fake prince

Chapter 805 Alienated from me

Chapter 805 Alienated from me

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Zhaoxia exclaimed.

"Zhaoxia, I'm here." A somewhat weak but calm voice came from inside.

The next moment, I saw a nun walking out quickly wearing the queen's protection.

"Empress! Your face!" Zhao Xia raised her eyes in surprise, but saw blood stains on the Queen's face, and when she realized it, she had already pounced on it.

"The injury is not serious, there is no need to panic, go out first!" The queen held her hand with one hand, and at this critical moment, she was calmer than anyone else.

Zhaoxia's eye circles were red, and the empress described it as a mess, suffering!

But right now it is not the time of inspection, eunuchs and maids have escaped from various places one after another, or rushed in to rescue people, everyone gathers together, and temporarily hides in the open space outside the palace.

The queen was surrounded in the middle, but at her request, everyone spread out a little and avoided places with buildings.

"Your Majesty, ask this servant to show you the wound." Finally relieved, Zhao Xia remembered this matter again.

"No need!" The Queen did it herself, pulled out a handkerchief from her sleeve, and gently wiped off the scary blood on her face. After Zhaoxia checked it carefully, she breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's just scratched, and it won't stay. trace."

She was relieved when she found that it was only rubbed on her forehead, which looked like there was blood, but in fact it was only a little bit of skin.

According to the queen's treatment, even if the skin is scratched, the imperial doctor should be invited to give medicine immediately, but in this case, the queen naturally does not allow it.

"Ah, help, save people!"



Just as the queen signaled for people to help the wounded in front of the hall, there was another commotion, and screams came from a distance, making the faces of those who had just escaped pale.

"What happened, go and have a look." The queen ordered, a young eunuch dared not disobey, and went to inquire directly. Not long after, the little eunuch came back in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, something happened in the Royal Beast Garden. The dragon moved just now, which frightened the elephants. Three elephants ran out of the elephant house, trampling and bumping everywhere!" Khan, it can be seen that he was quite frightened.

"Not only did people die when trampled on, but even the palace walls and flowers and trees were destroyed a lot."

It turned out that there had always been animals in the palace, and the elephant was a member of the guard of honor prepared for the emperor to leave the palace. Because of the loud noise and the shaking of the earth, animals that were more sensitive than humans were naturally more frightened. The three elephants that escaped from Zhongben went completely mad.

Elephants are animals that can be used as special weapons in wartime, and the palace is not a battlefield, the place is small, and almost everyone who encounters an elephant has no way to escape.

As soon as the three elephants escaped, the palace ran wild and trampled, and many people died.

"I heard that one has been killed, but there are still two running around. Fortunately, they are still far away from Yong'an Palace, so they should not be able to escape." The little eunuch wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said fortunately.

This is indeed something to be thankful for. Although this vision brought about a catastrophe, many people died in the palace, but only some craftsmen died in Yongan Palace, and not many eunuchs and maids died. I heard that there were only sporadic deaths in other places. .

The queen was silent after listening, and looked at one place.

The female official looked in the direction and found that the direction the queen was looking at was exactly where the emperor was. The female official thought she understood the queen's mind, and hurriedly said: "Empress empress, are you worried about the emperor? The emperor is the son of heaven, with the body of a real dragon. God bless you, nothing will happen."

Others may believe what you said, the queen was silent for a while, thoughtfully, and nodded for a moment: "You are right, but I really can't feel at ease, let's go and have a look together."

He also told the eunuchs and maids: "Don't enter the palace yet, help the wounded outside to an open place, and wait for the imperial physician to send someone to deliver medicine for treatment."

"Yes, Empress Dowager." Everyone responded.

The queen hurried forward with only one eunuch and her personal female officer.

What she saw along the way made the queen's expression even more silent.

Seeing her appearance, some eunuchs couldn't help feeling: "Your Majesty is worried about the emperor's safety, the emperor is really loving after all!"

Time went back to the moment before the loud noise, and the Zhiping Hall was also peaceful.

"There is another commotion in the Southwest, which is different from last time." The person who spoke was Luo Pei, who bowed and said calmly at this time: "Last time in the Southwest, there was a riot by a bandit leader, so everyone responded, but this time the commotion But Governor Chu Sui is eager for success."

"In the interior, the government has the final say, and the common people are enlightened by the emperor's grace, but in the southwest, the chieftains of the villages have the final say. These villages are hidden in the rolling mountains, and some villages can't even climb up the horses. They are wild and unrefined. It doesn't make sense, I only know the chieftain but not the imperial court."

"Governor Chu Sui wanted to abolish the chieftain and replace it with officials. No one would accept it. Once the chieftain initiates chaos, all the mountain people will rebel, and the chaos in the southwest will repeat."

"Let's talk about the officials appointed by the imperial court. The Southwest Provincial Government is fine. The counties and counties below are full of miasma, snakes and insects. Foreign officials are not used to it. Many people die of epidemic diseases. The imperial court should be more considerate of these troubles."

The emperor frowned, only pondering, and then said after a while: "The chieftain is very exploited, and the government's tax is very light. The mountain people should support him. Why did it become like this-what can you do?"

Luo Pei pondered for a moment, and said: "The policy of peace, I think, is to save Han books first. Many places in the southwest are still slash-and-burn farming. Although there are tea and salt benefits, we can't rely on this. We must investigate the land that can be cultivated. , concentrate on reclamation."

"On the one hand, teach the mountain people to go down the mountain to farm, support farming and mulberry, study and respect the king, and they are also the people of the court for generations. This is called assimilation."

"On the one hand, the Han people may be moved to cultivate. In this way, the two-management will be implemented. The population will increase, and it will be able to form an advantage over the Shanzhai. At that time, if they rebel, the local forces will have the power to suppress them. If they do not rebel, the Shanzhai will be alone. ——Whether counterfeit or not, it will not shake the overall situation, but it can be said that it will happen when conditions are ripe."

"Now, whether it's mobilizing the army to mobilize the masses, or the officials forcing the stronghold to rebel, it will be counterproductive."

The emperor listened, thought for a while, got up and walked casually, and suddenly smiled: "Your strategy is naturally good, but it's a pity..."

I don't know what the emperor regretted, he looked a little depressed, Luo Pei bowed and didn't speak.

The emperor stared at it, and said for a long time: "You tell me about today's conversation and your thoughts, and step back!"

Luo Pei retreated in response, and went to the eunuchs in the outer hall, Eunuch Zhao hurried in, holding a bowl of bird's nest with his own hands.

The emperor did not pretend to be human, and asked Eunuch Zhao to put the bird's nest in front of him, and took a bite with a spoon.

Nodding his head, the taste of the bird's nest this time is not bad, not like the last batch, although it is considered top-quality, it is still a little bit worse.

After eating half a bowl in a leisurely manner, the emperor put the small bowl containing bird's nest on the table, and said with satisfaction: "This time the quality is not bad, you old slave did a good job."

Lost again: "Luo Pei and I are estranged."

Eunuch Zhao bent down and was about to speak. He was startled when he heard the words, but he heard the emperor say indifferently: "Luo Pei's affairs are still neat, and the remonstrance has something to say, so I can't find fault, but I understand in my heart... ..."

Just then, there was a "boom", the whole hall shook, and a tile fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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