fake prince

Chapter 836

Chapter 836

Luo Jiang Benz, her mother temporarily lived in the capital, not far from Daiwang Mansion, rode out on horseback, and arrived home in a short while, this is an inconspicuous alley, her rush, two people in the alley Passers-by were taken aback.

Luo Jiang didn't care about it at all, got off the horse, threw the rope, and ran straight to the house in the alley without tying the horse, and opened the door to enter.

"Hey, you..." A neighbor saw that the door of this house was open, and thought that a coffin had been brought in not long ago, so he glanced inside, only to see her staggering forward, and opened the door in the middle of the courtyard. coffin.


The lid of the coffin fell to the ground with a bang, and the stench from inside rushed over.

As soon as Luo Jiang saw the bloody corpse lying inside, he rushed out with a mouthful of blood and fell down.

Seeing several people coming out of the side room, one came out in plain clothes but official boots, followed by two people, but no one spoke, someone went up and touched her nose, and pressed her pulse.

"Lord Lu, I really fainted."

Seeing that the official was still a little hesitant, he said: "Ordinary people will get angry when they encounter big things. Luo Jiangxiu has martial arts, and once he gets angry, he is especially powerful. This can't be faked."

Only then did Lord Lu nod his head: "It seems that I was suspicious, so let's do this, since the dead person will be given a pension so that he can be buried."

"Three days later, let her go back to the mansion to plead guilty, and be magnanimous on behalf of the king, and don't care about her whose mother died. Is this also filial piety!"


"It's nothing but, she has been favored by the emperor for a long time and knows the rules, so she will definitely agree." A sneer flashed across Master Lu's face, and he raised his hand slightly: "I will leave the matter here to you."

With that said, he lifted his foot and left.

Those who stayed behind saw that they were far away, and then greeted: "Hurry up, move Miss Luo to the bed to rest, hey, it's too pitiful."

Chui Chun Building

On the second floor of the restaurant, in a private room separated by a gauze screen, Liu Zhan sat at the table, and slowly ate and drank a few small dishes.

The scenery here is good, and the view is very good. Looking out from the window, you can overlook most of the street, and you can see the people and vehicles passing by at a glance.

As a Taoist, Liu Zhan can not only marry and have children, but also drink and eat meat. As for vegetarian dishes, that is the rule of Sanskrit, which is not popular in this era. evil!

However, Liu Zhan is not very interested in meat, and rather likes to drink. There are a few small dishes and a small jar of wine in front of him. With his drinking capacity, he can drink all these wines by himself without getting drunk.

There were hurried footsteps coming from the corridor outside, until the door, Liu Zhan slowly put down his chopsticks, and a Taoist had already opened the door and entered.

"My lord, the matter is done. We have assigned 21 people, all of whom are our believers and old neighbors from various fangs. Among other things, it is not difficult to spread the news, and it is guaranteed to spread quickly." The Taoist left Come to me and whisper back.

Liu Zhan was a little satisfied, and nodded: "Okay."

But after thinking about it, I still couldn't help telling: "This is the first thing Dai Wang asked us to do. We must do it well in order to gain Dai Wang's trust and eradicate some crooked ways!"

At this time, the Vatican religion was not considered prosperous, and its fatal weakness was that it could not show its holiness, so it collected martial arts and Taoism in an attempt to change its appearance. Since the threat was not great, the Vatican religion was still relatively peaceful, and often cooperated for a short time.

But there is no shortage of smart people in the Taoist sect. Naturally, we know that compared with the scattered Taoist sect, although the Brahma religion does not have a unified organization, it is credible that the same group of Brahma gods is the basis of unity. Unlike the Taoist sect, even who is the Taoist Lord Chattering, unwilling to compromise with each other.

Therefore, most of the time, they are regarded as potential competitors and have been suppressed continuously.

The Taoist who came in also knew a little bit that for them, the Buddhist religion is also a heretic, hesitated, and said in a low voice: "My lord, there is something that I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Don't hesitate to speak, speak!"

"It's just... when the disciples are doing things, they find that not only we are doing it, but a group of people are also doing it..."

Liu Zhan thought it was something, but he already knew about it, or guessed it.

"Who else can it be? Heh!" Patting on the table lightly, the real person of Yin Guan faction sneered: "This group of bald donkeys will cling!"

Thinking that these monks of Qingyuan Temple were originally imprisoned in the big prison, so they came out because of the king?

However, this can't be blamed on the Dai Wang. Liu Zhan has his eyes and ears, so he naturally knows that Fang Zhenfang, the young master of Huaifeng Hou Mansion, asked the Dai Wang to help him.

To this Young Master Fang, I couldn't help complaining: "Young Master Fang is too troublesome!"

The Taoist standing in front of him also sighed: "Yes, I finally got on the line with Dai Wang, and there are still people here to fight for merit!"

Liu Zhan snorted: "So we must do our errands well and let the Dai Wang know our abilities!"

Sighing in my heart, I know that this is pulling one faction against another faction, and I feel a little unhappy, but whoever said that this is the inevitable balance of the king, no matter who is the same.

So he turned to look at the window, and changed the subject: "The one you sent, is it the Yang family teahouse below? Something seems to be going wrong now."

"Yes, it's right below. It's a helper." The Taoist said, and he also went to the window to look.

I saw a teahouse next door to the restaurant, only one floor, not too small, suitable for ordinary people to drink tea, the owner of the teahouse invited a storyteller to tell stories in the teahouse to attract customers.

Today, it was this storyteller who told the story to the critical point. More than [-] people sat scattered in small groups, shouting hello from time to time, and the atmosphere was very lively.

"Isn't this the familiar Zhengxi Romance?"

There was a man sitting alone at a table facing the street by the window. He was wearing half-worn silk and satin. He looked a bit like an ordinary country gentleman, but this is the capital city, not outside. Those who can wear such attire are more likely to be the stewards of the high schools. At this time Showing a disdainful expression, he called: "Man, add some more water."

"Here we come." The waiter has always been careful to serve such guests, and whenever he called for more water, he quickly agreed to add hot water to the teapot.

"Serve a plate of peanuts." Drinking tea, the man said.

After the waiter hurriedly answered and went to get it, the man continued to drink water slowly, touched the three ingots of silver in his bosom, and felt his heart burning through his clothes.

"It would be great to meet such a good thing a few more times." It turned out that this person was just Zhou Guanshi who had just received a reward and picked up money.

He is in a very good mood now, and he feels a little dizzy when he walks on the road. Drinking tea and listening to books has always been his hobby. While he was free, he went to this teahouse he often visited and ordered a pot of good tea, drinking and listening happily.

"Let's talk about fame and fortune, let's get down to business..." The storyteller in front finally finished his climax, and this book is considered to be over.

Next, he will rest for a while. He should be respectful and respectful, and he should drink water. This storyteller must talk for at least an hour at a time, which is also a laborious task.

But if it stops in the middle, just as a book is finished, the guests may feel bored and leave, so at this time, it is time for the helper to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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