fake prince

Chapter 835 Jiang Yi's Righteousness

Chapter 835 Jiang Yi's Righteousness

Luo Jiang was stunned, then he realized that he took the note in his hand, and when he looked at Jiang Yi again, his eyes were a bit wrong. This Jiang Yi suddenly stuffed himself with a note, could it be that he was also the one inserted by the Secretary of the Imperial City?

It can be heard that it is from the prince's old family, not a newcomer.

After Jiang Yi handed over the note, he said, "Miss Luo, don't you want to read it?"

Luo Jiang felt a little weird, but he just looked at the note, and there was nothing wrong with it, so he unfolded the folded note and looked at it.

"Boom!" With just this one glance, what he saw was a thunder, which made Luo Jiang's whole head buzz, his face turned pale immediately, and he said with difficulty: "Mother... Mother..."

Mother has gone?Didn't you wait until you raised yourself?

Jiang Yi was opposite her, and saw the girl's pale face, which turned gray in a blink of an eye.

Luo Jiang didn't even ask Jiang Yi if the note was real. Luo Jiang was very clear about her mother's situation. That's why she listened to the Imperial City Secretary because she was skilled in martial arts.

And not many people know that she still has a biological mother. Even if this matter she is looking forward to is false, it must be possible.

What if... what if it's true?

No way!She wants to go home immediately!

After a short period of dizziness, Luo Jiang didn't care about anything else, and was about to run out without saying a word.

"Hey? Miss Luo, are you going out now? Do you want to ask Dai Wang for leave first?" Seeing this, Jiang Yi immediately followed him out, pretending to be anxious behind him.

Facing the news that his only family member might have gone, how could Luo Jiang become rational?

Luo Jiangli ignored Jiang Yi's shout, ran to the stable, pulled out a horse, got on the horse, and rushed out.

"Miss Luo, what are you going to do? Ah! Miss Luo, chase after her, she has rushed out on a horse!"

"Miss Luo is crazy, go after her!"

"Go and report to the prince!"

After chasing to the stable, watching Luo Jiang snatch a horse and rushing out, the groom and servants were all dumbfounded, and when they came back to their senses, they shouted and chased after him. Jiang Yi, who was hiding in the dark and watching, nodded his head immediately.

"It seems that she really doesn't know that the suspicion of acting on behalf of the palace can be reduced by a few points."

The Earth Dragon earthquake caused countless casualties, and the Imperial City Secretary panicked for a moment. When someone recovered and went to check on Luo Jiang's mother, they found that she had been crushed to death by falling bricks and tiles at home, her head and face were bloody and bloody.

This time there were more than [-] casualties, and it was not uncommon to be killed, but the head and face were bloody and bloody, which looked a bit like it, but the people in the Imperial City Division immediately suffered from occupational diseases and became suspicious—is this Li Daitao's stiffness?

Hence the temptation.

Luo Jiang said that he obviously didn't know about it, and it can be seen from this point that if he really acted like that, he would have to admit it.

Since Luo Jiang didn't know about it, it can only explain two possibilities, the first is that the Dai Wangfu knew about it and didn't tell Luo Jiang, and the second is that the Daiwangfu didn't know about it.

"Dai Wang's attitude towards Luo Jiang has always been lukewarm, and he only acts as an ordinary female coach or personal bodyguard. There is no attempt to win over, or there is no secret at all. He really doesn't care."

"And Luo Jiang's mother was accidentally crushed to death."

Almost at the same time, in the study, Su Ziji was listening to the servant's report with his face sinking like water, and the wild Taoist sitting next to him was also drinking tea slowly, listening in the same way.

"So, Jiang Yi has already seen Luo Jiang at this time?" Su Ziji asked: "Then Luo Jiang grabbed the horse and ran out?"

The servant replied immediately: "Yes."

Su Ziji waved his servants to leave, turned his face and said: "Send fresh fruit, I'm short of ice to explain, huh."

Thinking of the people who betrayed him in the dream, Su Ziji didn't want to directly convict the rest of them, except for the concubine's mother Jia. It is revealed.

Su Ziji couldn't help but sigh: "Whether it's Jia Nanny or Jiang Yi, I was promoted from the mud, and the treatment is not bad. Why did they all betray?"

"My lord, why do you need to ask questions knowingly?" The savage Taoist smiled slightly: "In matters of the world, and human feelings, it is easy to bow down and obey, but difficult to look up and disagree."

"The king of Qi, the king of Shu, the king of Lu is fine. Now he is at the same level as the lord, so it can't be said that he is inferior. Jia Nanny is just a woman with little knowledge and greed. The nobles of the family can tolerate it, and they will surely die in the future."

"As for Jiang Yi, the Secretary of the Imperial City has the righteousness of the court. If he says that he is the court's supervisor, Jiang Yi may be full of sincerity and chastity. He doesn't even want five taels of silver, but he must do his best."

"This is not treason, this is loyalty."

Su Ziji turned his face away and pondered, thinking about Jiang Yi's character, and Tian Yin, who hadn't found out how much he had under his name, it was really possible, so he couldn't help but smile.

"Now the orphan really knows that his hero is my enemy."

"It really lives up to the righteousness of his name."

"Your Majesty, Manager Jiang is asking to see you!" Just as Jiang Yi was speaking, a servant came in to report.

"Let him in." Su Ziji frowned, then said with a smile.

"My lord!" Jiang Yi hurriedly said as soon as he came in, "Miss Luo suddenly went crazy, grabbed a horse and rushed out!"

"What?" Su Ziji stood up as soon as he heard it, angrily, "What's going on? No matter how urgent something is, you shouldn't take the horse and leave without permission. Go and investigate right away, what's going on!"

Jiang Yi responded immediately: "Yes! Let's go check it out, little one!"

After he went out, the wild Taoist sitting next to him put the tea on the table and said to Su Ziji: "My lord, things have happened as you expected, what should we do now? Just let Luo Jiang misunderstand this matter?"

"Also, do you pay too much attention to her?"

"This girl's temperament is really extraordinary. You may not know it. I gave her three cheat books, and within half a month, she mastered them."

"In terms of talent in martial arts, it's on par with Mr. Lin Guo, but Mr. Lin is so distracted, but she is dedicated to swordsmanship."

"The Imperial City Secretary treats her as a spy. It's really reckless. This woman may be of great use in the future. At least the safety of the princess may depend on her."

"In the mansion, there must be a real swordsman master, otherwise it will be impossible to defend against assassination."

Especially when Lingxi was recovering, Su Ziji looked into the distance and said lightly: "Don't tell her yet, wait for Luo Jiang to come back, and tell her about it in a few days."

The wild Taoist felt that Luo Jiang might not be willing to return to the Dai Palace without the bondage of Luo Jiang's mother.

"My lord, will she come back?"

"Of course." Su Ziji said lightly: "Even if the biggest bond is gone, as long as she wants to live, she won't be able to escape for a while. Someone will force her to come back, otherwise this pawn will be useless."

After finishing speaking, he was silent for a moment, and then said to Ye Daoist: "You got the bottom line in advance, Jiang Yi, who was originally on the list, jumped out. If there are people we don't know who jump out suddenly, Gu Zhen I'm about to be afraid, and my suspicions are in control."

Ye Daoist hurriedly replied: "If the lord hadn't given the list in advance, I might not have been able to grasp the information so quickly."

Jiang Yi is in charge of things like this, he has always been kind to others, diligent in his work, innocent in background, and relatively early with the Dai Wang. Such a person, if the Dai Wang reminded him to investigate, the savage Taoist can't guarantee whether he can control the situation so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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