fake prince

Chapter 834

Chapter 834

"The villain will get things done."

Bo Yan took the order to go out and walked in the corridor, thinking about the king's explanation, and thought to himself: "This matter is easy to handle, but I just received the news that something happened to Luo Jiang's mother, and I have already made an appointment with her. You can go to Luo Jiang first and tell her about it, anyway, it won't delay much."

But after walking for a while, he stopped again.

"No, originally I didn't have an errand, so I could talk about it and accompany her to see her family. Now that I have an errand, I can't accompany her. The news is actually not certain, and I'll wait until Pai Xiaopa confirms it."

It's fine if the thing is true, in case there was a misunderstanding, he said it, but Luo Jiang's mother didn't die, so he cursed her mother himself?

But Bo Yan knew that she attached great importance to her mother, such a mistake could not be made up for, maybe even friends didn't have to make it, so thinking about it, she turned back.

"Brother Bo!" A servant, who didn't know what to do, was carrying a few bolts of silk, and greeted him.

"Zuo Tai, who are you making clothes for?" Bo Yan walked, and asked calmly, "Could it be your daughter-in-law?"

"You guessed it right, summer is coming soon, the princess rewarded the silk, saying that it was for the women in the mansion to make clothes, and my daughter-in-law and daughter also have a share - we really dare not accept such a generous treatment from the princess!"

"I have to tell my daughter-in-law when I go back to serve her more attentively."

"That's it, that's it!" Bo Yan smiled, the treatment in the palace will neither be given more nor less, compared to other palaces, there are not as many people using it, and the salary is [-] to [-]% higher according to the level.

Bo Yan reads some books, so he always thinks this is just right.

"Enmity turns into enmity, I've heard of it."

"Is this the skill of a scholar?"

Along the way, it wasn't just this person. Bo Yan also greeted people one after another on the road. Although Bo Yan didn't enter the stewardship level in the mansion, the top three were treated as guests. Not bad, he can be a human being, so naturally he can get along with the people in the mansion.

But that's it. To get more information, it is very difficult to do it with his current status, let alone sneak into Wen Xunpeng's courtyard to kill people.

The rules of the palace are strict, and the patrols are divided into sections. I can't get into the inner circle at all, not to mention, since Wen Xunpeng was assassinated once, I have been following people around Wen Xunpeng. Luo Jiang is a big threat, and Bo Yan is unwilling to fight her again, and has not yet found a chance to breathe, so he dare not act rashly.

"Besides, I always feel that her martial arts has improved a lot. Where did she get the inheritance?"

Bo Yan was very puzzled, although he didn't know about "controlled use", but he was very familiar with the outside martial arts, did not control the teaching of martial arts, and waited for the apprentices or helped the crowd to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors?

Bo Yan returned to his own house, which was specially used by single (foreign) soldiers, one room next to another, and there were more than 20 rooms lined up one by one.

There are a few rooms where people are gambling together, shouting and shouting, and some people are drinking alone in the room. They are all guards who are not on duty, and the quagmire has not yet worn off.

But in reality, they are all single-room rooms, and the beds and furniture are not shabby. Bo Yan sits at the round table and drank half a bowl of water, then gets up and goes to the door, calling to stop the two people passing by.

"Wen Li, Wang Qi, you two come here, I have something to tell you."

Wen Li and Wang Qi all followed into Daiwang's mansion, but because of their strength, they were of course the lowest in the mansion. They felt that Bo Yan's number one would rise to the top sooner or later, so they came over obediently when they heard the greeting.

"What's the matter, Brother Bo, what's the matter?" Wen Li asked.

"It's true that I need your help..." Bo Yan said, and he told Wang Gang what he had to say to himself, and reminded: "Although this is not a big deal, the prince will personally explain it to you. Once it is done, you can be seen by him." When it comes to grades, you didn't enter the mansion just to eat and drink, but to do something, right?"

Both of them nodded. People from Jianghu, unless they are spies like Bo Yan and Zheng Huai, the rest have no foundation or background. Who doesn't want to be a king who will value success and become famous?

If you want to be a part-time official again, and become a military officer with the imperial salary, then change the court - the royal family will give the Ministry of War a post, and they will give some face.

"Okay, come on, let's start from here..."

Not to mention how Bo Yan led the two to investigate, there was a courtyard in the mansion, and a manager in his forties was absent-mindedly listening to the servant's report.

"That's all?" the steward raised his eyelids and asked.

The servant looked pretty and smart, and replied, "Yes, Uncle Jiang, that's all."

"Then follow the usual practice and send it to the courtyards." The steward said, and suddenly added: "Miss Luo seems to be a little short of ice, the girl from her courtyard came to me last time, I need to go and explain this matter , just in time to send the purchased fresh fruit together, and save you an extra trip."

This gesture really won him some thanks.

"Okay, go and do your work."

Like an elder, he waved him away, and the steward went to Luo Jiang's residence with a basket of fresh fruits.

"Miss Luo, are you there?" He shouted at the gate of the courtyard, and a maid came out of the room and looked around: "Manager Jiang?"

Seeing that it was Jiang Yi, the steward of the mansion, the servant girl ran over immediately.

"Why did you come here directly with something? Give it to me quickly!" She said, and took the fruit basket from him.

"Is Miss Luo in there?" Jiang Yi handed it with a smile and asked at the same time.

The servant girl glanced at them, and found that they were all fresh fruits. She swallowed secretly, and said, "Miss Luo is reading a book inside..."

"Didn't you say last time that some time ago, you received less ice?" Jiang Yi changed his subject: "I checked the accounts, and there was a large piece of ice missing..."

"I'll just say it, I won't remember it wrong." The servant girl breathed a sigh of relief: "That ice..."

"Bing, you can come and get it at any time. I have to personally apologize to Miss Luo for this matter..." Jiang Yi said dignifiedly.

Although Jiang Yi is not a big housekeeper, he still has some face in the management. He relies on his ability to be a man. He will come to apologize specially, which is in line with the past. The maid didn't have any doubts, and immediately said: "Then you come in first, I will Go and call Miss Luo."

Jiang Yi followed into the courtyard, and soon a girl in a goose yellow thin skirt came out, her eyes were calm, and she asked, "Boss Jiang is looking for me?"

It was Luo Jiang, who had moved his body and nourished his spirit, and received generous treatment from the palace. He used to have a trace of wildness, but now he couldn't feel it. A batch of fresh fruits, as usual, I will also send you a basket."

"A few days ago, you received less ice. This is due to the negligence of my people. Look, should I bring it to you directly, or will I bring it to you together when I collect it next time?"

Luo Jiang has always been indifferent to such things: "It's all right."

"Since that's the case, how about making it up for you next time?" Jiang Yi said.

"it is good."

"By the way, someone asked me to deliver this to you." Jiang Yi took advantage of the maid to carry the fruit back to the room, and suddenly handed a note to Luo Jiang.

Luo Jiang: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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