fake prince

Chapter 832

Chapter 832

"My lord rewards you with money, which is because I value you, brother Zhou, you have to work harder in the future, and don't disappoint my lord's respect."

At the tent, the chief steward of Prince Charu's mansion was there, and personally handed over a piece of Beijing silver.

Manager Zhou burst into a smile all over his face, bowed and said repeatedly: "What you said is that we all rely on the prince for food, and receive the grace of the prince, how can we not be dedicated?"

Steward Zhou did a good job this time, not only got the money, but also got the prince's attention, even the chief steward's attitude is much more friendly, which really makes people feel happy.

It would have been better if I hadn't heard those words just now.

Throwing away the silver ingot in his hand, it took a while to put it into his arms, humming a little song, and wandering away.

Walking in the corridor, you can still hear the sound of the rain hitting the top of your head, and the rustling of the drizzle. Manager Zhou is very excited, thinking about going back later, finishing the work at hand first, and letting the kitchen cook for himself at noon. Get a few side dishes and boil a pot of wine, it must feel delicious!

After turning around a corridor and walking a few steps, I found that there seemed to be something on the ground in front of me, which had a faint light on a rainy day, like silver.

Ben had just won a silver reward, and was sensitive to silver, and every time something came into view, Zhou Guanshi's heart skipped a beat.

Oh, is it really worth the money?

Quickly walked a few steps to the front, looked down, the thing on the ground, it is not a silver ingot!

"Hey, I'm so lucky! Could it be that I got lucky today? Did I get money one after another?"

He picked it up and put it in his hand. It was about five taels of silver ingots, and the silver ingots in his arms were all official silver, the difference was only half the size. Who lost it?

Look left, look right, the corridor is empty, there is no one else around here.

Although waiting here, maybe someone will come back to look for it after a while, but this is five taels of silver, not copper coins and broken silver, but a silver ingot. I picked it up and handed it over. Rao just got ten taels of reward Yin, Zhou Guanshi is also very reluctant.

So he just had this thought in his mind, without stopping his body, the next moment he picked it up, he looked left and right, put the money into his arms, and left happily.

What he didn't see was that not far behind him, a fox's head was poking out from the corridor, watching him go away.


He is really a money-grubbing person, the little fox looked at this person and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The little fox has completed several similar tasks, and there is no one who is not greedy for money. Although it doesn't know what kind of spell it is, if it is greedy for money and takes the money, it often ends badly.


No matter, this time I successfully completed the task, I will ask Su Ziji to prepare more olives when I go back——ah, unfortunately I haven’t eaten them recently, this is too irregular, let’s try to eat some chicken drumsticks!

"Huh? Something's wrong." The little fox stood upright and looked at the courtyard, only to see the big snake with long horns constantly swaying in the dimness, as if it was restless.

And the thin threads entangled on it became even more troublesome. When I entered, there were only fine threads on the four sides and above the Lu Palace, but now when I went out, I found that there were also fine threads on the road, and the number was several times more.

Could it be that he found out that it was a demon coming in and took precautions?

He didn't hear the sound of the dragon chant, and didn't know that King Lu and Gui Junxi were waiting for the demon to be caught, so the little fox looked around in confusion.


Half a piece of red sandalwood tin hangs down, it can clearly see these thin lines, as long as you walk carefully, you won't get scratched.

On the way, it also met a few groups of inspectors, the leaders of which were all possessed by Dao Dharma fluctuations. Although they were not as powerful as the man who talked to King Lu before, if they met head-on, it would be troublesome, so the time to go out was shorter than the time to come in Also several times more.

After finally turning left and right, it got under the wall again. It lightly slipped through the thin wire net and jumped onto the wall.

Looking back, he looked mockingly, then jumped down and ran into the distance.

"Huh, I seem to have seen a civet cat?" A soldier in the patrol team said in surprise.

"...Don't talk nonsense, you didn't see anything." A captain of the team glanced at it and happened to see its jumping figure, and ordered in a low voice.

Wild cats are not human, they all jumped out, how to catch them?

In the palace, the rules are strict, if you don't find out, it's fine, if you find out, but you can't catch it, if you label a trash, you will be punished instead.

The captain was originally a soldier in the army. I don’t know how much blood was shed and how many times he died before he became a hundred households. In the end, he made this mistake, was almost killed, and was demoted to be a corps leader!

Since then, I have learned to be smart, and later I found an opportunity to move to the palace to work as an errand. During this process, I have seen too many colleagues who are so stupid. They were also beaten and demoted, and some were unlucky and even beheaded.

It is said that the same is true of civil servants.

If you didn't catch it and reported it, wouldn't you be furious?Deserve to die!

The light rain was still falling, and when we went back, the white light on the little fox's body somehow became weaker, and the rain fell on the fur, making it run faster, almost turning into a beam of light. Jumped over the high wall roof.

When I returned to the Daiwang Mansion, it was just in time for lunch, the smoke rose from the kitchen, and the fragrance burst out. The little fox took a breath, entered the main courtyard lightly, and followed the breath to the outside of the study.

Gently opened the door of the study with his paws, and entered with ease.

"Chirp!" The little fox yelled softly, although he saw it often, his eyes lit up immediately, and he saw Su Ziji in a light robe, looking so bright that it made people forget the world at first sight. "

"Back?" Su Ziji, who was talking, signaled it to jump up, and turned to the wild Taoist: "Go on."

The little fox jumped lightly and arrived in front of Su Ziji. Su Ziji picked up the handkerchief and wiped the water off his fur. I wiped my feet, it was a little muddy.

The wild Taoist glanced at the little fox: "My lord, Luo Jiang's mother's errand has been completed."

"Three days ago, the earth dragon turned over and killed and injured tens of thousands of people. I immediately sent people to do it, and used similar corpses to create the illusion of being smashed to death. People have been rescued."

"The Imperial City Division reacted quickly, and felt that the bloody face was a bit suspicious, and investigated nearby."

"I sent someone to deal with it, and now it has calmed down a bit, and I can report to the lord."

Luo Jiang's mother was in the hands of the high-level officials of the Imperial City Department. Once she was found to be betrayed, her mother would die tragically immediately. This was something Luo Jiang would never allow to happen.

But now, her mother has won.

"The one who knows me, Mr. Lu." Su Ziji was really satisfied, thought for a while, and said slowly: "Sooner or later, the Secretary of the Imperial City will convey this news to Luo Jiang."

"Pay attention to the people she comes into contact with. If you find someone who contacts her and her expression changes drastically, it means that this person is from the Imperial City Division."

"Record this person and look at this person. We know whether he is on the list or not. It's not too late to surprise her. Otherwise, if she knows in advance, she may show her weakness in front of this person."

"Yes, that minister will leave." Ye Daoist glanced at the little fox again, got up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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