fake prince

Chapter 808 Yelling

Chapter 808 Yelling

Taoist temple

Su Ziji left the quiet room and went outside Daozang Pavilion.

A small number of houses in the distance lost tiles, but the overall damage was not serious, and no one was injured. Su Ziji could feel that the ground was still shaking slightly at this time, and there was a Taoist lying down in the distance, obviously fell to the ground .

Su Ziji wanted to go, but the ground shook slightly again.

"Your Majesty, be careful!" Someone said and started to help.

Su Ziji avoided subconsciously, and when he saw that it was Liu Zhan, he shook his head: "This king is fine, but the real person is okay?"

Naturally, Liu Zhan was fine, because this Daozang Pavilion already had a formation, it wasn't very big, and it was far away from the most serious area, so others were fine, except that they were frightened.

Su Ziji frowned and looked at the mushroom cloud rising in the distance. Not only him, but others also looked in the direction, with wonderful expressions on their faces.

"What's the matter?" Almost everyone was thinking about this question.

Not to mention ordinary people, even a real person like Liu Zhan would find it incredible that such a thing happened.

This cloud looks like a mushroom, and the black air is soaring to the sky. It looks ominous, but the place to rush out is the capital!

The capital is impenetrable by all laws, even the big monsters of the monster race cannot easily enter the capital. From the founding of the dynasty to the present, there has been a Zhou Xuan who can use black magic in the capital. Even if other big monsters barely come in, which one should not Plate it up?

Such explosions, earthquakes, and dazzling fireballs, what level of demon or alchemist can they use?

Or, it's not a demon and a person at all, is this God's will?

Liu Zhan couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

Su Ziji was thinking about other things. He looked into the distance, looked at the mushroom cloud, and a second prophetic dream appeared in his mind.

"Sure enough, it happened, and the consequences are very serious." Su Ziji muttered to himself, but no one heard him, otherwise he might be surprised by the content.

This explosion, Su Ziji is really not ignorant, it happened in his dream.

And also know the consequences.

After ten days of counting, I learned that the big fireball hit less than ten miles away from the imperial city, which is not considered a downtown area, but also very prosperous. This smashing directly created a huge hole, and tens of thousands of nearby houses collapsed. 5000 people were killed on the spot.

As for the people in the farther area, many were killed and injured, and even died of fright.

Because the imperial palace is nearby, some yamen were set up, and there were relatively many officials doing things. Many officials died in this incident.

"The imperial palace is not far from where the fireball fell, and there were not many casualties."

"Although the affairs of the imperial palace are classified, as far as I know, there are more than four hundred casualties."

"Fortunately, the empress is well, but unfortunately the emperor is basically fine."

Because this happened before Buhui disappeared, the emperor had a big problem, so he would no longer plunder people and steal his heart to make alchemy.

"No, maybe it's still affected by shock, so I urged Yaozang even more." Su Ziji didn't have much affection for the emperor, and now he feels it is a pity, but the empress's sincere feelings for her grandson cannot be let down, and she is a little concerned about the empress .

It's not that I don't want to remind the queen to pay attention. In fact, this incident only appeared in some tragic scenes in the dream. When it will appear, I don't know when I wake up from the dream. I thought I would visit the queen next time I enter the palace. The thought of this happened earlier than he expected.

"It's a pity that this dream is too simple and short-lived. I only know that I don't regret my disappearance."

Just thinking about it, Bo Yan approached, and said in a low voice: "My lord, this place is not safe, we should return home quickly."

Su Ziji glanced at it, and said to Liu Zhan: "After this incident, the king is worried about his family, so he won't keep it. The alchemy is placed in the quiet room, and the real person collects it in time to avoid loss."

Liu Zhan nodded: "In that case, the poor dare not keep you, I will send you out."

The government soldiers brought by Su Ziji were basically in the courtyard behind the main hall. When Su Ziji came out, he found that the government soldiers were like flies without their heads, in a panic, without any order.

Some people even drew their weapons out of fear, as if they were ready to die at any time.

But Zheng Huai and Pang Si watched coldly, neither joining nor discouraging.

Although these people had nothing to do with him, and it was the first day they all entered the mansion, Bo Yan, who followed Su Ziji, still had a hot face, feeling ashamed together.

"Calm down! Don't be chaotic! Everyone is no longer from the Jianghu, and now everyone is from the Wangfu. Are you still calm? Are you really going to embarrass the Wangfu?" Just as Su Ziji frowned and looked at the scene in front of him, Xinshoufu A man stood out from among the soldiers.

This person is not in the top three, but he is also in the top ten among these people. His name is Wei Hai. He is a young man in his early twenties. When he came out, Su Ziji took a look.

"It turned out to be this person."

Since Wei Hai is a member of the 32 people, he naturally also contributed knowledge. Judging from the information contained in Wei Hai's knowledge, this person is innocent. This time he came to the ring, and he really wanted to rely on himself to fight for a fortune.

This is the reaction of normal quacks when they want to go to a nobleman, and Su Ziji doesn't think there is anything wrong with Wei Hai being a little ambitious.

With a change of heart, Su Ziji opened his mouth: "You are right, the palace has its own rules, if you stop making noise, you will lose the face of the palace."

As soon as the sound was made, the people present suddenly realized that Dai Wang had come out, and saw the farce just now, everyone was shocked, and unconsciously stopped the sound.

Su Ziji glanced at him, ignored others, and only said to Wei Hai: "You do things very well, and I will let you be the leader alone. You, you, and you are under Wei Hai's control."

During the conversation, Wei Hai’s jurisdiction included a few people. These people were relatively reliable among the 32 people. Su Ziji originally only planned to use these 32 people as targets, but seeing Wei Hai’s performance, he changed a little bit. No idea, at least these people can consider staying.

Wei Hai was overjoyed, knowing that he had fallen into the eyes of Dai Wang, he immediately shouted loudly: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The people who were named also came for their future and wealth, and Su Ziji's order also made them very happy.

The rest of the people were honest, Zheng Huai especially regretted it, if he had known that Dai Wang would come out at this moment, he might as well have stood up just now, and now this benefit is for this boy Wei Hai!

But it's too late to regret it now, I can only suppress my depression, and plan to change my thinking next time when something happens, so that I can gain the trust of the acting king as soon as possible, and better complete the task my master entrusted to me!

When something like this happened, they naturally wouldn't stay outside, and the Xinfu soldiers regrouped a bit, and then went back with Dai Wang.

Liu Zhan watched them leave before turning back. He couldn't help thinking: "What's the matter with the earthquake and explosions? Could it be that there is more than one big monster coming to the capital?"

"I don't know if Zhou Xuan is alive or dead. If he escapes, will he call his helpers and return to the capital to take revenge?"

"If you didn't catch Zhou Xuan, you don't know how he entered the city without hiding his identity, and how he freely used demon techniques in the capital..."

"But even if there are many big monsters joining forces, there may not be such a movement." Liu Zhan didn't know the specific situation yet, the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion had a formation, the vibration was relatively low, and he underestimated the movement. I heard hurried footsteps and someone shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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