fake prince

Chapter 806 I am not wrong

Chapter 806 I am not wrong


Before the emperor could react, he saw Eunuch Zhao block his hand, and only heard the sound of "Peng", the tile fell heavily on his hand, and blood was immediately smashed out.

Eunuch Zhao didn't take it seriously at all, in front of Yujia, ten thousand dharmas did not arise, only Taoism, and even the inner qi was partially restrained, this is very normal.

He helped the emperor out of the body that was so unstable that he fell directly, and the next moment he helped him out, almost three steps changed to one step, and the trot changed to a fast run, and he rushed out of the hall in an instant.

Most of the eunuchs serving in the hall did not react. The only eunuch who was standing by the door of the inner hall reacted quickly. When he saw a figure flashing in front of him, he subconsciously followed him out.

He had just left the hall, and before he could stand still, he heard a "boom", and the air current rushed the last little eunuch forward several steps, his whole body was covered with a layer of soil, and he couldn't help coughing.

The little eunuch turned his head and was dumbfounded at the scene behind him.

"Collapse, collapse?!"

This majestic hall has collapsed like this?

There are almost a hundred servants on duty inside, many of them are still officials, all of them are buried inside, only the emperor, Eunuch Zhao and himself escaped?

"Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have died inside!" The little eunuch rejoiced, the wall that hadn't collapsed completely collapsed for the second time, with another bang!

This time, a long shadow in the dust fell heavily towards the position of the three of them.

From rushing out to the second collapse, in fact, it only took a few seconds, and the speed was extremely fast. The little eunuch hid for the first time, but failed to dodge this time.



There was only a brief scream, and a huge tree fell, cracking the head of the little eunuch on the spot.

The ground shaking continued, the huge tree was extremely long, supporting one of the pillars in the outer hall, it hit the head of the little eunuch, and the momentum continued, hitting the emperor who was just a few steps away from the little eunuch.

This happened almost in an instant. The emperor watched the giant log fall, but his body could not move. His legs seemed to be stuck to the ground, and he couldn't pull them out...

"Am I going to die? I, the Son of Heaven, will I die because of such a ridiculous thing, and die here? Like that lowly servant?"

"No, I am the emperor, and I am ordered by the heavens, so it will never be like this..." Although the emperor's eyes were about to burst, he couldn't dodge them at all, and the giant tree was about to fall down.

"Be careful, Your Majesty!" The scream rang out again, and the next moment the emperor felt unable to move and his body was violently pushed away. He staggered back a step, and a person in front of him opened his hands to stop him. Posture, who is it if not Eunuch Zhao?

"Boom!" The giant tree fell to the ground, kicking up dust. The giant tree passed by, and the wind brought by it even made the emperor tremble subconsciously.

Just by watching the giant log hit the ground and smash out of the ditch, you know that even with the body of the dead eunuch as a buffer, the force is still terrifying.

The emperor wanted to speak, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and his hands were shaking even more.

Almost, almost dying myself!

This was the closest he was to death when he ascended the throne!

"Your Majesty, run, it's not safe here..." Eunuch Zhao shouted, his face turning pale.

The emperor saw it at a glance.

Since ancient times, masters are not allowed to approach the emperor. Although Eunuch Zhao has some kung fu, he is not a master. Facing the terrifying earth dragon just now, he turned over and rescued the emperor many times. —Who is not afraid of death?

However, the emperor had come to his senses at this time, and was still supported by Eunuch Zhao, and ran to a small pavilion not far away. This is an open area. The pavilion was not built near the rockery, but a small pavilion on the flat ground. It is an ornamental pavilion, and it is here now. The safest, and barely able to sit, not afraid of falling objects.

The emperor sat down under the pavilion, and Eunuch Zhao took out his handkerchief to wipe the dust off the emperor's face.

"Medicine...medicine!" The emperor's eyes blurred due to his panting, and he felt tightness in his chest, he said hurriedly.

When Eunuch Zhao saw it, he was even more startled.

The emperor looks like he is going to get sick!

Although he had taken medicine before, it is said that he shouldn't have the disease at this time, but it is normal for his body to be unable to hold on when he is frightened. Eunuch Zhao realized it almost immediately, and immediately went to touch his arms.

Good luck!

Although some pills and potions were buried in the palace, he always carried a bottle of pills with him, just to deal with such emergencies!

As soon as Eunuch Zhao took out the porcelain bottle, he immediately unplugged it, poured out a round red pill, and fed it to the emperor.

This is Xiao Huan Dan, and there is no need to test the medicine at this time, the emperor swallowed it with his mouth open, without using water, and lowered his neck.

It wasn't until the elixir entered the throat that a warm current slowly dissipated to the body, and the depression gradually subsided, and the palpitations finally dissipated.

It wasn't until then that the emperor noticed that the loyal servant in front of him was covered with blood on his face, and he didn't wipe it off, looking at him eagerly. It didn't necessarily hit him, but he was also loyal, sighed in his heart, and said, "It's lucky to have you."

"Your face is bruised, go and wipe it off." The emperor said, and was about to stand up with his body supported. Eunuch Zhao hurriedly helped him up.

"Your Majesty, you just took the medicine, you should take a rest, if you have any orders, just ask your servants to do it!"

"The servant girl is just a flesh wound, so I don't dare the emperor to worry about it."

"En!" The emperor sat, looked around, and answered in a hoarse voice. He saw a mess in front of him, and there were corpses scattered everywhere. Ask: "Am I getting old?"

"Ah..." Eunuch Zhao didn't know where the emperor suddenly came from. Seeing the emperor sitting half crooked, looking at the mess, with his eyes open, he said in a weak voice: "The holy emperor has the protection of all gods. I ascended the throne." Afterwards, even though there were dangers, dangers were turned into good fortunes everywhere, and disasters were auspicious."

"But in the past two or three years, there have been mutinies, floods, or locust plagues, and now there are earth dragons turning around, shaking the hall, and almost hitting me."

"Could it be that I'm getting old and I'm dying?"

Hearing the dream-like but real words, Eunuch Zhao felt the hairs on his knees explode, and quickly kowtowed: "Where did the emperor come from?"

"In all dynasties, who has not had floods and man-made disasters?"

"Even Wei Shizu, who is known as the emperor of the ages, will have disasters every three to five years."

"This is the inevitability of the circulation of heaven and earth. What does it have to do with the emperor's virtue? The emperor has been on the throne for 20 years, and everyone has a steelyard in their hearts. Everyone in the government and the public knows that the emperor is diligent and caring for the people. Every day, the emperor approves eight thousand words. Look at it." Excerpts are more than a hundred, who can say that the emperor is not good?"

As he spoke, his voice became louder and he slammed down harder.

After hearing this, the emperor's color gradually improved. When he saw some eunuchs rushing to the pavilion, he obviously realized that he was here, so he let out a heavy breath.

"What you said is that I can't underestimate myself. In the past 20 years, I have been drinking more restrained. There are only a dozen concubines in the harem, and they get up at dawn to run politics. I ask myself, the night clothes and food are not in vain to me. Be worthy of the ancestors, be worthy of the country, and be worthy of the people of the world!"

"I'm not wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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