fake prince

Chapter 823 In Ming Mingde

Chapter 823 In Ming Mingde

Cen Rubai sighed: "Human beings are the heart of heaven and earth. The heaven and earth are originally chaos. Only with people can there be clarity. With enlightenment, this is a human being."

Su Ziji nodded again. This is somewhat similar to what Mencius said about conscience and energy. Although there are differences, it is also based on this.

Jian Qu and Wen Xunpeng also expressed their opinions, and they both made sense.

Su Ziji listened and nodded, but he was noncommittal. The retainers didn't know why the king suddenly wrote this picture and asked such a question again.

"Everyone, this king went to the cabinet this time and received a decree." Su Ziji didn't explain, and suddenly smiled, his face became serious.

"Today, the earth dragon in the capital was violently moved, the fireball fell, and there were heavy casualties. You all know about this, but there is one more thing that you may not be clear about."

Su Ziji then told about the simultaneous appearance of spirits in shrines in the capital and even in the whole world.

"Your Majesty asked this king to take charge of the manifestation of spirits in the capital and even the entire Dazheng Shrine. If you have any opinions, feel free to speak up."

Ye Daoist's face changed, and he immediately knew the pros and cons. He pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "My lord, this matter is very risky and offends people and gods a lot, but since you have accepted this order, you have no way to resist it, so you can only do your best." Get things done and turn the bad into the good.”

"What I'm talking about is that doing things is nothing more than rules. The so-called good will help more than others, and this is the rule." Wen Xunpeng said in a hoarse voice: "As long as the rules are right, even if things are done poorly, it is difficult to add bad reputation. If you do things right, but if you break the rules, you may not be able to do little work.”

"Official circles are nothing more than that, so to turn disadvantages into benefits, we must first grasp the previous rules-the minister feels that it is the first rule to distinguish which ones are official temples and which ones are prostitution temples."

Cen Rubai immediately interjected: "The imperial court has its own system, such as the treatment in the main shrine and the treatment of the prostitute shrine. As long as your majesty complies with the regulations, you will be invincible."

"Yes, even if there are individual mistakes and omissions, they are still intact and upright." Jian Qu's expression was full of solemnity.

It was the first time I saw the palace in this era, and the four of them were all talents. One of them said a word, and they were able to break through the secrets without leaking anything. This so-called keeping the rules is actually "combining with the group", which coincides with the way he has comprehended. Laughter: "You are all the jade of Jingshan, the outstanding people in the world, and you work hard, and you are so lucky to be alone. Let's follow this."

Ye Taoist reminded again: "Your Majesty, if this matter is to be done well, we need the assistance of force..."

Relying on the power of the Daiwang Mansion alone, it will be difficult to rectify the entire shrine in the capital, and even the shrines outside the capital will have to be classified, and I am afraid that there will be a tough battle to fight.

Su Ziji waved his hand: "Your Majesty has given me the imperial decree, the king's order card, the emperor's sword, and asked Habayashi Wei to obey the king's command."

"However, to comply with the rules and try not to use the army, it is actually enough to transfer the servants of the Imperial City Secretary or Shuntian Mansion."

This is the "Shangfang Sword" given to Su Ziji. Although handling this matter will offend many people and "gods", but in the process of handling it, you can intervene in Habayashi Guard and local officials. If it works properly, you may be able to subdue it. Some people, or covertly insert some of their own people.

The retainers were not stupid, and when Su Ziji specifically mentioned this point, their eyes lit up.

The wild Taoist said: "Although it is something that offends people, it can also be very rewarding."

Wen Xunpeng couldn't help laughing: "I'm afraid the two kings of Qi and Shu will lose their temper."

"Maybe they will gloat over others' misfortunes." Cen Rubai added another sentence.

Jian Qu said: "Your Majesty, you must have made arrangements, and you will do as you ordered."

The eyes of several retainers fell back on Dai Wang, Su Ziji gave a "huh" and sighed secretly in his heart: "Although the four of them are all outstanding people, but they are just thinking about the process to gain benefits, they are a little bit unsatisfactory. Dao, just a lie, no, no."

"If you can fool yourself, you are sincere."

Su Ziji didn't point it out, and ordered: "There is a way, don't fight unprepared battles. Although I have obtained His Majesty's order, I can mobilize the guards and government officials, but I can't do it recklessly."

"The first one is to investigate the details and backstage of the shrines and temples. Let's ignore the shrines outside the capital and start with the shrines in the capital."

"Find out the one who is both a prostitution priest and relatively outraged by the public, who has a relatively large number of believers, has a great influence, and has a weak background, and kill him as an example."

"It's better to cut off one finger than to hurt ten. In this battle, we must fight in an upright manner, with majesty and murderous aura, without any ambiguity."

Su Ziji looked around with a sneer.

Ye Taoist and Wen Xunpeng are both people who have been scheming for a long time, and they immediately realized it. Even Cen Rubai thought about it for a while, and he understood: "What the king said is wonderful, there are many shrines, and it is not good to offend everyone together. Killing the monkey will make many shrines shake and fear, and things will be much easier to handle."

Su Zi is from the top of his head, but his current state is different, and he sees further - to "combine with the group", the first thing is to display the banner, display the style, and disappear from the crowd, it is not a combination, it is a small soldier Pawn!

"Second, it is to control an old Beijing News. Once it starts to deal with it, it will inevitably cause an uproar in public opinion. We cannot be passive in public opinion, at least we must guide and counterattack."

After hearing this, several people thought it made sense.

In fact, there have been Beijing newspapers in the past dynasties. The imperial court tacitly allowed the people to set up their own newspapers. They selected and printed decrees, memorials and officials' appointments and dismissals copied from the cabinet, and sold them publicly. There are many in the capital. It is not difficult for him to speak up for the king.

As long as you put your heart into it, you can always find a way.

Su Ziji continued: "Although the Beijing News needs to follow up on our handling of the shrine, in order to avoid attention, it is not allowed to directly promote itself, but to take a subtle approach."

Although this kind of thing will definitely be discovered after a long time, but as long as it can be developed in the early stage and controlled secretly, when the overall situation is settled and others discover the method, there is no way to recover.

Wen Xunpeng volunteered: "Your Majesty, leave the writing to Wen. Although Wen is not talented, he once wrote an article in the Beijing News."


Su Ziji was really interested in this. After all, he knew Wen Xunpeng's ability. He had done a lot of things when he was in the Qi royal party camp, and he almost cheated himself a few times, but he didn't ask what pen name he used. Just nodded: "Since that's the case, leave this matter to Mr. Wen."

"Wen will definitely handle this matter well." Wen Xunpeng said seriously.

"My lord, my subordinates are willing to do the first thing!" Ye Taoist also stood up at this time.

Su Ziji didn't agree this time, but told him to stay calm.

"The third and the biggest one is dealing with shrines and temples, and it has a deep relationship with Taoism and Vaticanism. This king is going to ask Liu Zhan and Bianxuan to cooperate."

"Mr. Lu, although you have been operating in the capital for two years, in terms of shrines and temples, it is not something that outsiders can figure out in a short time, and you still need the help of local snakes."

Su Ziji said indifferently, and didn't point out any more mysteries inside - if he charged forward, not only would he lose himself, but he would also be easily cut.

Only by coercing Daoist Vatican sects and the government to join in can a general trend be formed.

(End of this chapter)

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