fake prince

Chapter 826

Chapter 826

Su Ziji waited outside, it was a long time before he saw a person come out, casting a long shadow in the dim light.

"Keep the king waiting for a long time." Fang Zhen said, his expression was a bit wrong, the joy and excitement before had faded a lot, his expression was gloomy, and there was even a little tear in his eyes.

When he looked up at Su Ziji, before Su Ziji could ask, he said something that made him feel bad.

"I'm afraid that Bianxuan's left eye will be lost." As he spoke, he couldn't help sighing.

This sentence made Su Ziji take a breath of cold air.

Can't keep Bian Xuan's left eye?

The light was dim just now, and Su Ziji only noticed that Bianxuan had a wound on his face and his left eye was swollen badly. At that time, he thought that if the injury healed this time, his face would also have a scar, but he didn't expect it to be so serious that he would be blind for a while. only eye.

Fang Zhen is used to seeing injured people, and Bian Xuan is not an ignorant child, and since he said so, it is almost the same.

It would be a pity for such a handsome and romantic person to be disfigured and blind from the perspective of ordinary onlookers.

Su Ziji sighed: "How could this happen? What a pity, what's going on?"

"What else could be going on?" Fang Zhen smiled bitterly: "In the big prison, I like to torture high-ranking officials the most. Do you remember how many cases like this happened when the dynasty was founded?"

"Bianxuan is handsome and romantic, just like this, we will torture him and destroy his appearance."

Su Ziji remembered that this indeed initiated several incidents, one of which was that Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites was imprisoned, his ribs were broken, and he wailed to death in the middle of the night.

Later, when someone was released from prison, it took a lot of effort to kill all the prison officials, so that they did not dare to be so rampant later.

I don't want Bianxuan to fall into this aspect.

"Well, the tougher you are, the more high-ranking officials you are, the more handsome and romantic you are, the more you have to be tortured. It's a pity." Su Ziji said, "However, I don't think I'm completely blind. I'm going out soon. I'll send a doctor right away." treat."

"Hey, I hope in a blink of an eye!" Fang Zhen sighed and regretted, but it was stronger than Su Ziji.

After all, he and Bianxuan are really friendly friends, even if due to their status, the two of them seem to outsiders to be gentlemen, and most of the time they even get together through the banquet held by Princess Xinping, but in Fang Zhen's eyes , still has a lot of weight.

Fang Zhen really appreciates Bianxuan's words, deeds, appearance and talent, and feels that even though Bianxuan is involved in the secular world, he still has a noble heart. It is precisely because of his thinking that it makes him sadder to see his friends in trouble like snow falling into mud.

"Qingyuan Temple originally had 87 monks, but now there are only 31 left." Fang Zhen sighed again when he said this.

Recalling the grand scene of Qingyuan Temple before, how it enjoyed a high reputation among literati, and recalling Bianxuan's demeanor, looking at it now, it is almost like a dream, and I wake up in a trance.

Because this is not a place where people can rest assured, Fang Zhen lowered his voice and said softly: "The first time I met Bianxuan was at Princess Xinping's poetry club. At that time, the princess was not very old, and Bianxuan was also young Small, just a young monk, but has a gentle personality and has something to say."

"I was reprimanded by my father that day. I drank too much at the banquet and got drunk. It was Bianxuan who found out and took care of me so that I didn't make a fool of myself. Being careful really makes people docile."

"That day, I just chatted about some poems. Later, I got to know him better, and we talked more. I know that he doesn't seem to be out of touch with the world on the surface. He also has a plan for knowing the princess, and even made friends with me. At the beginning, I was afraid that it was not pure, just because I was born in Huaifenghoufu, and I was used by His Majesty..."

Fang Zhen sighed again: "But no matter why we met, the friendship between me and him is still true."

"It's embarrassing to think about it now. I used to think that with Bianxuan's talent and appearance, even if there were difficulties, it should be related to women... I didn't expect that he would go to prison because of this kind of thing."

In the past, he was always worried that because Bianxuan and Princess Xinping got along too much, the emperor would be furious, and he was afraid that he would encounter Peach Blossom.

Unexpectedly, Princess Xinping's catastrophe was accidentally passed by Bian Xuan, but because of Zhou Xuan's incident, the entire Qingyuan Temple was completely destroyed.

Su Ziji listened quietly at the side, and couldn't help being vigilant.

Yes, the once glorious monastery and famous monk fell into the quagmire in a blink of an eye, and it was difficult to even save himself.

If you fall into this situation...

But after thinking about it, the emperor was merciless when something happened to the crown prince, and even killed all his offspring. That was not a rumor, but he saw it with his own eyes.

If I fall into this fate, I am afraid that I will not even have the slightest chance of life, even worse than Bianxuan.

At least there are people who dare to save Bianxuan, and who can save him. If it were him, the kings would be eager to make trouble, and the new emperor would not treat himself as an insignificant person like Bianxuan, and would only kill grass and roots.

While the two were talking, a third person slowly walked out of the room, it was Bian Xuan.

Different from the silent and gloomy just now, at this time, Bianxuan Fanfan was enlightened by Fang Zhen, and when he came out, he saluted Su Ziji.

Su Ziji met the other party's eyes and did not avoid the gift.

Bianxuan straightened up and said, "I will never forget the kindness of saving my life. Since I was imprisoned, I didn't think I could get out alive, but I never thought that with the help of the king, I will be able to step out of the prison one day... ..."

As if thinking of what happened in prison, his eyes darkened slightly, and the scars on his handsome face made him feel subconsciously cold when looking at him.

Bianxuan made a serious promise to the acting king in front of him: "From now on, as long as the king needs it, the little monk is willing to go through fire and water for the king."

This thank you seems to come from the bottom of my heart.

Yin Guanpai valued himself more and more, and Liu Zhan had never said such a thing. It can be seen that the monks of Qingyuan Temple really suffered a great disaster and suffered a great crime. Only by lending a helping hand now can Bianxuan say such an unprecedented thing. Can't say a word.

"Bianxuan, I have accepted your gift, you and I are considered friends, of course I can't ignore it." Su Ziji listened, but he didn't agree, he just said: "There is no need to say thank you so much."

"It's just that if you want to wash away your sins, even save others, and revive Qingyuan Temple, you still have to make meritorious deeds. I hope you can cooperate more in the future."

Bianxuan Dingding looked at the acting king in front of him, his lips trembled a few times, bowed again, this time when he got up, he didn't say what he said just now, but said: "The little monk will definitely cooperate, and earnestly handle what the king asked."

Then he pondered for a while, and named nine names. These are the people who can be brought out of the prison.

Only nine people were selected from the remaining 30 people. This is indeed a very difficult thing to choose. Who knows how many people will survive?

But Bianxuan had to be elected, and someone who would be useful to the acting king had to be selected, and only in this way, the remaining people had a chance of survival.

Su Ziji saw that Bianxuan's expression fluctuated only for a moment, and soon his expression became solemn, and he felt a little admiration in his heart.

"After this incident, this person's Brahma Dharma has deepened a lot!"

"If it weren't for my own way of attaining sincerity, I really wouldn't be able to see the black fire buried deep in his heart."

(End of this chapter)

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