fake prince

Chapter 830 I'm a civet cat

Chapter 830 I'm a civet cat

"It's raining?"

A bullock cart passed by on the street, its wheels ran over a puddle, and muddy water splashed everywhere. The people inside jumped, frowning and opened the curtain to look out. They were surprised to find that the rain was much lighter than when it first came out.

The coachman replied: "Yes, sir, the rain was heavier just now, but it is much lighter now. I'm afraid it will be sunny before noon."

"It's a good thing, don't delay the shrine's big sacrifice tonight." The man said, and was about to put down the curtain of the car, when he suddenly felt a white shadow flashing in the distance, and couldn't help but take a closer look.

"I thought it was something, but it turned out to be a civet cat."

Thinking that most of the people living in this area are high-ranking officials and nobles, nobles love to keep cats, and the goosebumps subsided as soon as they appeared, the man let out a sigh of emotion and put down the curtain.

The bullock cart passed by in a hurry, what the man didn't see was that Bai Ying was squatting on the street corner just now.

The little fox who had just crossed the street and was squatting under the eaves of an unopened shop watched the ox cart go away, took a short rest, and then ran towards the distance again.

"Haw, everyone see that I am a civet cat!"

The light rain was pattering down, and there were puddles one after another on the ground. Although it is the capital city, the road surface is relatively flat compared to counties and counties, but not all areas are clean. From time to time, the little fox would lightly leap over the sewage.

Because of its fast speed, its fur didn't get wet, and when it was running, there was a faint layer of white light on its body, which made the rain fall directly outside the white light.


At the very front, there is a high wall with lush greenery inside, a dragon plaque in the middle of the gate, with three big characters "Lu Wang's Mansion", and four palace lanterns hanging under the eaves. This is the destination it wants to explore.

Naturally, it was difficult to sneak into the front door. Taking a look at the soldiers guarding the door, the little fox turned around and ran into the alley. After running to the end of the long alley, he turned around again and ran for a short distance to the back of the palace.

However, it is not safe to enter through the back door. The little fox ran out from the alley, jumped up to a position on the back wall, and planned to climb over the wall.

It was just about to enter, when suddenly, it trembled instinctively, and it stopped when it was about to jump in, its outstretched claws also retracted, and its hair stood up.

A gleam flashed in the fox's eyes, and a half piece of red sandalwood tin hangs down, and everything in front of him changes.

"See through the truth."

This can make its pupils instantly have the ability to distinguish reality for a short time, which is somewhat similar to Lombok. It seems to be a low-level version, but it is enough for the moment.

It saw that the sky above the back wall of the normal palace was covered with phantoms that seemed to exist.

The phantom looks like a snake with horns on its head, and it is blurry and not clear. Not only that, thin lines invisible to the naked eye are intertwined like spider webs, connected to the phantom, and running along the wall. Standing straight up, it covered the sky and all sides of the entire palace.

If it jumped in recklessly just now, it might have touched the thin thread, which would attract the attention of the Taoists who had set up defenses.

Yes, this thin line is obviously Taoism!

When the little fox was hunted down, he had already seen the strength of Taoists, and now he didn't dare to be careless. It rolled its eyes, first tried, and put its claws in the middle of the thin thread.

"Chirp!" The paw stretched out without any surprise.

Obviously this defense is mainly against people, not petite animals like little foxes!

Satisfied with the result, the little fox no longer hesitated, it carefully slipped in through the gap, stabbed once, landed lightly, and landed safely!

Looking back, it deftly ran towards the inside.

Along the way, because of the light rain, I didn't see many servants, but some people were chatting in the corridor or in the yard, so it listened attentively.

"I heard that the Empress of Three Caves will have a big sacrifice tonight."

"That's right, besides the Empress of Three Caves, there are other shrines, and they are offering sacrifices one after another. Although some of them are at different times, they can't be separated by a few days."

"It's all three days ago that the earth dragon turned over, and there were manifestations in various shrines. Everyone should worship and ask God to bless them."

"Where do you go when you are free and not on duty?"

"Others don't know, Manager Zhou must be going to Sandong Niangniang Temple. He is courting Chen Xuanshi, and he will definitely beg for a child on her behalf."

"Chirp!" The little fox has lived in the Dai Palace for a long time, knowing that the prince has a concubine, and he also appoints talents and selects servants, and the prince has a princess, so he appoints servants.

Chen Xuanshi is a concubine.

When it hears information that is useful to it, it runs away to listen to the next one.

Just running from one yard to another, not to mention anything else, the gossip of the palace and the secrets of the inner house have been heard all over the place.

Although it didn't know if it was useful, it kept it in mind, ran for a while, and arrived at a courtyard again, the fox's eyes suddenly lit up.

Butler Zhou is here?

I saw that the courtyard in front of me was bigger than the previous one, and there were government soldiers standing at the door, looking imposing. Compared with Dai Wangfu, this is probably the courtyard where King Lu lived.

After sneaking in, I found two people standing in the corridor and one person kneeling.

It shook its ears, but didn't move forward, it could hear clearly from such a distance, it listened carefully.

The guards with grim expressions nearby didn't look sideways, and they didn't notice such a little thing hiding in the corner to eavesdrop.

In the corridor, King Lu was standing with his arms folded, listening to the report from Guanshi Zhou who was kneeling below.

Manager Zhou with a long and thin face spoke quickly and clearly, and when the little fox eavesdropped, he was talking about the matter of Daiwangfu.

"...Daiwang Mansion, according to Mr. Gui's order, has asked someone to contact Grandma Jia. Grandma Jia accepted us 1000 taels and [-] acres of land outside the city. She is willing to report every move to us."

King Lu nodded. It is not a coincidence that the grandma Jia of this generation of the palace can be used by him.

As early as when Dai Wang Jin became the Duke of Dai, he had already regarded the king of that era as an opponent, and made arrangements early on to buy more people from the Dai Wangfu.

It is of course possible to send a newcomer into the mansion as an undercover agent, but it is difficult for a newcomer to gain the trust of the Daiwang immediately, so he can only take his time, and it will be much easier to use if he bribes the old man, and he can use it immediately.

This Nanny Jia was serving the "old man" in front of the Dai Wangfei in the inner courtyard. Because she entered the mansion early to follow the Dai Wangfei, and the Dai Wang is now crowned as the king, she was also promoted to be the nanny in charge, and her treatment increased even more.

But people have weaknesses, and Nanny Jia is no exception.

Nanny Jia's husband's family received the kindness of the acting king, but she was different.

Nanny Jia was originally from the palace. Before the prince's accident, she was released from the palace and became the successor of Jia Wuyou, who was the crown prince's womb at the time. As a result, the prince's accident happened, and Jia Wuyou was kicked out because of his small official position.

Jia Wuyou died in depression, and her adult sons and daughters fought for property, and they didn't pay attention to her stepmother. Because of this, Jia Nanny suffered a hard life and made a living by washing clothes.

After 20 years, she is over forty years old and has no children. One year ago, the king found her old man, and her two sons entered the mansion as soldiers. She was also lucky to enter the Su mansion at that time. The female officer in the palace taught Mrs. Su that she was acting as the housekeeper for the princess. With this friendship, she was able to settle down.

Ordinarily, as long as An Ansheng works in Dai Wang's mansion, she doesn't have to worry about retirement.

(End of this chapter)

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