fake prince

Chapter 824 is imminent

Chapter 824 is imminent

"Mr. Lu, you go to contact Liu Zhan and ask him to provide information."

After hearing this, Ye Daoist didn't insist anymore. He is not a person who can ignore his own few catties in order to grab credit. What the lord said is right. Liu Zhanbianxuan's cooperation is the most suitable for this matter.

It's just that Bianxuan is not a monk from Qingyuan Temple?Didn't Qingyuan Temple have already been angered by the emperor because of the big demon, and all of them were arrested and sent to prison?

Su Ziji smiled: "When I met Your Majesty just now, I have already asked His Majesty's permission to let Bianxuan take the blame and perform meritorious service."

Since it needs to be used, it will naturally be released, which can be regarded as fulfilling the promise.

Just as he was talking, he heard a servant report from outside: "Your Majesty, Master Fang Zhen is asking to see you."

Is Fang really here?Su Ziji seemed a little surprised, stood up in a daze, and said to his retainers: "You all go to work, Mr. Fang and I will go to pick up Bianxuan."

Ye Daoren and others resigned and filed out.

Su Ziji was at the end when he saw Fang Zhen being pushed in by a wheelchair.

Fang Zhen rushed over so quickly because Su Ziji was notified when he came back, and his face was really happy at this time.

"If you have anything to say, let's talk about it after receiving someone." Su Ziji stopped what Fang Zhen wanted to say: "You can rest assured that you can come out of a place like the big prison as soon as possible."

"The rumors have been released. If you go late and the people are gone, everything will be over."

Su Ziji's voice was not loud, but Fang's heart trembled. At this time, the wind and rain outside became stronger, and the trees in the courtyard were swaying under the dark sky. A cool wind came in with rain, and he couldn't help shivering.

"What your majesty said is that this is indeed an urgent matter."

As far as the prince is concerned in the political arena, his influence can be said to be pervasive. Whether it is the king of Shu or the king of Qi, it is not difficult at all to hint at the prison officer and let Bianxuan die suddenly.

The two looked at the dark and rainy sky, hurried into the car, rushed to the prison, and disappeared in the rain.

When Su Ziji got into the ox cart, the first thing he did was to open the drawer. Sure enough, he found that there were some snacks, a small bottle of wine, and an oiled paper bag. When he unfolded it was sauced beef.

Su Ziji couldn't help laughing secretly: "I'm a majestic acting king, and I'm so busy today that I don't even have time to eat. Fortunately, my subordinates took good care of me."

Just touching it with his hand, he knew it was non-toxic, so he devoured it hungrily. At the end, he leaned firmly on the cushion of the carriage, looked out of the car, poured a glass of wine, and swallowed silently.

"Actually, inserting people is just a small way. The most important thing is to coerce more people into it during the process of doing business."

"Actually, the kings of Qi, Shu, and Lu should not be underestimated. It's just that I have cheats, and the way of government at level 15 is already a first-class level. Coupled with Wen Xin Diao Long, they are passively beaten. I'm afraid I don't know now. what happened."

"Now, we can't let them breathe, we must implicate them all."

"Lu Fengyun has already investigated the details of the three palaces, should the issue of this shrine be detonated from the three palaces?"

After pondering for a long time, when the car stopped, it turned out that he had already arrived at the prison, and Su Ziji came down, only to find that the sky was very cloudy, the neighborhood was not considered prosperous during the day, and now it was even more deserted.

There were two lanterns hanging at the gate of the big prison, but the light made the half-open gate even more terrifying, like an animal mouth, waiting for someone to get in.

Occasionally, one or two ox carts hurried past on the street, and they ran very fast, probably because they disliked the bad luck of this place and didn't want to stay for a while.

Su Ziji asked the guards to call the prison officer, and there was the sound of wheels crushing the ground. Su Ziji stopped and turned around, and saw Fang Zhen being pushed by a young servant in a wheelchair.

When he arrived at his side, Fang Zhen didn't say anything, and first set his eyes on the big prison in front of him. After looking at it, he stood up with his hands on the sides of the wheelchair, refused the help of the young servant, and stood tremblingly, gritting his teeth. He bowed deeply to Su Ziji.

This is gratitude, this kind of favor, verbal gratitude seems too light.

He can even be said to be "in trouble" now. Among the kings, only Dai Wang and Lu Wang are still in contact with him. floating on the surface.

For these two, Fang Zhen dared to be sure that King Lu was just casting a net to invest. If he agreed, he could make a comeback in the future, which would be considered a profit.

"On behalf of the king, I can't see through."

Su Ziji didn't let Fang Zhen bow down. Seeing Fang Zhen bowed down and hurriedly helped him up, he blamed him: "You and I have known each other for a long time, but it's just a small matter, and you need to make such a big gift? And your legs are not fully healed yet. , or sit down quickly."

Seeing this, the young servant also gave a helping hand and pushed Fang Zhen back into the wheelchair.

Fang Zhen disagreed with Su Ziji's statement: "How can this be considered a trivial matter? To tell you the truth, I have a sense of reality until now, when I am here. I never thought that Dai Wang, you can really help!"

Su Ziji shook his head lightly: "I have been thinking about saving Bianxuan. He is not only your friend, but also acquainted with me."

"I just suffered from lack of opportunities, so I have been unable to help before. This time I happened to have the opportunity, and I just pushed the boat along. I really don't deserve such thanks."

Fang Zhense: "Don't do evil because it's small, don't do good because it's small, all the princes above the court, who are not careful, and don't want to waste even a little bit of the holy family?"

"Bianxuan has violated the Holy Wrath, who is willing to help? This is not a smooth sailing, it already shows the sincerity of the prince."

Say this in your mouth, but think in your heart.

"Acting on behalf of the king, doing things smoothly, I was still worrying before, thinking that even if the king had the intention to save Bianxuan, how to make the emperor change his mind is still extremely difficult."

"After all, the king's heart is unpredictable. Even a so-called close minister like me who has worked with the emperor for several years can't guess what the emperor is thinking all the time. Once the emperor says the wrong thing and does the wrong thing, catastrophe may be imminent. .”

"To save Bianxuan, Dai Wang can use this method to save him, which shows that Dai Wang is capable."

Because Fang Zhen still has some intelligence agencies in his hands, and Su Ziji did not avoid people when he was in the cabinet, Fang Zhen naturally got more detailed information on the way here.

Seeing what he said, Su Ziji couldn't say much.

"The prison officer has come out." Su Ziji turned his eyes and saw the prison officer coming out in a hurry, interrupted what Fang Zhen had to say, and said with a smile.

Fang Zhen looked towards the door, and sure enough, he saw a prison officer come out in a hurry.

"I have seen the prince! I have seen Fang Xiaohou!" As soon as the prison officer stepped forward, he hurriedly saluted the two.

Su Ziji said indifferently: "There is no need to be too polite, this king and the young master came here this time because of the emperor's oral order to see Bianxuan and related monks."

The prison officer was startled, and quickly knelt down: "The prince is here by order, please wait a moment, the humble official will open the middle door to welcome you in..."

He didn't have the slightest suspicion, saying that obeying an order is a fluffy sentence, but coercing an order is a capital offense, who would dare?

"No need, it's not an edict to make an edict, just take us in."

(End of this chapter)

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