fake prince

Chapter 833

Chapter 833

"No, you should be cautious in handling things. I always rest assured that there are some things that you know are not harmful." Su Ziji said.

The wild Taoist sat down again.

A dictionary that had been prepared a long time ago was opened, and Su Ziji signaled it to "speak" through the dictionary.

"Chirp!" The little fox was half lying on the table, flipping its paws deftly, turning a few pages, pointing to a few words, and screaming.

"King Lu wants to use a weapon...to attack the princess?"

Su Ziji shuddered, stood up immediately, and asked, "When and where? How to attack?"

"Chirp!" The little fox flipped through the dictionary again, pointing to each word for Su Ziji to read.

The wild Taoist also leaned over to watch, and suddenly understood the mysterious source of the lord's news, and sighed secretly in his heart: "How many secrets does the lord have?"

This time, it was repeated by the wild Taoist population: "Taoist do it? Magical artifact... Jia Nanny sneaked into the mansion?"

"Chirp!" The little fox continued flipping through the dictionary, pointing to each word and shouting.

"A one-time attack? Unable to bear it, the fetus died, but if you bear it, you will reveal your life?"

Then the little fox pointed several times in turn, "talking" to the two of them about all the conversations it heard, as well as some details it saw.

He also pawed at the small cloth bag hanging around his neck with his paws, continued flipping through the dictionary, and "said" in words that he would give the money to "Guan Zhou".

Su Ziji's face sank like water, his hands trembled slightly, he pressed it quickly, gritted his teeth and said nothing, tasting the news brought back by the little fox, everything he didn't understand before, now he understands.

"I don't regret that I didn't have a miscarriage in my dream. I guess I can bear it. There is no miscarriage..."

"But if you bear it, you will reveal the life of the fetus, or because of this, it will also expose her when she enters the Tao, and then attract the emperor's attention, or it may be someone from the king of Lu who told her that she disappeared later..."

This is doing something to his wife and children. Thinking of this, Su Ziji looked cold: "Since you did it first, don't blame me."

"King Lu's heart can be punished, but his behavior is even more intolerable."

Su Ziji drew a list, drew a line on the name of a concubine whom the King of Lu is currently fond of, and then drew a line on the name of Zhou Guanshi, and finally drew a line on the name "Shuiyun Temple" A line was also drawn on it, and he looked at the wild Taoist.

Ye Daoren was terrified when he heard it just now, and he immediately said: "I understand, I will start from King Lu, and I will cooperate in all aspects. Please rest assured, my lord."

As he spoke, he sighed inwardly, and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Su Ziji called out again.

"My lord?" Ye Daoist turned around and looked over.

Su Ziji said gloomyly: "Don't do it yourself, we chose the Shuiyun Temple, let the Taoist and the Vatican start first to create public opinion, and the Beijing News we control will follow up. When the fire is almost ready, there will naturally be big firecrackers .”

The so-called big firecrackers naturally refer to "people" or "things" that make everything "explode" instantly.

Ye Daoist's mind turned quickly, and he immediately remembered that in the past, the servants of each family "spoke the truth" just right, and he was even more enlightened: "Yes, I understand, I will resign."

This time he withdrew, but Su Ziji didn't stop him, the door of the study was opened and then closed, leaving only Su Ziji and the little fox in the room, Su Ziji pampered the little fox and said: " You have completed this task very well, what do you want to eat?"

"Chirp!" The little fox gestured with his paw.

"Whole chicken or drumstick?" Su Ziji asked.

The little fox nodded again and again, expressing that he wanted it.

"It seems that the fox's favorite food is still chicken, so this time I will let you eat it openly, and let you eat whatever you want for three consecutive days?" Su Ziji said with a smile.

"Chirp!" The little fox nodded immediately.

Su Ziji then called in a servant and ordered: "Go to the kitchen and order to make whole chickens for the two foxes. Starting today, for at least three days, in addition to the usual food for them, prepare two whole chickens every day. "

"Yes." The servant responded immediately.

Just about to leave, Su Ziji pondered for a while, and then ordered: "Go and call Bo Yan to come to the study."

"Yes." With two tasks, the servant went out.

Su Ziji saw that the fox and the people were gone, so the veins in his neck tensed up, and he kicked over the small case. The whole study room was in a mess, with books flying around, brushes and ink knocked over, and ink splashed everywhere. everywhere...

"Is there any poisonous plan to fight back?"

"There is."

"Shuiyun Temple is the sanctuary of the Empress of Three Caves. It was originally famous for begging for a son, but where there is a son out of thin air, the inside is filthy."

"It is said that the concubine Wei, the mother of King Lu, once went out of the palace to pay her respects, and soon there will be King Lu?"

The 16th level of the way of governing has really refined the insidiousness and cunning to the extreme, and it is almost grandiose. It's not that Su Ziji didn't think of it, but this kind of poisonous scheme is too wicked.

It's just that King Lu's trip immediately angered Su Ziji, and he couldn't help but grinned.

At this moment, a young man's voice sounded outside the door: "Your Majesty, Bo Yanqiu sees you."

"I know." Su Ziji came out of the study, stood at the door and turned to the corridor, Bo Yan glanced over, saw the scattered books from the corner of his eye, was secretly surprised, saluted Su Ziji, and followed him to a corner of the corridor.

Su Ziji looked at the rockery in the courtyard, and asked after a long time, "After entering the mansion, are you still used to it?"

Bo Yan originally wanted to talk to Luo Jiang, and told her mother about it, but before he had time, Dai Wang wanted to see him, and he felt uneasy, a little confused, so when he heard Dai Wang's question, he quickly bowed: "Not only is there enough room and board in the mansion, , I even arranged for a servant girl to wait on me, I am originally from the Jianghu, so I am really grateful for such a generous treatment."

But in fact the situation is not so good.

Now the newcomers are divided into two teams, Bo Yan, Zheng Huai, Pang Si and others who are obviously skilled in martial arts but have ulterior motives. The first team is led by Wei Hai. This kind of team always makes Bo Yan feel a little uneasy.

But can these words be said to Dai Wang?

It must be impossible.

He could only reply a few words respectfully, expressing his gratitude to the prince for his care.

Su Ziji smiled slightly after hearing this, and said to Bo Yan: "You think it's good, so I don't worry—this king gives you a task, and there is a mother Jia in front of the princess. This king thinks there is something wrong, so you come and investigate her." , are you confident?"

Grandma Jia?

A servant in the house?

Bo Yan didn't have much impression of this Nanny Jia. After all, he was someone close to the princess. He didn't come here to hide for a long time. He was always looking for an opportunity to kill Wen Xunpeng, but such an opportunity was not easy to find. Doing something, or gaining the trust of Dai Wang, is this a good thing?

Thinking of this, Bo Yan decided to investigate the matter carefully, and immediately responded: "Yes, I will definitely handle the errands assigned by the king!"

"Okay, then it's up to you to do it, and if you get the result, remember to tell the housekeeper."

Su Ziji's understatement made Bo Yan feel that this was a test for him by the king.

How big a deal can a matter that only needs to be reported to the housekeeper after the investigation results?Bo Yan didn't think that a servant girl in the inner house could have any serious problems, it probably had something to do with the secrets of the inner house.

Thinking of this, Bo Yan retreated in response.

"Okay, the transfer is gone, the dog eats the dog, and when Luo Jiang meets her mother, no one will be watching." Su Ziji smiled coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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