his head only when he heard footsteps.

Liu Zhan bowed to him: "Liu Zhan is late to greet you, and please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"I just arrived." Su Ziji smiled.

Dao Tong also hurried over to serve tea to the two, one in the main seat and the other in the lower seat. A young man stood beside Su Ziji with a calm and serious expression, as if he was a loyal guard.

Liu Zhan took a quick look and knew that the person who followed into the hall to protect the king was the No.1 in the martial arts competition yesterday, Bo Yan.

From where Su Ziji is sitting now, you can see the wooden door opened. More than [-] new government soldiers were also given tea and fruit snacks by Taoist priests. Some of these people drink tea and snacks, and some of them understand Some rules, stand with hands down.

Su Ziji turned his face to look at it, smiled indifferently, pointed at the painting and said, "Is this a picture of Nine Dragons?"

"My lord, this is a picture of dragon species. There are nine in total. Prisoner Niu, Yazi, Xiaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Baxia, Biyan, Negative, and Chiwen. Wu Boyu's work."

"It turned out to be Wu Boyu's work."

Su Ziji knew it well, walked around to appreciate it, and saw the antique flavor on it, with dense seals on it, and knew that it was a painting he liked before, so Liu Zhan came here to please him, looked at the painting very carefully, and sighed , Said: "In the "Changle Questions", it is recorded that in the fourth year of Xianning, Wu Boyu came to Beijing, bought Doujiu and drank alone, and painted paintings in return.

"It's a pity that the former Wei's power was gone at that time, and it was hard to have Bole. Wu Boyu's painstaking efforts could only be in vain."

Liu Zhan admired secretly, Dai Wang is worthy of being the number one scholar, he has counted the classics, and he knows such uncommon things, so he was about to speak, when he saw Su Ziji turned his face and asked.

"Since ancient times, they have been sons and fathers. Since they are dragons, why don't these nine look like dragons?"

(End of this chapter)

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