fake prince

Chapter 817

Chapter 817

Luo Pei couldn't help being surprised, he had already taken refuge in the King Dai, and with the King Dai, it can be said that if he is hurt, he will be hurt, and if he is prosperous, he will be prosperous, his heart just twitches, and he wants to talk, but then he thinks, Dai Wang is not a frivolous person who doesn't know the depth of Meng Lang, It was not the first time to deal with cabinet ministers. It was impossible for him to speak suddenly without knowing the rules. There must be a reason for acting on behalf of the king himself.

Luo Pei then sank and did not move.

Chief Assistant Zhao Xu was startled for a moment, then came to his senses, took a deep look at the red mole, and said kindly: "The King Dai has something to say, please just say it."

Su Ziji bowed deeply, humbly: "Don't dare, Xiao Wang just doesn't understand that the manifestation of spirits in this shrine is a good thing for all dynasties and countries, and they are often commended and sealed. Why do you treat me so harshly? Xiao Wang doesn't understand. , I would like to ask everyone for advice, I am disturbed, I am really disturbed."

It turned out that they were asking this question, and everyone felt relieved, while King Qi was a little disappointed.

Because I don't understand, asking this question is not considered crossing the line.

After all, even if it is a mascot, the emperor may ask for his opinion afterwards. I really don’t understand it, and it’s impossible to figure out what’s going on.

As for why Dai Wang doesn't understand this kind of thing...

On the contrary, the ministers understand that the kings grew up in the capital city and were taught by various teachers. Before they were adults, they could get in touch with dignitaries, ministers, and government affairs. Wang observed politics a few years earlier, and in terms of experience and knowledge, he is higher than Dai Wang, which is a matter of course.

Dai Wang didn't have this process. Even if he has talent, talent, and lack of experience, he can't be pulled up in a short time. How long has Dai Wang been in Beijing?

Based on the above reasons, several cabinet leaders present were tolerant towards the Dai Wang.

Zhao Xu's expression became even more relaxed, and he said, "It turns out that you are asking about this matter, King Dai, and this matter has to be talked about from Si and Rong..."

Then, with the three elders, they talked about Dazheng's sacrifice and Rong.

Why mention Si and Rong seriously?

Sacrifices, sacrifices to heaven and gods, the mandate of heaven is legitimacy, the emperor is ordered by heaven, calls himself the son of heaven, and takes over the power from his father.

And the emperor is the father of the subjects, and all the officials take over the power from the emperor, the father, and control the people, and they are also the parents of the people.

As for the common people, parents also discipline their children, and everyone manages according to the same logic.

To put it bluntly, Confucianism means that heaven, man, monarch, minister, father and son all establish the same relationship. This sacrificial ceremony means legal inheritance, and its importance is naturally very important.

If the name is not correct and the words are not right, even if the dynasty is changed, there are usually measures to go through this legal procedure for the successor, so that the change of dynasty will not be so straightforward.

And Rong, literally means military power, that is, "violence"

The combination of sacrificial and military means legitimacy and force.

"The major affairs of the country are between Si and Rong, and Si is still above Rong. It is a good thing for one or two gods to appear. It is the Holy Son of Heaven who is in power and protected by all gods."

"Large-scale apparitions have crossed the line."

In more common terms, with one or two gods, the imperial court can check and balance.

For large-scale manifestations, in the future, will the imperial court have the final say, or will these gods who also have sacrificial soldiers have the final say?

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and one country cannot accommodate two masters.

If there are too many gods, the master and minister will be reversed.

Needless to say gods, Su Ziji heard this, and thought of the previous world. There was a long period of time in Europe, where emperors would kneel and beg for religious recognition.

Presumably, Emperor Dazheng never wanted to fall from the emperor to the servant.

Of course, most of the above words are what Su Ziji learned from the experience of the four elders, and the words of these four people are much more tactful.

"Experience +3000"

"Experience +4000"

"Experience +3200"

"Experience +3500"

Su Ziji was overjoyed in his heart, and with a tense face, he thanked Zhao Xu and the three of them: "So that's the case, Xiao Wang has really benefited a lot."

When you go back and sit down, you don't even need to check it deliberately, you can feel that there has been a big change in your thinking.


Su Ziji lowered his eyes, and half a piece of red sandalwood tin appeared.

"[The Way of Politics] Level 16 (830/15000)"

Sure enough, [The Way of Politics] has been upgraded to level 16. With the upgrade, I suddenly have more insights about what happened just now.

Mandate of Heaven is legitimacy, and legitimacy who appoints you can also remove you.

Although gods are in China, they are very clear about their talents, but after all, in recent days, gods can enjoy incense, but they can't speak, so it's a very big problem to show their holiness.

In case a god speaks up and says that Dazheng won the country wrongly, will the people believe it or not?

It doesn't matter if it's individual, but on a large scale, the impact will be great, and it will directly shake Da Zheng's legitimacy.

As if Su Ziji was enlightened, Zhao Xu understood everything that Zhao Xu said, and even made inferences.

"Group character is indeed the most feared by the superiors, so the emperor is not afraid of your talent or high position, but afraid of your clique."

"One person, no matter how big the problem, can solve it, but it is difficult to solve it when it is extended to a group."

"It's like surgery. Some tumors can be cut, but if they spread, there is no cure."

"What about the crown prince?" Su Ziji couldn't help thinking of himself.

"No matter how strong I am, the emperor can cut me off. It's just a loss at the time, but as long as the foundation is not damaged, the loss is not as big as the person involved imagined."

"Is it still rare for famous ministers and virtuous kings to die? At that time, many people felt sympathetic and thought it was a big deal. In fact, after a few years, no one heard about it."

"Only by combining with the group can people be afraid of the mouse."

"This is why in any dynasty or generation, the emperor will try his best to weaken the party and be afraid of forming a party. However, no matter how severe the punishment is, many princes and ministers even ransacked their families and wiped out their families. However, in their positions, many people will still continue to form parties. group bonding."

"In the past I thought it just meant that the only thing humans can learn from history is that humans never learn from history."

"Now I feel that it's not that these people don't want to learn the lesson, but that they have to combine with the group, otherwise they are individuals who can be easily solved."

"Even if you combine with the group and are feared by the superiors, at least you still have some self-protection, which can make it more difficult for the superiors to cut."

"The reason why such power officials always end miserably is because they have a strong sense of existence, so people care about their fate. Officials who have not been integrated with the group and were killed early will not be cared about and discussed by others. , Those are background boards, all cannon fodder."

"Similarly, the emperor can kill individual bureaucrats, but the emperor feels powerless against the bureaucracy as a whole. This is also the principle."

As soon as I thought of this, the light in front of my eyes flashed, and there was another change.

"[The Way of Politics] +3000, Level 16 (3830/15000)"

Su Ziji was satisfied in his heart, no matter what the final result of this meeting was, he had gained a lot from this trip by himself.

However, some people couldn't see that Dai Wang just asked a question about passing the line and then retracted. At this time, a third-rank civil servant said, "This matter is very serious. I don't know what opinion Dai Wang has on this matter?"

Su Ziji glanced at him. This person has triangular eyes and a pair of pupils shining brightly, but he knows him. It is Han Fanliang, the newly appointed Minister of Rites, who has something to do with the King of Shu. Unexpectedly, this person jumped out first at this time.

Knowing that this person has bad intentions for him, Su Ziji naturally wouldn't do what he wanted, so he smiled: "Xiao Wang is here to study, do you have any opinions?"

A humble posture, everyone just looks at it and feels it comes from the heart.

The vigilance is quite strong, and he does not take the bait.Han Fanliang secretly felt it was a pity, and knew that he couldn't say more, so he said "The king is humble" and stood back.

At this moment, someone shouted outside: "Long live here—"

(End of this chapter)

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