fake prince

Chapter 803

Chapter 803

This is very strange, in the Taoist temple of the Yin Guan School, the bell can not be rang casually, every time it is rang, there must be a big event, the Dai Wang is visiting today, if there is anything to do, you should wait for the Dai Wang to leave, why worry, now Ring the bell?

But the bell was ringing more and more urgently and continuously, Liu Zhan was surprised and brought it to his face.

Who is ringing the bell now?

The bell outside became more and more urgent. Liu Zhan glanced at the side who was still bowing his head to read the scriptures Dai Wang, and he hesitated. Should he stay here to accompany Dai Wang, or go out to see what's going on?

and many more!

Liu Zhan suddenly remembered a prophecy, and couldn't help but secretly startled, could it be...

Almost at the same time, the Daozang Pavilion suddenly lit up. It was obviously the second floor, and there was another floor above this floor, but a rosy glow appeared out of thin air.

The colorful clouds are divided into three colors, so beautiful that it almost surpasses the description in the world. Like a rainbow, as soon as it appears, it will be covered by an empty cover, and it just falls on the Dai Wang who is reading a book with his head down.

For a moment, Dai Wang was dressed in colorful clouds, like a fairy coming down to earth, and the radiance was so brilliant that even people outside Daozang Pavilion could see it.

Outside Daozang Pavilion, Bo Yan looked up at the multicolored glow overflowing in the room, his eyes widened suddenly, and he took a step forward, but the glow disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Teng Teng Teng, Bo Yan ran over without hesitation.

As soon as he approached, the defense of Daozang Pavilion was activated immediately, and the Taoism was activated, and Liu Zhan felt it.

"Stop!" Liu Zhan shouted.

When Bo Yan heard the sound, he saw Yindai Wang went in and Liu Zhan appeared. The expression on his face was not right. Sure enough, something happened, right?

"Is my king alright? I saw a bright light outside, what happened?" Bo Yan asked loyally.

Liu Zhan's eyes fell on Bo Yan's face, but he didn't answer immediately.

At this moment, footsteps came from the door, Dai Wang came out with a book in his hand, saw that the two seemed to be confronting each other, and the atmosphere was a little strange, so he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Liu Zhan turned around and looked at Dai Wang with complicated eyes. The scene just now was too horrifying. As a real person, he almost couldn't help but kneel down for a moment after seeing the big wind and waves. Could it be that Dai Wang didn't have such a vision? aware?

He had some doubts in his heart, so he deliberately said: "My lord, we are talking about the matter of you wearing colorful clouds. You may have been fascinated and didn't realize that the rays of light appeared out of thin air in the Daozang Pavilion and fell on you..."

King Dai laughed when he heard this: "Gu thought what you were talking about, and that's it?"

That's it?

Such a vision, Dai Wang heard, is this a reaction?

Liu Zhan wanted to explain, so Dai Wang said with a smile: "Although Caizang Pavilion is a secret room, the door is open, and the opposite side of the corridor is a window, so it is not surprising that there is light refracted in."

Although it was the first time for the two people present to hear the word "refraction", it was simple and easy to understand, and they immediately understood what Dai Wang meant.

Whether the two believe it or not, Su Ziji's attitude of "I just think so" made Liu Zhan and Bo Yan feel a little speechless.

After all, there is no evidence left for this matter. If Dai Wang said that, others would think it was reasonable after hearing it. Even if the two of them thought it was not the case, what reason could they use to convince them?

Besides, whether Dai Wang really thinks so, or deliberately said so, who can say for sure?Waking up a person who is pretending to be asleep is extremely difficult.

Liu Zhan simply stopped entangled in this topic, and now he was more polite to Dai Wang. Seeing that he came downstairs with only one book, he asked, "Your Majesty, you only took one book?"

Su Ziji replied: "One volume is enough."

There are no tables and chairs in the Daozang Pavilion, let alone refreshments, and it is not a place to read for a long time, Liu Zhan smiled: "I was negligent, although it cannot be taken away, but there is a quiet room on the first floor, Your Majesty can take a closer look. "

"Please guide the way." Su Ziji nodded and walked away.

Liu Zhan took Su Ziji to a quiet room, and Bo Yan followed silently. He also saw that the Daozang Pavilion was not simple, not only that there might be a lot of books in it, but it made him feel dangerous just because of it. , That explains the problem, Liu Zhan's sect and Liu Zhan himself are really not to be underestimated.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to ask someone to bring some refreshments. You can take a look here." After speaking, Liu Zhan used this excuse to leave the quiet room.

As soon as he came out, he saw Bo Yan standing like a door god in the quiet room, he didn't care, turned and left.

Bo Yan stood like a nail, seemingly not looking sideways, but from the corner of his eye, he saw Liu Zhan came out of the corridor, stopped at the corner, moved a few steps secretly, and moved his ears slightly.

This is a secret method, the name is very vulgar "Thousand Miles", in fact, it can only hear the sound within a range of more than ten meters, but any soft sound, even if an ant crawls over, as long as you pay attention, you can hear it clearly.

This is an incredible secret method. After all, it is very targeted. Within a dozen meters, even "sound transmission into secrets" may fail within the range of "thousand-mile ears".

Therefore, he heard someone walking a few steps towards Liu Zhan, and Liu Zhan asked urgently, "Junior brother, is it true that the Taiyi Bell of our sect resonated with Dai Wang?"

"Yes, Master Master." The person who came was obviously not low-ranking, and his voice was as thin as a mosquito: "The Taiyi Bell resonates with those who practice the true Dharma in our sect. Master."

"But now the generation of kings has not practiced the Taoism of the sect, but there is such a scene, it is really strange."

Seeing that Liu Zhan was thinking, the man said again: "Even if Dai Wang came into contact with the alchemy of our sect just now, but it took less than a moment, could it be that he has cultivated to the top of the hall and entered the room, close to perfection?"

"This is impossible, does it conform to the prophecy of the real person in this code?"

"The prophecy says that when the Tai Yi bell rings, the real king will come out. This bell has not rang for decades or hundreds of years, but it suddenly rang when the Dai Wang came today. Could it be that the Dai Wang is the real king?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" The next moment was Liu Zhan's scolding: "How can you talk about such a big matter!"

The words that were originally very polite suddenly became awe-inspiring. This person knew he was overstepping, so he hurriedly responded in a low voice, left after a while, and came back soon, as if he had taken something and handed it to Liu Zhan.

Bo Yan moved his ears, and hurriedly retreated.

More than ten meters away, Liu Zhan was carrying a tray with a pot of tea and a cup on it. He walked back with these things, and saw Bo Yan standing outside the quiet room door, standing upright, with a tense expression on his face, as if It was more serious before.

"Dai Wang hasn't come out yet, who is this person looking for? Could it be that he is born with good manners?" Liu Zhan felt that this person was a bit strange, but he pushed the door and walked in without thinking too much.

Outside the door, Bo Yan finally recovered from his breath, clenched his fists, his heart was in a mess.

"The acting king is the real king, so if I fight against him, is it against the future real dragon emperor?"

"No, it's impossible."

In an instant, the folk tales of all sorts of perverse actions and disobedience to the destiny, resulting in death and family extinction hit his heart, and he couldn't help turning pale.

There was only one door, and the people inside did not deliberately lower their voices. They didn't use esoteric methods, and they heard Liu Zhan asking: "My lord, the scriptures are profound, I wonder if you can understand them better?"

Then I heard Dai Wang say: "Gu has learned a little bit, and I understand it a little bit."

Bo Yan knew that Dafan Danjing, like martial arts secret books, used a lot of hidden language, even if outsiders could read it, it would be difficult to read it. Now that Daiwang said this, is it suspected of being complacent?

Just thinking about it, there was a loud "boom", and an impulsive force hit him from behind. He was absent-minded, and he slammed into the door heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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