fake prince

Chapter 815 The Way of Sincerity

Chapter 815 The Way of Sincerity

"Now that Wen Xin Diao Long has been upgraded, it can affect everyone below the seventh rank. The scope of this operation is getting wider and wider. What does it mean to just get the [Way of Sincerity]?"

Su Ziji couldn't help but wonder, the way of sincerity can be known in advance, this is because he knew it a long time ago, but depending on the situation, this may not mean it.

"My lord!" Just as he was thinking, the wild Taoist left and returned, and hurried in: "A servant sent a message, saying that you can rush to the temporary cabinet in Qingchun Garden."

Su Ziji's heart sank, and the imperial city had just encountered a disaster. The emperor suddenly sent a message asking him to go to the cabinet. He didn't know what it meant.

"Is the car ready?" Su Ziji was always at ease when the wild Taoist was doing things, so he asked casually, and he heard it should be.

If he wanted to go to the cabinet, he might be summoned temporarily by the emperor, so Su Ziji had to get the mianfu and dressed him up solemnly, so he hurried out and got on the ox cart again.

"This time, don't bring those newcomers, take the old Fuwei."

Qingchun Garden is also in the city, quite far from the imperial city, and a little closer to Daiwangfu.

He hurriedly boarded the bullock cart and headed towards the Qingchun Garden in a hurry, only to get out of the gate of Daiwang Mansion, he could feel a tense atmosphere.

There are soldiers everywhere, all of them holding their knives, one guard at ten steps, one sentry at five steps, and the guard is heavily guarded, which is a rare sight in usual times.

"Although the two incidents of the earthquake and the falling fireball were mentioned, this is still a bit abnormal."

As if something important was going to happen again, Su Ziji's heart sank even more.

An old and fearful emperor who still holds real power, it is really difficult for this kind of person to predict what he will suddenly do next.

Thinking that in the precognitive dream, he was the acting king, and he couldn't even protect his own princess and unborn child, and he couldn't find out the whereabouts. This kind of control power makes Su Ziji very depressed every time he thinks about it. .

He has tried his best to face up to the authority of the emperor in this era, but he obviously underestimated it.

That's right, even if the emperor is now greedy for life and afraid of death, and has done some ridiculous things for it, he is a powerful emperor who has been on the throne for [-] years and has worked hard for the past ten years.

In this era, an emperor who has been in power for 20 years, even if he is dying of illness, as long as he is not dead, he has the unquestionable power of life and death.

"I am so arrogant, I always underestimate the ancients."

The rain was pattering, there were few pedestrians in the streets and alleys, only the sound of the ox carts stepping into the muddy water, Su Ziji was thinking.

"Your Majesty!" There were several old guards walking with the ox cart, and one of them suddenly reported from the car window: "Really Liu please see me."

Real Liu, Liu Zhan?

Didn't he just meet Liu Zhan today?Why did you come to the city again?

Su Ziji was a little strange, he still ordered the car to stop and let him in, and then he finished speaking, the old man got in when the car curtain was raised.

"Really Liu, why are you in such a hurry, haven't you just met Gu?" Su Ziji just smiled, and when he saw Liu Zhan coming in, he was not polite, and directly took out a roll from his sleeve and handed it over.

"Your Majesty, please take a look."

Seeing this, Su Ziji was even more surprised. Then he lowered his head and glanced, his expression changed slightly: "This is..."

I thought that what Liu Zhan handed him was a Taoist scripture, but I didn't expect to find out that it turned out to be a piece of information!

"You mean, Yu Qianzhi belongs to King Lu?"

The information is dense and dense, recording the secret meeting between Yu Qianzhi and the King of Lu, and even including Yu Qianzhi's original intention to suppress Su Ziji because he wanted to clear the way for the King of Lu.

One pile, one piece, not necessarily all of them, but there are already many that can be recorded.

Su Ziji already knew some things from Wen Xunpeng, but even if he didn't know anything before, after reading the detailed information now, he would definitely believe more than [-]% of it.

Liu Zhan had a straight face, and his eyes stopped on Su Ziji's face, as if he knew everything he wanted to say: "Yes, Yu Qianzhi once slandered the king, saying that the king was in collusion with the monster clan!"

"But from what I've seen, the Great King is innocent and has the power to kill the Great Demon."

"I have offended you, and I sincerely apologize to the king."

Has Yu Qianzhi ever done this before?Su Ziji immediately understood, no wonder Feng Wang opened the mansion one day, he always felt that there was some disobedience, it turned out that it was Yu Qianzhi who put eye drops on Liu Zhan, which attracted Yin Guan faction to target him?

Looking at the attitude of Yin Guanpai now, it seems that not only did he not find out that he was in collusion with the Yaozu, but he also thinks that he is innocent, so he came here to show his favor?

Su Ziji was thoughtful, it seems that the entire Yin Guan Sect couldn't see the fact that he was practicing the Panlong Mind Method?

Then I heard Liu Zhan ask again: "Now that the hundred temples are recovering, can Your Majesty hear about it?"

Su Ziji squinted his eyes and looked over, startled: How quickly did the imperial court know what happened this morning?

After all, if Liu Zhan knew about this matter, it was impossible not to report it to the court, and this kind of matter could not be concealed for too long.

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, Su Ziji said: "The hundred temples have recovered? What's the matter?"

Liu Zhan discerned for a while, and felt that Dai Wang's words were sincere, and explained immediately: "The revival of the hundred temples is due to the revival of spiritual energy, and the gods return to the world. I am afraid that there will be chaos at that time."

"The imperial court must have countermeasures. Your Majesty should think about it and make some preparations in advance."

"Besides, Yu Qianzhi is hostile towards you. You should take precautions against this. Originally, you shouldn't have told this, but I'm afraid that the king will be tricked by a villain, so I'm here to tell you."

Su Ziji understood that Liu Zhan came here this time not only with good intentions, but also with sincerity, and his attitude changed a lot.

"Thank you for reminding the real person, I will be more careful." Su Ziji thanked.

But Liu Zhan didn't dare to accept Su Ziji's thanks again, and bowed his head and said, "It's really an honor for me to do my best for the king."

Having said this, he turned his eyes again, and couldn't help asking: "Why does your majesty have red hemorrhoids, it seems that there are no red hemorrhoids this morning."

Su Ziji was stunned, and said: "This is also a strange thing. Since you came back from the meditation, you fell asleep halfway, and inexplicably developed a red hemorrhoid."

"So that's the case?" Liu Zhan immediately believed it. He straightened his face and bowed earnestly: "In the future, if the king has something to do, you only need to give me an order."

With that said, Liu Zhan said goodbye.

When the ox cart started to move, Su Ziji lifted the curtain, watched Liu Zhan's figure leave, and thought to himself: "Liu Zhan intends to seek refuge, and his sincerity is great, but isn't this too fast? What happened?"

In any case, one more friend is one more strength. Although he didn't understand why Liu Zhan and Yin Guanpai's attitude changed so much, he might as well accept it now, but he had to check it out.

Putting down the car curtain, Su Ziji fell into deep thought again. Could it be that he asked himself to go to the cabinet this time to discuss the recovery of Baici?

Didn't Liu Zhan just come out of Qingchun Garden?

Along the way, Su Ziji was thinking about this matter. When he reached the gate of Qingchun Garden, the ox cart stopped. When Su Ziji got off the car, the eunuch who had been waiting for a long time led him to the temporary office of the cabinet.

Just like in the palace, the eunuchs stopped a few meters away from the cabinet, and Su Ziji pushed open the door by himself and stepped into the cabinet.

As soon as you enter, you can see the small hall, all of them are in brilliant official uniforms, full of ministers above the third rank, with a glance, you can see that almost all the bigwigs are there, more than [-] people are scattered everywhere, at a glance, there are still people who don't know. I thought it was a small court meeting.

What I have to discuss today is probably more serious than I thought.

(End of this chapter)

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