fake prince

Chapter 831 Crawling Like a Bug

Chapter 831

However, Nanny Jia felt that she had not had a good life in Jia's family, and she always missed her family members. The elder brother in the family also took good care of her little sister, and would help her from time to time when she was at her worst.

Mother Jia dare not forget this friendship, and her elder brother and son are also her nephews, whom she loves and cherishes in her heart. King Lu used this to lure her nephew to gamble, and then owed her He owed a large amount of gambling debt.

On the one hand, the master who only has a friendship of more than one year, even if he betrays, is just a little troublesome, and on the other hand, the relatives who are connected by blood and may be hacked to death if they are not rescued. Who should choose?

"Where is the magical weapon? Will she be willing to send it in?" King Lu asked lightly. It is not a pity for such a person who betrayed the master to die.

Manager Zhou hurriedly replied: "There is a saying, there are ten times a hundred times after sleeping once. Jia Nanny has already sold her master, and it will not be difficult to go further. She has already agreed."

"That's good." Lu Wang nodded, although it took some tricks to arrange to buy this Jia Nanny, but the effect was good, and it was not wasted.

King Lu looked at the middle-aged man standing beside him. This man was not wearing a Taoist robe, and his black hair was only combed casually. Because of the hot weather, he was wearing a thin cloth robe.

Even just standing like this is easy to remind people of a master of Taoism.

This is none other than Gui Junxi.

As an alchemist among Taoists, Gui Junxi is not an ordinary person. In terms of cultivation, he may not be as good as Liu Zhan, but he is not too far behind, especially because he has the ability to distinguish qi, which is why he was cultivated in the first place .

And King Lu is the Qianlong that the forces behind him fancy.

Gui Junxi himself actually thinks so. Although King Lu acts in a low-key manner, this is only a temporary hibernation. Didn't you see that the two kings of Qi and Shu who have taken the lead have been regarded as a serious problem by the emperor and have been provoked to bite dogs?

"If you are a Yongjun, maybe you can look forward to the prince's heroism, and call him the thousand-mile horse of my family."

"Since the ancient Mingjun, not only the crown prince has not had a good death, but even the wise prince has not had a good death."

"As far as the emperor and the country are concerned, it may be regarded as a generation of British lords, but because of this, the eagle watches the wolf and is mean and ungrateful. Only when he hides behind and makes no noise can he sit in a big position."

"No matter how much the king of Qi and the king of Shu, no matter how much father and son lick the calf, can they beat this wise man?"

The idea of ​​Gui Junxi and King Lu is not to fight or grab at ordinary times, the snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit, and to be the filial son who gets the last profit.

But suddenly a generation king appeared, and the king of Lu was caught off guard. Unlike the two kings of Qi and Shu, the generation king was more mysterious and unpredictable, which meant that it was easier to jump out of control and become a dark horse.

Thinking of the apparition of the shrine that just happened, the two kings of Qi and Shu felt that if the acting king got this job, it might be abolished. Only the Lu royal party is more sober, thinking that this matter is not necessarily a bad thing, if it is done well, or benefit from it.

Gui Junxi also proposed to attack the Dai Wangfei because of this. If the Dai Wang had another eldest son, it would be even more troublesome for them.

Withdrawing his thoughts, facing King Lu's question, Gui Junxi said: "Don't worry, my lord, this magical artifact is a one-time use, and there will be no trace of mana after the event."

"As long as you get close to Dai Wangfei, you will launch an attack."

"If the fetus can't bear it, it will have a miscarriage. It is said in the palace that the health is not very good. Although I have always wanted to make a big return to the alchemy, it is not easy to say. The Emperor Long'an took over the extremely prosperous empire, and the territory is still there. Above this dynasty, it has been done for 30 years, but it has not been successful."

Gui Junxi smiled secretly: "Is there any reason for success now? God will not allow it."

"There are not many days in the palace, how can we establish a king without descendants?"

"So Dai Wangfei had a miscarriage this time, even if Dai Wang has a second fetus in the future, I am afraid that the critical time for the succession has passed - all civil and military officials will not support it."

"Of course, if the Dai Wangfei bears it, under the magic weapon, she will also reveal her own life and show a different appearance."

"With the emperor's meanness and lack of kindness, and at this time, there is really a man of destiny..." Gui Junxi chuckled, stroking his short beard: "I'm afraid the palace may not accept it before we do it."

Now Your Majesty is at an extremely sensitive moment, and may be furious if there is any disturbance, and he will never be happy to hear that the emperor's grandson is a man of destiny at this time, he will only feel more threatened.

At the beginning, he was able to destroy all the princes, even the decent emperor's grandson, but now he will let go of a child who has not yet been born?

"Even if we let it go, we'll still rely on spreading rumors—let's just say that this baby looks like a dragon and a phoenix, and that once it's born, it will surely help the father to save the world and bring peace to the people!"

"Even if we don't have a magic weapon, we can still make this rumor. It's just that we don't have abnormal appearances, so it's hard to believe."

Hearing this, the King of Lu felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly felt a kind of fear. This is indeed a poisonous plan that is difficult to avoid no matter how hard he tries to avoid it. As long as it is implemented smoothly, his father will not tolerate it.

Gui Junxi has been helping him all the time, there is no doubt about it, it's just that this person is so scheming, how can he control it?

King Lu glanced at Gui Junxi, nodded, and asked again: "Your words are better than ten years of reading - are you ready for the ending?"

"The preparations are clear." Gui Junxi personally supervised the matter to ensure that everything was safe, and softly comforted the obviously disturbed King Lu.

"Don't worry, the person who connected with Grandma Jia is not from us, but through someone else's hand. When something happens, it will be silenced. No matter who investigates it, it will not be found out, let alone us. "

The little fox outside was shocked when he heard this.

And when it was startled, the white light on its body shield also flashed.

A faint dragon chant sounded in his ears, and Gui Junxi frowned immediately, his face turned green and white, and he pinched his fingers in his sleeves——strange, although he had a reaction, he couldn't find anything.

He immediately stopped talking and winked with King Lu, meaning to stop talking for now.

Lu Wang was stunned, his heart trembled, he inherited his mother's intuition, and he believed in this deeply - relying on this to avoid catastrophe many times.

With a calm demeanor, he changed the subject inadvertently, and said to the housekeeper Zhou who was still waiting on him: "You have done a good job this time, and you will be rewarded. Go to the accountant to get ten taels of silver, and say that I will reward you!"

Steward Zhou thanked him immediately, knowing that it was time for him to back out, he backed out silently, wiped off his sweat casually, hearing what he said just now made his hair stand on end, and wanted to back out but was afraid of attracting attention.

Here, King Lu entered the room with Gui Junxi after speaking.

The little fox shrank into a ball, not daring to move.

After a while, he moved cautiously step by step, crawling like a bug, but instead of heading towards King Lu, he headed towards the direction where Guanshi Zhou left.

After a long time, King Lu and Gui Junxi came out of the house, and Gui Junxi frowned: "Could it be that I feel wrong, but the dragon's aura fluctuates, or there are demons approaching, but no demonic aura can be detected."

(End of this chapter)

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