fake prince

Chapter 816 Panic

Chapter 816 Panic

Luo Pei was also present, wearing a third-rank official uniform, with a thin black face and a very serious face. When he saw Su Ziji coming in, he didn't say a word, and only looked at each other.

"On behalf of the king, please take a seat." A fourth-rank official came over, spoke very beautiful Beijing dialect, and invited Su Ziji to take his seat.

It can be seen that there is a throne on the high platform in the middle, and the dragon chair is not very comfortable to sit on, it symbolizes the supreme power.

There are a few embroidered piers in the lower part, which are supposed to be seats reserved for the prince. The piers that everyone sits on are exactly the same from the style to the cushions.

This is the difference between a prince and ordinary ministers. A prince is the highest position of a noble. Except for the emperor and prince, although they are also "subjects", their status is above all ministers. Even if the prince has no real power, the ministers salute in etiquette. There is a whole set of etiquette.

Su Ziji was also polite, invited himself to take a seat, and went straight up to sit. He found that King Qi had arrived one step earlier than himself and was sitting opposite him, so he took a closer look.

As if aware of Su Ziji's gaze, King Qi turned his head and looked at him coldly. Su Ziji looked at each other and then looked away, but King Qi let out a "huh" and stared at Su Ziji Look between eyebrows.

"You red mole, why do you have it? Did you spot it like a woman?" After a while, King Qi couldn't bear it.

"..." Su Ziji knew that there was such a question, and pretended to be puzzled: "I don't know, I suddenly have it today."

As he spoke, he even wiped it off. King Qi could see clearly that it was indeed a red mole, and it was not painted on with makeup.

After a while, King Shu and King Lu also came. King Lu was alright, but King Shu was even worse. He just glanced at him and exclaimed: "Too..."

The king of Qi coughed heavily, and the king of Shu came to his senses. When he sat down, he was a little flustered and his face was pale.

King Lu looked around and sat next to Su Ziji silently.

Four adult kings sat opposite each other, and the first ones standing below were the first assistant and the second assistant, and then the ministers stood according to their rank and importance. In the end, there were less than 40 people present. The hall is considered half full.

Because the emperor didn't come, Zhao Xu, the first assistant, presided over the meeting. Zhao Xu swept his eyes and paused on Su Ziji's red mole, but couldn't see his expression.

"Officials who can see the crown prince must be at least the fifth rank or higher. Those below the fifth rank can only watch from a distance and cannot see their faces clearly. Those who are above the fifth rank are mostly around forty. It has been 20 years, and they should basically have retired. Besides, the official career is very fluid, with ups and downs, and now I am afraid that not many people have actually seen the prince."

Su Ziji thought to himself, seeing that the rest of the officials didn't have any strange looks, he was sure, he was a prince, just like the three kings, in fact, coming to this meeting was just a background board, just listen to it, generally you don't need to speak, and you don't need to speak Should speak, just ponder.

"From this alone, we can see Dazheng's power structure."

"In the past dynasties, ordinary ministers did not have seats no matter which dynasty or generation they belonged to. However, in the Han Dynasty, there was a saying that the three princes sat and discussed the Tao. It is said that the prime ministers in the Sui and Tang Dynasties all granted seats, but the Song Dynasty removed the prime minister's seat. It seems that Ming can still stand and talk. You have to kneel down and call him a slave."

"From this structural point of view, this dynasty is in the structure between Song and Ming Dynasties."

Just thinking about it, Zhao Xu, the first assistant, was a little preoccupied. Seeing that everyone was here, he kept a calm face and didn't beat around the bush. He went straight to the point when he opened his mouth.

"Your Highness, all of you, I invite you to the cabinet today to discuss a matter, a major event that may affect the entire world!"

A major event that affects the entire world?

Su Ziji obviously saw that King Lu straightened up slightly, and King Qi and King Shu also became more serious when they heard this.

Some of the people present didn't know what was going on, they were already worried, but when they heard Shoufu's words, they all raised their attention.

"The capital city is at the foot of the emperor and the center of the country. If it moves, the world will move. You are the ministers of the court, so you must know the importance, but do you know how many shrines are there in the whole capital city?" Zhao Xu asked first.

This... What kind of problem is this?

As soon as this question came up, except for Su Ziji who was reminded by Liu Zhan in advance, even if they guessed that it might be related to the change in the city, they were shocked.

Could it be that this catastrophe in the city is actually related to the gods?

That's right, although I've only heard of monsters in the past, but the manifestation of the gods is half-believed, but after the shaking of the capital and the terrifying black mushroom cloud, it is obviously difficult to lose a sense of awe.

These court officials who usually look down on the "village idiots" the most are also feeling scared at this moment.

"There are about seventy or eighty places." An official replied.

"That's right, there are 79 temples in the entire capital." Zhao Xu continued to say with a serious face, "Just today, there are 67 temples that appear."

"This news was immediately reported to the cabinet and the emperor."

"The emperor has a decree, and urgently sent a commissioner to go to the post station and go to several nearby counties to investigate. It's the same. Most of the temples have shown their spirits!"

"It can be seen that this apparition may include the entire Zhili, or even the entire world!"

Zhao Xu spoke very calmly, but the ministers trembled and their expressions became tense. In an instant, the atmosphere in the hall became tense.

In other words, the addition of one more chess player to the entire chessboard is indeed a major event, it can be said that it is even bigger than the Southwest event.

Or it can be compared with the influence of Prince Li.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Su Ziji's heart moved, his eyes lowered, and half a piece of red sandalwood tin appeared with his heart.

"[Art of War] Level 6 (5750/6000)"

"[The Way of Politics] Level 15 (2130/15000)"

"At level 15, it is not easy to gain every bit of experience in the way of governing, and the progress is getting slower and slower. I have always been in theory, and I can't think of how to fight against the emperor."

"What people are afraid of is not difficulties, but the lack of roads. It is impossible to be passive like this."

"These ministers are all the elites of the dynasty. According to my experience, the more nervous you are, the more wool you can roll. After all, you need to use your life's wisdom and all your abilities to solve problems."

"Maybe, I can take this opportunity to try."

Thinking of this, Su Ziji took advantage of the pause in Zhao Xu's speech, stood up and bowed: "Ministers, Xiao Wang has something to say."

It was not a loud sound, but it made the more than [-] people present all look at it in surprise.

"..." King Qi, King Lu, and King Shu sitting across from each other couldn't figure out what King Dai was thinking. Could it be that King Dai didn't know that this kind of court meeting didn't follow the emperor's order, and the kings generally didn't speak?

Even if you come, you are just setting up like mascots. It is not that you are invited to come and take a seat so that you can really treat yourself as a dish.

King Qi's mouth twitched, and a sneer appeared on his face.

So what if there is a red mole, you brat, you really can't do things steadily.

But Dai Wang's temperament is unstable, which is a good thing for him. Qi Wang calmed down, and the panic he had just now calmed down a little.

(End of this chapter)

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