fake prince

Chapter 813 The Oath

Chapter 813 The Oath



At this moment, there were loud noises outside, and Su Ziji hurriedly turned his head to look over. Because of his good location, he could clearly see what happened.

I saw that at the gate of the originally empty mansion, thousands of armored soldiers appeared at an unknown time and surrounded the whole mansion tightly. The dark place was still silent, but the entrance was so lively that it almost pierced the sky.

More than a dozen armored soldiers were hugging a crossbar and hitting the gate. With a bang, the gate was knocked open.

A man in charge ran in in panic: "Your Highness! Something is wrong! A soldier opened the door and broke in!"

Su Ziji's eyes fell on the young man who was sitting again. When the young man heard the news, he even smiled. There was wine on the table next to him. Ripe melons are separated. Once picked, the melon will be good, and then plucked will make the melon thin..."

"Since father wants me to die, how can I not die?"

As the young man spoke, he looked around again, and then he straightened his neck and drank a glass of wine that had already been filled. The wine seemed to be highly poisonous, and blood soon spilled from his mouth and nose.

The young man endured the colic, and the severe pain made him tremble uncontrollably, but he did not groan until he died.

There were a few women kneeling under the steps, all of them beautiful, and they were crying embarrassingly now. Seeing the young man drinking wine with his head up, bleeding to death from his orifices, they cried even more miserably.

"Don't cry! Instead of living and being humiliated, why don't you go with the prince now!" One of the women in a red dress scolded, then gritted her teeth, got up from the ground, and took a few steps forward. He also poured a glass of wine into the wine glass, and drank it with his neck raised.

After a while, she also fell to the ground with a thud, and fell on the young man's lap, struggling painfully, and also died without making a sound.

"His Royal Highness! Crown Princess!" someone cried.

The few remaining women, hearing the screams getting closer and closer, wanted to drink the poisoned wine too, but they didn't dare. They just hesitated for a moment and lost their last chance.


Su Ziji saw that the armored soldiers who broke through the door quickly came to this courtyard, rushed in, and chopped anyone they saw, whether it was a servant girl or a guard, no matter whether it was a eunuch or a master, everyone they saw was chopped to the ground one after another.

Among the women who were kneeling to beg the young man, some got up and ran towards the distance, and were chased by the armored soldiers a few steps, chopped down with a few knives, did not die immediately, and repaired countless knives, even the whole body was not saved .

The prince's concubines all died under the sword.

On the contrary, there was a young boy, guarded by a eunuch and several guards, who fled while fighting, and retreated to a corner, surrounded by armored soldiers, and had nowhere to retreat.

Several guards were quickly killed, and the remaining old eunuch's eyes were red, he held the child tightly in his arms, and shouted: "He is the grandson, the grandson!"

"Grandson, it's Taisun who killed him!" The man on the opposite side grinned and raised his knife.


The successive screams were not even two, but several, because the old eunuch would rather die to protect the grandson, and the old eunuch who turned his back on these people was chopped into meat with random knives, and the child he was protecting in his arms was miserable. He yelled a few times, but he lost his breath.

When the corpse was dragged out, it was found that the child had been hacked to the point that most of its neck had been broken. The leading general saw this and ordered the child's corpse to be dragged away to be placed with the prince's wife and concubine.

"Listen, people can be killed, and you must not be humiliated. If you take the opportunity to do something, the military law will not spare you. Also, don't be cheap, take something."

"This house is all belongings of the prince, even the prince can't take it, if you take it, you will die, understand?"

The wailing and killing continued until the entire mansion was filled with no living beings except the armored soldiers, and even the cats, dogs, war horses, and cattle pulling the carts in the house were all killed one by one, and the killing was considered to have stopped. , The sound of wailing and killing gradually disappeared.

After an unknown amount of time, the Jiabing disappeared.

There was no wind in the Prince's Mansion, nor could the chirping of insects and birds be heard. There were corpses strewn all over the place, which looked extraordinarily gloomy and gloomy. In the dark shadows, there seemed to be figures, who could jump out and bite at any time.

"Can't you leave?"

After watching this scene, Su Ziji realized that he hadn't disappeared, so he flew outside, knocked on the cover, tried it, and it still felt the same.

"I can break it, but there are unexpected disasters."

Su Ziji came back again, flew along the corridor, flew over the pile of corpses like a ghost, and entered the main courtyard again. Under the shadow of the dying candle, he stared at the last scene below, pondered for a moment, and said: "Prince, I will avenge you."

Having said that, the following is still quiet and silent.

no response?

"Could it be that the prince didn't ask me to come here to avenge him?"

"Yes, for ordinary people, revenge may be enough, but for those who know how to do it, revenge is not as good as canonization."

Su Ziji thought for a while, thoughtfully, and said, "If I can ascend to the throne of God, I will make you emperor after me. This is also the essence of filial piety. Don't worry about me regretting it."

There was a "snap" from the candle flame, and it burst out a few feet. It was green and frightening, but nothing else changed.

Su Ziji frowned. This is not a lie. When the grandson ascends the throne, he can respect the prince as emperor. Only the adoptive one is controversial. Now it seems that it is effective, but it is not in place.

"It turned out to be like this - if I win the throne, I will pass it on to a child who does not regret it in the future. The world can learn from it, and I will never regret it!"

As soon as these words came out, the young man leaning on the chair suddenly opened his eyes, his seven orifices were bleeding, he described horror, looked straight at Su Ziji in mid-air, opened his mouth and said, "You must remember what you said today!"

As soon as the words came out, there was a "boom", and the mansion below disappeared, and all the scenes inside disappeared. The space between the sky and the earth seemed to be pitch black, but a small golden dragon was more eye-catching. Su Ziji rushed forward.

Su Ziji had no way to hide, no way to avoid, and watched the little dragon pounce on him. The next moment, he felt his body warm and swell, and the whole body of the dragon quickly swelled and changed due to the fusion of the two dragons. Big……

Taoist temple

Almost at the same time, Su Ziji left the Taoist temple of the Yin Guan Sect. Hundreds of Taoists sat in the open space of a large courtyard. They all sat in different positions, forming a large formation.

Liu Zhan stood in the center of the formation, holding an arm-long sword. In the sunlight, the sword was dotted with seven brilliant gems, shining brightly.

He walked with graceful steps, jumped a few times, and pointed his sword at the center. At the same time, hundreds of Taoist priests did not stop chanting mantras, and shouted along with Liu Zhan: "Who is Dai Wang!"

Suddenly, the light brightened!

A dragon chant suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, and hundreds of people groaned and flew out together.

Liu Zhan, who was in the center of the formation, spurted out a mouthful of blood, his body softened, and he couldn't hold on any longer. He fell to the ground, but managed to stand up, looking at the capital, full of shock.

"Could it be that the real life is really the acting king?"

(End of this chapter)

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