fake prince

Chapter 822 The Way of the University

Chapter 822 The Way of the University

Su Ziji went out of the Qingchun Garden, and when the rain fell, he got into the sedan chair and said, "Go back to the palace."

The coachman yelled, the ox cart moved, and the drizzle hit the oilcloth of the ox cart, Su Ziji sighed deeply and thought carefully.

"The saddest thing in the world is that when you reach the ceiling, there is no way."

"The easiest way to kill people in the officialdom is to give him the job of offending people. If he does it well, he will offend many people and forces. Again, as long as the superior or the emperor doesn't protect him, he will naturally be ashamed."

"If you do a bad job, you can be justified and punished, and others will be speechless."

Not long after I entered Beijing, it can be said that my foundation is shallow, but on the other hand, except for the kings, I have not offended hundreds of officials, and I also have the foundation of "the son of the prince". Many orthodox Confucianists secretly support it. As time goes by, without doing anything, the foundation will gradually become fuller.

But the emperor sang the double reed and forced himself to take over this hot task. The intention was to keep himself from being out of the way. That’s all. The key is Luo Pei. Don’t look at the self-confidence he showed just now, but in fact it is very fatal to him. blow.

Dai Wangfu wants to recruit party members and do it himself. Not only does it offend others, but it is also difficult for others to understand clearly. Therefore, a minister of Luo Pei's level is very important, and he can have enough qualifications to unite officials on his behalf.

Now, that possibility is eliminated.

As for Luo Pei's promotion to the Governor of the Southwest, Su Ziji was a little surprised, but it was within reason.

"Officials are always punished and killed. Not only is the hostility too heavy, the historical influence is not good, but also the officials are easily offended, passive resistance, and non-violent non-cooperation."

"The normal method is to make the best use of people and squeeze out the value--it's the same for me and Luo Pei. Luo Pei is not young. After six years in the southwest, how many years can he work when he comes back?"

"For me, if this matter is done, it will be beneficial to the court, and it will make me out of the game naturally."

"It is oil that is squeezed out of a stone."

Su Ziji suddenly remembered Qian Zhidong, the commander in chief of the Southwest. When he disembarked that year, the scene of armored soldiers dragging him up like wolves and tigers was before his eyes again.

"No wonder what Qian Zhidong hates the most is that he has worked hard for the country and shed blood."

When Su Ziji thought of it now, he felt chills. From the emperor's point of view, he really didn't intend to stand up for himself. Otherwise, the means would not be so extreme. During the incident, he really experienced the unexpected power of the sky, and only then did he know Qian Zhidong. Mood.

The bullock cart paused and stopped. In the drizzle, the gate of Daiwang's mansion was opened, and a group of retainers came out to greet him.

"Your Majesty..." Ye Daoist walked in the front, observed with some concern, and was relieved to see that the expression on the king's face was acceptable.

Just now the king was called away temporarily, several retainers including Ye Daoren felt uneasy.

After all, the capital shook and was suddenly called away. No matter how you think about it, something big happened.

"Go to the study and talk." Su Ziji said lightly, and walked in.

Ye Daoist exchanged glances with Cen Rubai and the others, feeling that the king reacted, fearing that he would bring shocking news when he came back this time.

This is not a place to talk, the retainers have their own concerns and hastily followed Su Ziji's footsteps.

"Your Majesty!" When there was still a distance from the study room, a person walked slowly in the corridor and shouted.

Su Ziji stopped and looked towards him: "Wen Xunpeng?"

Wen Xunpeng had been recuperating in the small courtyard due to his injury. He hurried over at this time, his face not very good-looking. After all, he had been injured for a hundred days. Although he was not fatally injured, he also bled a lot. Now Haven't fully recovered yet.

When Wen Xunpeng came to the front, Su Ziji was a little surprised: "Mr. Wen, why did you come here in such a hurry? I heard from the doctor that your injury still needs to be recuperated for half a month."

Wen Xunpeng hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, with so many things happening today, how can Wen Mou still sit in the small courtyard? I heard that you were called away by the servant just now, and Wen Mou is really worried..."

Thinking of all the preferential treatment given to him by the Dai Wang during this period of time, at this time he looked at him with concern and sincerity, Wen Xunpeng was moved in his heart, and said directly: "Wen is under the protection of Your Majesty, and I am willing to help you." Your Majesty works!"

Su Ziji stared at Wen Xunpeng, and smiled for a moment: "Mr. Wen is willing to follow me, and I welcome you."

After his words came out, Wen Xunpeng raised his heart, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Dai Wang agreed.

Although he came to Dai Wang's mansion and was taken in by Dai Wang, and Dai Wang protected him in front of Qi Wang, but for a while he didn't really become Dai Wang's retainer, Wen Xunpeng felt that his heart had not been realized.

I didn't say it immediately before, because I was afraid that Dai Wang would misunderstand me and talk about it, and I didn't want to leave a bad impression in Dai Wang's heart. Now I feel that Dai Wang is going to make a big move. Missed the best opportunity to integrate into the royal party.

Ye Taoist glanced at Wen Xunpeng's face, and withdrew his smile: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, you have recruited another general!" He looked welcome.

Jian Qu's attitude was more calm, but he also smiled and bowed to Wen Xunpeng: "From now on, Mr. Wen will be colleagues with us."

Cen Rubai also smiled and said to Wen Xunpeng: "Welcome!"

Su Ziji said: "Mr. Wen, do you want to go back and rest? If you can still hold on, you can go to the study with me. I have something to tell you."

Wen Xunpeng was naturally happy and immediately expressed his willingness.

Arriving at the study, Su Ziji asked Jia Bing to guard outside.

Going in, Su Ziji looked at the gardenias in full bloom outside the window, his eyes were gloomy, and he seemed to be in deep thought. Eight big characters were written on the rice paper that had already been spread: "The way of university lies in Ming Mingde."

"Good words!" The few retainers, who were able to raise their spirits, knew that something big was bound to happen, they didn't rush them, they watched around, and the sound came from Cen Rubai.

Cen Rubai, as a former official of the prince, naturally had no choice in terms of talent and learning, even some literati would not be able to get close to the prince. Looking at the eight characters written by the king, they were not crazy, and the meaning of the words was almost washed out through the paper. out.

After a closer look, I feel that the word is elegant and harmonious, not slanted, but majestic and majestic!

Even the words can bring out the royal air!

The more Cen Rubai looked at it, the happier he became. Ye Daoist didn't have this kind of knowledge, but he felt something after watching it.

"Whether the calligraphy of the king is better, I don't have the taste, but the aura contained in it is indeed stronger. It is the same as the face of the king, and it looks very expensive."

In fact, not only them, but also the other two can see some differences.

None of the retainers that Su Ziji collected was fuel-efficient, unlike the three kings who collected a bunch of them and took a streamlined route, each of which could outnumber others.

Taking the reactions of several people into his eyes, Su Ziji asked, "Do you all know what this means?"

The wild Taoist thought for a while, and said: "The way of great learning lies in Ming Mingde... His subordinates feel that virtue is the key. Where does virtue come from? From the sky! What comes from the sky? People are born with it, and it is a gift from heaven. This is virtue."

It cannot be wrong to say that.Su Ziji nodded. This is the thinking of many scholars. They think that virtue comes from heaven, and because it is in the human body, it can be said that it is inherent in human beings.

Virtue is what people get from heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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