fake prince

Chapter 804

Chapter 804

Yong'an Palace

A little eunuch came back from the outside. This is the usual route. He was very familiar with it, but he was stunned when he got close to it. Here, there are three steps, one post, five steps and one post. They are all guards and soldiers, and they all stand like nails. Evil vision, a chilling scene.

The little eunuch was too frightened to move, only to see a familiar eunuch waving and said: "Don't stay here, this is Yong'an Palace under construction, don't block the way."

Only then did the little eunuch see that the tiles and stones were piled up in front of the hall, and the craftsmen pushing the wheelbarrow were sweating profusely, but they didn't dare to stop at all.

The height of the scaffolds on both sides of the front of the hall is the same as that of the main hall, and there are people standing on each shelf, surrounding them in a circle. Because the outer periphery of the palace was repaired first, only 200 people worked on it.

The remaining 300 people are busy below, like hardworking ants, continuously transporting the outside.

Not only guards stood outside the hall, but also a large number of eunuchs.

This is to prevent these craftsmen from being abrupt and noble, they are strictly on guard, and they will scold them twice from time to time, but because of the instructions of the master of Yong'an Palace, the whip is useless, they are just verbal urging.

There were so many craftsmen, even if they deliberately lowered their voices, it turned this quiet hall into a busy street.

"Your Majesty said, before sunset today, everyone will be rewarded for repairing the roof of the front hall. Your Majesty even specially asked someone to prepare meat for you at lunch. What kind of grace is this? Hurry up and work hard!" an eunuch Walking out of the palace, he shouted to the craftsmen working outside.

The eunuch's voice was originally high-pitched and penetrating. Most of the hundreds of craftsmen heard it, and there were smiles on their faces.

They are all people who work for the imperial court and become "craftsmen". Their ancestors have been craftsmen for generations. Even if the dynasty changes, when it comes to the new dynasty, because there is no other way of making a living, some of the craftsmen of the previous dynasty will still go the old way and still eat their jobs. .

Speaking of being a craftsman, it is not a fatal profession in Dazheng. At least it is safer than being a soldier, and it is also safer than ordinary farmers relying on God for food. Usually, there will be regular errands, that is, "iron rice bowls".

In the local area, they usually work in the workshops designated by the government, but in the capital, most of them are attached to the Ministry of Industry. Whenever the imperial city is repaired, and the mansions of the royal relatives and relatives in the capital are repaired, as long as the Ministry of Industry needs to take care of them, these craftsmen are responsible. Go to work.

They can get a lot of money, and most of them rely on rewards to supplement their families. Now I heard that as long as the roof of the front hall is repaired before dark, they can get more money. Wouldn’t they be happy?

These craftsmen, whether they were on the handstand or below, all shouted "Thank you, Empress Empress, for a thousand years!" to show their gratitude to the main hall.

"Auntie, I haven't seen such a lively scene for a long time." At this time, a little palace lady also came out with the female official Zhaoxia, watching this scene from the corner, with a smile on her face.

It is the time when you are young and you love to watch the excitement.

In fact, I don't talk about her, even the female officer Zhaoxia, watching this scene at this time, is also secretly happy.

"Yes, it's all thanks to the emperor's grandson." The female officer Zhaoxia sighed, as if the scene of the last time the empress saw the Dai Wang appeared in front of her eyes, and she sighed more and more: "The emperor's grandson named the Dai Wang, the empress's empress mood It's all over, and I am willing to repair the palace, the emperor wanted to repair the Yong'an Palace before, but the empress refused several times, but she was not willing."

Just as she was speaking, she suddenly sensed something, stopped her mouth, and suddenly raised her head to look at the sky.

At this time, it was Sichu (9:[-] a.m.), the sky was blue, there were no clouds, and there was no phenomenon. The normal clear sky suddenly changed drastically.

A huge red sun appeared out of nowhere and exploded quickly, almost dazzling everyone's eyes in an instant.

"Ah, the second sun!" shouted the man covering his eyes.

Some even shouted in horror: "There are two days in the sky!"

"No, it's a big fireball!"

Screams came and went, lively and peaceful, and was instantly shrouded in horror like the doomsday before the pot exploded, followed by a loud "boom".

A mushroom cloud soaring into the sky rushed out, and the sky became dark in an instant. It seemed to be the end of the world, which was beyond the imagination of ordinary people in this era.

This is only psychological, and the subsequent shock brought about extremely tragic consequences.

"Be careful, the earth dragon is moving." At the steps of the outer hall, the female official Zhaoxia who was watching with the little maid, when she saw the big fireball in the sky, she subconsciously took a few steps down, and only shouted when there was a loud noise, He couldn't stand still, and fell down.

He fell to the ground, and before he could get up, a tile fell and hit his forehead, and he passed out immediately.

After a while, a soft groan came from Zhaoxia's mouth, she moved her body a few times, and slowly struggled to get up, everything that caught her eyes immediately made her petrified.

The ground was littered with corpses.

It turned out that in order to repair the palace, more than 500 craftsmen came to Yong'an Palace, and 200 people were working on the scaffolding. There was a loud noise, and the earth shook a few times. These workers couldn't keep their balance on the scaffolding. At this moment, it was like the debris that had been shaken fell down, and 200 people fell into "meat".

At this height, it won't fall to pieces, but you can still see the deformed place. Leaning on the nearest one, blood spurts from the mouth, and the whites of both eyes are turned, and the sight is dead.

As for those who work on flat ground, they cannot be killed by falling, but they may be crushed to death by tiles and stones.

Those who did not fall to their deaths also fell to the ground, trembling with fright, unable to climb up, and some even passed out from fright.

The guards were better, but the unpaved mandarin tiles fell down with a crackle, and when they hit a few, they all died immediately. The eunuchs were also unlucky to be hit, and their bodies twitched a few times, but they didn't move either.

In contrast, just being injured is considered lucky.

"Qiufang, Qiufang!" Zhaoxia came to her senses, and hurriedly called the little maid's name. In a blink of an eye, she found that the little palace lady was unconscious. She didn't know if she had knocked her head. The female officer paused and muttered: "Empress Empress!"

Immediately, he turned around and ran towards the hall.

Stumbling along the way, he rushed into the main hall quickly, panting, and saw that the walls of the main hall had been shaken out of cracks, and when he looked up, he saw light leaking from the roof. The mandarin tiles paved fell into the hall.

"Not good!" What she saw made her whole face turn pale. The hall is being repaired, and the nobles should stay away, but the empress happened to be inspecting, but she was still inside. It was far away, and it should be safe, but now the dragon has moved , but maybe.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Zhao Xia's voice was full of tears.

The empress is not only her benefactor and backstage, but also the inner palace is implicated. If something happens to the empress, everyone will be implicated.

The Taizu of this dynasty once wanted to abolish it, but later found out that if it is not implicated, no matter whether it is the queen or the people around the concubine, they will be bribed. Only by dying together can it be eradicated, so I can only sigh.

Zhaoxia was terrified, and continued to rush forward, and saw a court lady lying on her side by the censer, looked carefully, and there was a piece of blood-stained mandarin tiles next to her forehead, red, white and white were scattered all over the ground, apparently she was hit by the mandarin tile , was killed on the spot, and her legs were so frightened that her legs went limp.

(End of this chapter)

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