fake prince

Chapter 821 Luo Pei's Promotion

Chapter 821 Luo Pei's Promotion

This person is the newly appointed Minister of the Ministry of War, because Cui Zhaoquan, Minister of the Ministry of War, has recently asked for sick leave and is lying in bed, the Minister of the Ministry of War can barely be regarded as representing the Ministry of War to hold a meeting here.

At this time, the Minister of the Ministry of War stood up: "Your Majesty, I think there is one person who is very suitable."

All the people present immediately pricked up their ears, and their eyes were fixed on the Minister of War.

Because the minister of the Ministry of War is obviously the imperial party, even more obvious than the previous censor, he jumped out at this time and said who he would recommend, and everyone present immediately knew it.

This is singing a double reed with the emperor, it seems that the emperor already has a candidate in his heart!

It's just that the emperor used this, why?You know, the system is the system, even the emperor will not change it at will.

Seeing that the emperor didn't seem to be in a hurry, he asked slowly, "Who do you want to recommend?"

The minister of the Ministry of War replied: "I recommend Lord Luo Peiluo, and I believe that Lord Luo is the best candidate to go to the southwest."

"Oh? Tell me. Why do you recommend Mr. Luo?" The emperor glanced at his sons, who were almost unable to hold back their expressions. That glance made King Qi, who was about to stand up and refute, shrink back.

The Minister of the Ministry of War has a plan in his mind, so he naturally took his time: "I recommend Lord Luo because Lord Luo has an advantage over others when he goes to the Southwest."

"Lord Luo is good at water control. He even supervised the naval forces in the early years. In the southwest of the sea, water bandits are rampant, and floods are often raging. It can be said that Lord Luo is going to make the best use of people."

"If it's someone else, I'm afraid it won't be as suitable as Master Luo."

The emperor nodded after hearing this: "You are right."

He looked at Luo Pei and asked, "Luo Qing's family, would you like to go to the southwest?"

As early as when the Minister of the Ministry of War recommended him, Luo Pei's heart sank.

The Governor of the Southwest Province is indeed a great official in the frontiers. After staying in the Southwest for a few years, as long as he comes back with merit, he may become the second assistant in the future.

This matter is indeed not harmful to him, but it is to Dai Wang... But in this scene, there is absolutely no reason to refuse, Luo Pei fell to his knees, and said in a deep voice: "I am willing to go, because I am afraid of disappointing the emperor. Your high hopes..."

"Luo Qing's family is too humble. I know your talent well. Since you are willing, then it will be decided like this."

The emperor was obviously very satisfied with the recommendation of Luo Pei by the minister of the Ministry of War. He didn't wait for others to recommend him, and immediately asked Eunuch Zhao to draw up an order.

"Luo Pei, I will appoint you as the governor of the Southwest Province, and you will take office in three days!"

"Minister...obey the order!" Luo Pei could only kowtow to the ground and accepted the order.

The emperor spoke, no matter how unwilling some people were, but the decision was made in public, and the matter became a foregone conclusion.

King Qi was better, but he was depressed that he lost this opportunity, and Luo Pei benefited from it!

Thinking about it again, Luo Pei seems to be getting closer to Dai Wang recently, squinting at Dai Wang, his eyes are a bit wrong

But even if he is so depressed, he is much better than the king of Shu.

After all, he quickly thought of one thing, that is, putting this matter on himself, the king of Shu, and even the king of Lu must be a good thing and a big deal.

After all, the faction is not small, and if one is released as the governor, he will control the military and government of the province.

But it is a bit different when it comes to Dai Wang. It seems that Dai Wang has only Luo Pei as a minister so far?

Thinking of this, King Qi's expression changed.

Does the emperor not want the acting king to really form a party and form a force?So as soon as there was a sign, I immediately pressed it - after all, the union between Luo Pei and Dai Wang didn't last long, so what kind of deep feelings could there be?

Once Luo Pei went to the southwest, the two sides were separated by thousands of miles, even if they were relatives, they would become indifferent after a long time, let alone this kind of alliance of half king and half minister?

You know, when you reach the third rank, unless you become an emperor, you can't talk about the relationship between monarch and ministers, they all need each other.

"But if you really want to replace Luo Pei as the king, why do you want to entrust him with such a heavy responsibility?" At this thought, King Qi was uncertain again.

But at this time, the king of Shu really regretted it.

Could Luo Pei still have a day to turn around?Before Luo Pei was released from prison, the king of Shu regretted it once, but after that, although Luo Pei recovered his rank, he was squeezed out of the center of power. Although the emperor occasionally summoned Luo Pei, he did not give Luo Pei Arranging errands made the king of Shu feel less regretful.

He felt that even if Luo Pei was reinstated as an official, because he had been in prison before, his father would never trust Luo Pei again, because as an emperor, there are people available at any time, and he can choose someone who has no complaints against him, so why bother? To take the risk, to choose a person who was sent to prison innocently?

Things should have developed like this, but today's incident was like a dull thunder, which hit the king of Shu with a bang.

Compared with King Qi's depression of simply missing an opportunity, King Shu has to endure the possibility of being ridiculed as "a widow" and "blind".

When the emperor dropped two big thunders in a row, the kings and ministers were full of suspicion and left satisfied. The people present were silent for a moment, and then they got up and filed out.

Su Ziji and the other three kings ignored each other and went their separate ways. As soon as they went out, they didn't go far when they heard footsteps approaching them. They stopped and looked back, and it was Luo Pei who came.

"Lord Luo, congratulations on your promotion." Su Ziji said with a smile.

Luo Pei was not happy but worried, and said: "I'm afraid it's not a good thing for the king."

Su Ziji immediately understood the other party's worries.

Luo Pei was worried that he was the only minister in the acting king's camp, but now the emperor sent him far to the southwest. Although he became the governor, the distance was too far.

In particular, Luo Pei obviously only joined the Dai Wang camp. In the eyes of many people, he left the Dai Wang camp after being far away and without a long-term emotional foundation.

The emperor didn't want himself to form a party with the acting king, Luo Pei had such a thought in his heart.

Su Ziji was silent for a while, and patted Luo Pei on the shoulder: "Just by saying this, you can see Qing's loyalty, but don't worry, the emperor's intentions are all in my expectation, you work hard in the southwest, You will hear my good news.”

Because he was in the palace and Luo Pei had just been promoted, it was hard to say too much. After saying this, Su Ziji turned and left.

Luo Pei looked at the back of Dai Wang gradually going away, and couldn't help thinking.

At the same time, many ministers were full of confusion, and a servant muttered in confusion: "What does the emperor mean by this?"

Is it to support the Dai Wang and give him and his people reuse, or to transfer the Dai Wang's party members and let the Dai Wang charge forward and serve as cannon fodder?

Why can't he figure out the emperor's mind?

At this time, the first assistant Zhao Xu passed by him, just heard the muttering, snorted, and warned: "No matter what the emperor means, this is something I can guess?"

"Don't you go back and think about your mistakes behind closed doors, waiting for impeachment?"

(End of this chapter)

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