fake prince

Chapter 812

Chapter 812

Goddess Bei looked in a trance, as if she remembered something, and looked at it in shock.

After living for such a long time, Bei Nu only saw it this time and twice, when she was still very young, there was still there, and then for some reason, Dragon Palace never appeared again.

"Dragon Lord!" Bei Nu came back to her senses, hurriedly lifted the hem of her skirt, and went inside.

In the side hall inside, the young dragon rolled over comfortably, as if immersed in the hot spring, happy and comfortable, with its little tail flicking from time to time.

I don't know if it was a dream about what it ate, but it still slammed its mouth down from time to time, when Bei Nu rushed in, it just heard the young dragon shout: "Brother Master!"

"Could it be that Mr. Su is here?" Knowing that Master Long Jun was miraculous and came and went without a trace, Bei Nu thought it was coming again, and looked around for a while, but she didn't see anyone.

Is it a dream?

"Mr. Dragon..." I wanted to wake up Mr. Long and let him go to see the rainbow outside, but seeing the young dragon sleeping soundly, and as the one who doted on the young dragon, Belle couldn't bear to speak, and even when she withdrew, He also reminded the Yaozu to keep their voices down, so as not to disturb the dream of the Dragon Lord.

"At this time, I'm afraid that Mr. Su is doing well." Thinking that Mr. Long seems to have some fate connected with Mr. Su, and now Mr. Long is sleeping so well, it can be seen that Mr. Su must be fine.

Thinking of this, Belle finally let go of her heart and walked out, but saw the monster rushing up, shouting: "Rainbow, the rainbow is gone."


Sitting in the bullock cart with downcast eyes, Su Ziji was not having a good time.

At this time, the bullock cart was only halfway, not far from the city gate. He closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the bullock cart, leaning on the back of the chair, his body swaying slightly with the bullock cart, as if he had fallen into a dream.

But this kind of feeling was not comfortable, and the muffled thunder kept ringing in his ears, which made him frown uncontrollably.

In fact, the changes in the scene just now are very strange. People have some feelings, and the soul has perception. This time, there is a change. When I withdraw from the rainbow, I feel like I have turned into a small dragon and slowly falling.

"Am I turning into a dragon again?" Although he didn't have a mirror and couldn't see his current appearance, he just had a feeling that there were horns on his head at this time, but the horns of dragons and dragons were different.

Jiao, like a snake, four-legged, the family member of the dragon.

Some dragons have no horns, but there are some dragons with horns. The small dragon that Su Ziji has transformed now has two small horns, but they are straight, and there are no dragon horns that are slightly curved. If they grow up and cannot transform into dragons, The horns will only be two straight and long, and will not fork like the dragon horns.

The scales are also different from those of dragons. Unlike dragon scales that are dense and dazzling, Jiao's scales only protect the vital points, not all over the body. Although there are four claws, the overall scale is closer to that of a big snake.

After getting a general feeling of his current appearance, Su Ziji focused on the situation where he was still falling.

"Where is this going? Is it going to fall endlessly?"

It's dark everywhere.Boundless darkness, nothingness.

Jiao seemed to be slowly descending, with the faint sound of water, and only a little light approaching. He had gone out of his body many times before, most of which were to go to the underwater dragon palace in Panlong Lake, but this time he came to a very strange place, and he had never been there before.

Su Ziji couldn't help but look around, it was covered in gray fog, and he couldn't see anyone. With the sound of "Hey", he finally felt that the lights were getting closer, and he could vaguely see a huge mansion.

Then, Jiao's four claws landed on the ground, and there was darkness, the whole world seemed to be darkened, and it was even more gloomy.


Su Ziji's pupils shrank slightly, a strange feeling lingered in his heart, he had a faint guess, he walked along the light, his eyes lit up, and a mansion with tightly closed doors appeared, he couldn't help thinking.

"It's pitch black all around here, only this big house, where is it?"

I decided to leave and look elsewhere, and found that there seemed to be a transparent cover trapped in this area, so I tried to fly around and knocked.

"It can be broken, but my spiritual sense tells me that there will be a crisis."

Looking at the house in front of him, Su Ziji decided to go in and have a look.

Obviously, this is what the person behind the scenes who brought him here meant to let him in.

If you don't go in, who knows what will happen?

After Su Ziji turned into a jiao, he floated up and flew over the wall instead of pushing the door to enter.

After flying in, it didn't take long to find a courtyard where there were people and many people gathered. The courtyard was very large, and the layout was even more exquisite than the main courtyard of Daiwangfu.

"This is the Wangfu, no, it is a higher-level building than the Wangfu, it is the Prince's Mansion."

Ancient buildings can not be arbitrary, there are regulations on size, height, area, gate, and number of rooms. Up to now, emperors, princes, princes, county kings, dukes, and uncles all have specifications.

The prince's mansion has five gates and seven halls; the mansions from the county king to the Zhen Guogong have three gates and five halls, but there is a difference in the number of gates and halls. It is not an imperial palace, but a palace gate can be used. It must be a prince. undoubtedly.

If Su Ziji realized something, he looked up and saw that sitting on the chair on the steps was a young man. He was indeed handsome, with starry eyes and brows, and the sky was slightly round and full. However, even if the people below were crying, his expression was indifferent. , neither angry nor hindered.

"Your Highness! Save us, please, save us!"

"We don't want to die! Your Highness! Help us!"

Please save us! "

The wailing sound was so miserable that even Su Ziji, who stopped in mid-air, felt a little sympathetic, while the young man sitting below still had a calm expression.

"It's not that I don't save you, it's that I can't do anything." The young man sighed softly and said, "The fortune-tellers in the past said that my youthful spirit is like a cloud, and I am not the spirit of a human servant."

"But I can't even protect myself, let alone you?"

"Only Xiaoling, her status is low, she is pregnant but outsiders don't know, she can escape..." The young man said at the end, almost inaudible: "I hope it's a boy."

Su Ziji could see clearly from the sky above, although the young man's expression was indifferent, as if he looked down on life and death, but the sadness and despair in his eyes was so deep.

It's just that he knew that everything was unstoppable, so he simply looked down on it.

Su Ziji was thoughtful, he had learned a lot of Taoism, and naturally knew some physiognomy. Indeed, according to physiognomy, this young man did not have the slightest "failure" in appearance or spirit, and he had a rich life. It's too expensive, and I can't help nodding.

"That's why I don't believe in physiognomy."

After thinking for a while, Su Ziji didn't understand what the purpose of this scene was, he just watched.

Ordinarily, he is now in the shape of Xiaojiao, floating in the air, and the people below can see him when they look up. Since he looks invisible, it means that the scene below may not be real.

"Should this be a memory? Or... a replay of the past?" As soon as this idea popped up, Su Ziji became more startled as he looked at the young man below.

Could it be that this prince is actually the one who was closest...

(End of this chapter)

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