fake prince

Chapter 827

Chapter 827

"You are not safe now, and the Qingyuan Temple is still sealed, so no one can live in it. Please come and live in my mansion. It will be good for communication when you assist me in doing things." Su Ziji thought for a while and said.

They have already chosen to seek refuge with the Dai Wang, and they just went to live in the Dai Wang's mansion. This kind of thing is naturally a trivial matter.

Moreover, Bianxuan also admitted that what Dai Wang said was reasonable. The matter of Qingyuan Temple is not just about Qingyuan Temple. Because it involves the big demon Zhou Xuan, it is bound to be involved with Qi Palace. Now that he has just been released from prison, he has not yet Recovery, it is easy to be silenced if you live outside, living in the Daiwang Mansion is a perfect choice.

"Then respect is worse than obedience." Bian Xuan said softly.

According to the list, the nine monks were ordered by the guards brought by Su Ziji, please come out, each of them supported each other, their clothes were ragged, and their bodies were covered with blood, which looked even worse than Bianxuan.

Fang Zhen glanced across his face one by one, and the nine of them were all monks between the ages of twenty and fifty.

"Can I still go?" Fang Zhen asked.

"Young Lord, I can still go." A middle-aged monk with good looks replied.

"Then come with me!" Su Ziji didn't want to stay here at all, turned around and walked to the desk, took up a pen and wrote on the rice paper: Titiao Bianxuan and the nine monks came to listen to the order with me, and took out his small seal superior.

After finishing writing, Su Ziji handed it to the prison officer: "I'll give you this, don't worry?"

The prison officer glanced at it, and although it was not the official seal of the Prince's Mansion, it was also a private seal with his own handwriting, and quickly apologized: "This is the prince's humble position, thank you for your humble position."

Before the words were finished, Su Ziji had already walked out first, just like when he came, walked for a while, and finally walked out of the big prison.

With the fresh air rushing towards his face, the bloody smell permeating his nose became less intense.

Su Ziji stepped out of the steps, took a deep breath, and saw the two bullock carts he had taken when he was removed from the door, and a few more. step forward.


"Have someone help Bianxuan and the others get into the car, and you will take the same car back with me later." Su Ziji ordered.

"Yes." Ye Taoist immediately responded.

There were a few people who came with Ye Daoist, all servants of the mansion, as soon as Bian Xuan came out, these people went over to help the monk into the carriage.

Walking from the prison cell to the gate of the big prison without any help, most of the monks' physical strength has been exhausted. Now they are supported to get on the car, and many monks' legs are weak.

Bianxuan saw that Dai Wang seemed to have something to deal with, so he didn't go forward, quietly let the arrangements be made, and got into the bullock cart that was driving closely behind Dai Wang.

After Fang Zhen bid farewell to Su Ziji, he was carried into an ox cart by young servants, the ox cart of Daiwangfu walked ahead, and several ox carts followed slowly.

Su Ziji in the bullock cart didn't read the information handed over by the wild Taoist, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Gu saw the big prison just now, it's really shocking!"

Then, he told what happened just now.

The wild Taoist didn't think it was strange, he listened quietly, served tea from a silver vase, and then said: "My lord, there are many things like this. This dynasty is not bad. At the end of the previous dynasty, the subjects were still offended at every turn. The big prison It's always full of people."

"Many high-ranking officials, yesterday they still lived in the eight-seat book like a cloud, and in a blink of an eye they became prisoners with iron shackles. These encounters are all written in "Jutang Zhishi", "Walking in the Sunshine Autumn", "Emperor Capital Hearing and Seeing" "Record", it can be said that there are bloodstains."

"This so-called people's hearts are like iron, and the official law is like a furnace."

Su Ziji was silent after hearing this, and then sighed after a long while: "It's because people in the officialdom know the power of authority more and more, but it's also because of this, once encountering a stronger one, all officials will accept their heads. Surrender, this dynasty conquered Qingtai and arrived at Feng'an, all the officials of the province surrendered, prostrated all over the ground, not a single official died, and he had no backbone."

Speaking of this, Su Ziji couldn't help sighing, the people in the imperial court were far softer than those outside the imperial court, and for this reason, the hard bones had been grinded to death long ago.

Without mentioning this, Su Ziji took a sip of tea and looked at the information.

This is the information given by Liu Zhan. Su Ziji was a little surprised that Liu Zhan was so fast.

However, considering that Yin Guan faction is a powerful faction in the whole circle, it is really nothing to just check the information of the capital shrine.

It's not even a secret, it's just that most people want to check it, it takes too much time and there are not so many connections.

Su Ziji flipped through the thick stack one by one, and found that the information and the list were not random, but had been preliminarily screened and classified according to what Su Ziji needed most at present.

Which shrines act perversely, which shrines act low-key, and the two types of shrines are kept separately.

Most of the canonized ones are arranged according to time and influence.

Generally speaking, shrines that have not been canonized are considered wild temples, but the people do not raise officials and do not investigate. Moreover, these shrines that can exist in the capital have not been canonized in this dynasty, and they have generally received canonization in previous dynasties. , and most believers don't really care about it.

And in the information of each shrine, there are not only the list information of the personnel in the shrine, but also the list and information of the main believers. Among them, those who are famous and good are also focused on the front.

Su Ziji sighed secretly: "After all, he is a religious person, so careful, I am afraid that he has used his thoughts in normal times."

After looking carefully for a long time, he saw a large Buddhist temple. Su Ziji smiled secretly: "Do you want to use my hand to clean up the Buddhist temple?"

Skipping these, pointing to a few shrines placed behind: "There are many believers in these gods, but they are not canonized?"

"Yes, no, they are all folk gods believed by the people but not sealed by the court."

On the way here, the wild Taoist had already read this document once. Su Ziji pointed and asked, and the wild Taoist immediately knew which shrines he was asking about. The information given by Liu Zhan was no different.

Su Ziji clicked to show he understood.

"By the way, after returning to the mansion, send someone to clean up a separate courtyard for these monks from Qingyuan Temple to live in, and invite a few more doctors to come to the mansion to treat their injuries."

Su Ziji reminded emphatically: "Although we already have this information, we have to ask the monks to provide a copy, do you understand?"

Taoist priests have produced a large number of Buddhist temples, and monks have also produced a large number of Taoist temples.

"I understand." Ye Taoist immediately nodded to express his understanding.

This is to balance the comparison. They brought back the monks from Qingyuan Temple. This matter cannot be hidden.

Yin Guanpai must have known it, and since this is the case, they should act in an aboveboard manner, and cannot show partiality and make one party feel bad.

Su Ziji ordered again in a low voice: "Check the three palaces again, and see if there is any connection with these shrines."

"Yes." Ye Taoist immediately understood, and he was a little excited: "My lord, do you want to attack other palaces by cleaning up the shrine?"

"Sure enough, it kills two birds with one stone."

(End of this chapter)

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