fake prince

Chapter 814 A Red Hemorrhoid

Chapter 814 A Red Hemorrhoid

"Your Majesty, we're at the mansion." The bullock cart came to a halt, and in the drizzle, the driver called softly, calling twice in a row, before he heard any movement inside the cart.

Su Ziji let out a "huh" and sat up in a daze, only to realize that the ox cart had already passed through Yimen and entered the mansion. Watching it, I only thought about it for a moment, and when I lowered my eyes, I saw half a piece of red sandalwood.

"Accepting the fate of the old prince and forming the seed of humanity, is it absorbed by Panlong's heart method (13500/18000) (this is irreversible)?"


"[Boiled Dragon Heart Method] absorbs the seed of humanity, +5000, promotes to level 19 (500/19000), Wenxin Diaolong expands, and obtains [The Way of Sincerity]!"


The moment he was promoted, it was just a drizzle, but at this time, the sky was full of dark clouds, and with a "shua", the raindrops as big as copper coins swept down, and the heavy rain was like a torrent, followed by a bright flash in the sky, followed by a deafening thunder, and the sound of thunder was shocking. Everyone outside the car trembled.

"Everyone go away, someone will arrange board and lodging for you!" Su Ziji said, got up and took two steps, and entered the corridor.

The corridor of the palace is half a foot above the ground, covered with a roof, and runs through the entire mansion. This is the world built for the nobles to avoid the rain. A few "Qi Death Wind" lamps were lit.

Back in the small hall, a servant girl offered some fragrant tea and fruit. Su Ziji sat on a chair and drank slowly. Thinking of the prince, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Seeing the servant girl looking at him secretly, he frowned and asked, "Where is the princess?" ? How is the situation in the mansion, is there any loss?"

After entering the mansion, I didn't see Ye Buhui. Could it be that Buhui was busy again?

Ye Buhui's belly still doesn't look pregnant, but who in the entire Dai Palace doesn't know about it?The savages are in the mansion, so naturally they don't dare to work and Ye Buhui is busy... so where is Buhui now?

"Your Majesty, the mansion is alright. Although some houses are swaying and even have cracks, they are all deserted yards where no one lives."

"There were no casualties."

A big servant girl reported that many people in the capital suffered losses due to the earth-dragon disturbance, especially near the imperial city. Among the casualties, one was not killed, but many were injured, most of them were injured due to panic when the fireball fell and the earth dragon moved.

When Su Ziji came back, he had already taken the medicines that should be taken, and the things that should be cleaned up.

The eldest servant girl said: "This is Mr. Lu's handling. He told us just now. Once the king comes back, he will report like this. When he is done with his work, he will come and report by himself."

"As for Wangfei, Wangfei happened to go to personally guard the small stove to make soup for you. She said that you have worked hard these days, and you can drink it immediately when you come back."

Su Ziji's heart warmed, because he had absorbed a lot of experience in the Taoist temple, he couldn't hold on when he was about to arrive at the palace, and finally "slept" over, presumably his face would not be good. normal.

Now that I don't regret my stomach and don't show it, it is naturally impossible to let her just stay in the room, but even so, I still can't help frowning: "Why bother her about this matter? Just send someone to look at it."

He didn't intend to get angry, but for some reason, when he asked this, the maid who was smiling at first also quickly lowered her head, not daring to say anything.

Su Ziji was slightly taken aback. He is a keen person, so he naturally noticed some subtle changes, so he was about to ask. A beautiful figure walked in slowly from outside. The maid was holding a tray. On the tray was a porcelain bowl with a small The spoon is steaming. Although the fragrance is not strong, it is somewhat appetizing.

"Are you back?" Ye Buhui asked with a sweet smile, his eyes swept away, and he was startled.

Seeing that Su Ziji was in a very good condition after waking up, he was secretly relieved, and at the same time a little funny that he thought too much.

Su Ziji pulled Ye Buhui to sit down, and Su Ziji took the soup brought by the maid directly, stirred it with a small spoon, curious: "Is this soup made of fruits and flowers?"

It is very attractive to look at, there are several kinds of fruits, the flesh is bright and plump, and it sinks to the bottom in the clear soup.

There were still some fine petals floating in the soup base and in the soup, Su Ziji didn't even recognize what kind of flower it was.

Ye Buhui introduced: "This is a soup I learned from A Yao. It is famous for Shawangxing. It is most suitable for this season. You should try it."

"Push the sand and watch the stars?" The name of this soup is elegant.

Su Ziji didn't expect much about the taste, but after taking a sip with a spoon, he couldn't help nodding. The taste was sweet but not greasy, and it was very refreshing. It was indeed suitable for him to drink now.

I was already a little nauseous because of my digestion experience, even if I feel better now, if I eat greasy food, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back my vomiting.

He drank the whole bowl in a face-saving manner, the maid took away the bowl and spoon, and served fragrant tea to rinse his mouth. After Su Ziji took the large towel and wiped his face again, he felt much more comfortable. He raised his eyes, but saw that he was looking at him without regret or blinking.

"What's wrong?" Su Ziji asked in surprise.

"When you came back this time, why did you have a red hemorrhoid between your eyebrows? Your appearance seems to have changed a bit. Could it be that I was thinking wildly after I became pregnant?" Ye Buhui also frowned.

"Oh, show me the mirror." Su Ziji ordered, and the maid obediently offered it without waiting.

Just looking at it, Su Ziji couldn't help but his expression changed slightly, and he saw that there was indeed a red hemorrhoid between his eyebrows, which looked a little familiar, and his eyebrows and eyes also changed slightly.

"...It's the prince."

Su Ziji immediately remembered where this sense of familiarity came from. The crown prince had a red hemorrhoid. If he looked carefully, if he used to look alike, but now he looked alike, even his face was somewhat similar.

This really made people feel complicated. After reading it quietly, he put the mirror on the table and let out a long breath: "Then do you like it?"

"I like it, I always feel very kind."

Hearing this, Su Ziji's mood became more complicated. At this time, Ye Daoren and Jian Qu asked to see him, said a few words to Ye Buhui, and then got up and went out.


"Go to the study to talk." Su Ziji said, and walked all the way, seeing that the courtyard remained intact, and the study was even more intact, Su Ziji went in and sat down, and invited the two to sit down.

"My lord, the imperial city suffered heavy losses. Before you came back, Shengjia and the cabinet had temporarily moved to Qingchun Garden. I sent someone to inquire about the situation of the empress, and learned that the empress was safe and sound, so I went to Qingchun with Shengjia. garden."

After the wild Taoist finished speaking, Jian Qu also said: "I heard that the Marquis Huaifeng's mansion suffered a lot of damage. The courtyard where Master Fang Xiaohou lived collapsed and two wing rooms collapsed. Although the main house did not collapse, there was a big crack. So I decided on my own, and sent someone to help Fang Xiaohou move, and moved to his private house."

After thinking for a while, he said: "Master Luo, everything is fine. I went to see you in person, and Lord Luo asked about your safety urgently..."

Su Ziji nodded: "You guys did a good job."

Of course there were a lot of things going on in the mansion, the two hurriedly reported, and then took leave, watching them leave, Su Ziji leaned back, thinking.

"Wen Xin Diao Long is very useful, but it seems a bit tasteless to follow me as a marquis, as a duke, and now as a king."

(End of this chapter)

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