fake prince

Chapter 807

Chapter 807

The emperor looked up to the sky and said, without moving for a long time, Eunuch Zhao raised his head to take a look, and found that the emperor was in tears, so he didn't dare to look at it.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, the emperor turned around, wiped his tears with his sleeve, and regained his calm, the unbreakable majesty of the emperor turned back again, and ordered: "You stay here, and leave other things to others."

Just now, a big eunuch ran into the small pavilion and knelt down on the ground with a thud: "Your Majesty, this servant is late to save you, please forgive me!"

"It's good that you're all right." The emperor put his fist on his mouth, coughed twice, and said coldly, "Go and see what's going on in the hall!"

"Yes, the servant obeys the order!" The eunuch immediately responded and retreated.

"Eunuch Liu, what, what can I do about this!" The chief eunuch asked in a crying voice as soon as he came out of the small pavilion, he saw a eunuch running over with blood on his face and body, looking extremely miserable.

"My godfather was buried in it, how can I save it! You keep saying something!"

"Don't cry! Come with our house to see!" Eunuch Liu narrowly escaped death, and he is still trembling now. If he hadn't been on duty, he was outside the temple when the earth shook and the mountains shook, and he might have been buried in it. one of the people.

But when the dust receded in front of him, the once majestic hall had been severely damaged. Except for some walls standing upright, the roof of the hall basically collapsed. Several pillars fell, only one was still standing crookedly.

This messy appearance is really terrifying.

"Eunuch Liu, it's still dangerous inside!" Seeing him stepping in, an eunuch couldn't help persuading him.

In the end, Eunuch Liu glared back at him, and was frightened by what he said next.

Eunuch Liu cautiously walked in, and saw that the inner hall was even more tragic. The imperial throne and the case were overturned on the ground, most of the roof was smashed down, and the pillars were scattered all over the place, all exposed outside. The eunuch was either smashed under the pillar or buried among the rubble, motionless and covered in dust.

Although these people are usually competitors with him, and there is no friendship, but seeing this scene, Eunuch Liu subconsciously held his breath and felt a tightness in his chest.

Miserable, so miserable!

He cautiously walked into the mess, first checked the two eunuchs who were close to each other, their heads were smashed, and he didn't need to test his breath, he knew that these two eunuchs had died long ago.

The faces of the young eunuchs following Eunuch Liu were pale, but they are the godsons of Eunuch Liu, so they couldn't be watching outside while their godfather was checking inside, right?

Even if they were so frightened that their legs were trembling, they could only go in cautiously and follow up the inspection. As a result, the inspection even made the two little eunuchs unable to bear it, and they covered their mouths and ran outside to vomit.

"They're all dead." Eunuch Liu sighed.

He quickly returned to the small pavilion, knelt down on the ground, and reported with a pale face: "Your Majesty, the servants have checked, the main hall has been seriously damaged, all the serving eunuchs inside... were martyred, and no one survived."

No one survived?

The emperor listened, pondered and did not speak.

Although the people who died were all eunuchs, it was nothing to him, but if this happened, does it have any meaning?Will it arouse public discussion?This is what worries the emperor most.

He has worked hard to govern these years, not seeking to be an eternal sage, but he does not want to be thought that he is unethical and has caused the heavens to condemn him!

"Let someone go and find out what's going on, why is the ground shaking? Is it man-made? Go and find out!" the emperor said to the eunuch in front of him with a gloomy face.

Eunuch Zhao couldn't leave the emperor for the time being, so it was Eunuch Liu who was going to handle this matter. Eunuch Liu quickly responded and retreated. After dozens of steps, he heard a sharp voice: "Come on, come on, come on quickly!" , the emperor has a decree, where did you die, let our family investigate."

The voice gradually faded away, even if the order is given, it will take time for the hands to spread out.

Now how to do?

Can't we just let the emperor sit in such a mess?

But the emperor's bedroom and imperial study were all smashed into the main hall, and they couldn't get them nearby, but the warehouse must have been affected. Clean clothes, food, and even tents should all be prepared. Look at the posture, where are they? Can you still let Long live Lord stay in the palace?

Even the imperial palace can't stay here for the time being, and he intends to remind the emperor whether he should move to another garden, but the current chaos is so chaotic, he really can't just leave like this, to prevent encountering assassins on the road, he needs to wait until all the people are ready.

Eunuch Zhao called an eunuch and gave some instructions in a low voice, and the eunuch rushed to make arrangements.

"Your Majesty, that's the Empress! The Empress is here!" After giving the order, Eunuch Zhao glanced around, but was stunned when he looked in one direction. The next moment, he couldn't help but say joyfully to the Emperor.

"Look at me, I forgot to ask someone to ask the empress!" The emperor was reminded by Eunuch Zhao, and when he looked over, he saw the empress walking in a hurry accompanied by only two people. He couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

But she came over in a hurry at this time, and it did appease the emperor's mood.

The queen described it as a bit embarrassed, and when Eunuch Zhao ran to greet him, she was led to the small pavilion, and she was panting when she arrived, and it seemed that she was walking in a hurry.

Seeing that the queen came to see him immediately regardless of safety, the emperor's heart warmed.

"Queen, why is there blood on your body? There is also some on your face? Are you injured? Let me take a look!" The next moment, the emperor's eyes fell on the queen's face. Even though the face was wiped, there was still blood stains, and the eyelids twitched, and he quickly supported the queen and asked.

The queen took out a handkerchief from her sleeve, wiped it carefully, and comforted: "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry, you just wiped it when you got it, and you must have wiped it clean."

After saying a few words to himself, he immediately asked with concern: "Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?"

"I'm fine." The emperor said hurriedly.

In addition to being relieved, he felt guilty for not being able to think of the queen for the first time just now. This guilt made the emperor look at the wound on the queen's face and immediately shouted: "Hurry up and urge the imperial physician! Let the imperial physician come quickly!"

Eunuch Zhao signaled the little eunuch to remind him again.

At this moment, an eunuch rushed over and knelt down to report: "Report! Three elephants fled in a panic in the beast house, one has been killed, and two are still trampling around, and dozens of people have been injured!"

The emperor was so angry that his teeth were itching. At this critical moment, even the elephants came out to make trouble!

"Ask the guards to cull them immediately! Don't keep them!"


At this moment, the emperor suddenly noticed that the queen was looking at one place, and couldn't help but follow suit. This sight made him stand up.

There was a "boom" in the distance, and a mushroom cloud appeared, which was very scary to watch. The emperor watched it for a long time, and then sat down after a long time, with confusion in his eyes.

How is this going?

what is that?

Is it God's will to sin against me?

(End of this chapter)

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